Stone type Precious Prevalence (Deposits) Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Canada, Russia, USA, South Africa Varieties
Selenite is a type of gypsum. The very one whose significance for humans has been known for a long time. Apply it
From this article you will learn: What stones does onyx belong to? What types of onyx exist?
How purple stones are evaluated The color is obtained by mixing red and blue. Different proportions create variety
What kind of stone: Precious; Deposits: India, Burma, Africa, Canada, USA, Norway, Thailand, Turkey, Greece, Kazakhstan,
Jade, sultanite, malachite, onyx - nowadays you will see more under these names
History and Origin In ancient times, the skill of stone processing was highly developed. In Ancient
Close relatives of pyrite in physical and chemical properties. What minerals can be confused with pyrite According to chemical,
Filigree (in Russian - scan, English filigree) is an openwork pattern or soldered onto metal
What is a carat? Historians believe that stones were measured in carats already in ancient times. Here