Leo is a stone according to the zodiac sign for women and men

Stones for Leo woman

Leo women exude confidence and self-esteem and are passionate about everything they do. At the same time, representatives of this sign are very often either stubborn or self-centered. If you are a Leo woman, peridot, rose quartz and citrine resonate best with your aura and can be great additions to your jewelry collection.

  • Radiant light green peridot
    is a heart chakra stone known to promote unconditional love and compassion, as well as promote forgiveness. Today it is used to heal emotional wounds and prevent depression and dark thoughts.
  • Rose quartz
    is a stone of emotional strength that promotes self-love. It helps you cope with insecurities, accept yourself, helps attract the love of a potential partner and removes blocks from past relationships that prevent you from falling in love and being loved.
  • Citrine
    emits energy that resonates with the energy of the Leo woman, and therefore is suitable for all representatives of this sign. Citrine is a stone of prosperity, it develops wisdom and intelligence. Your decision-making skills improve along with your compassion and forgiveness abilities.

Stones for Leo man

These individuals are natural leaders and determined enthusiasts. They are physically strong, ambitious and loyal. But they can be selfish and controlling if their emotions are not controlled. Tiger's eye, black onyx and garnet are minerals that resonate and balance the energy of a Leo man.

  • Black Onyx
    improves mental clarity and stamina. This helps the owner of the gemstone to realize his strengths and weaknesses, instills discipline, helps him find a balance between his fiery nature and emotions.
  • Tiger's Eye
    strengthens your willpower. Yes, Leos are a group of authoritative people. However, they too may hesitate or have doubts. Eye of the Tiger will guide you through episodes of uncertainty and help you establish your superiority.
  • Garnet
    in all its forms - almandine, uvarovite, pyrope, etc. - will help to discover and manifest innate creative abilities and hidden talents, and encourage self-development.

Which stones are suitable for Leo men?

Male Leos need talismans that help them realize their potential, avoid the machinations of envious people and competitors, and achieve success in their chosen business. These are the following minerals:

  • alexandrite – an amulet for leaders and authorities, relieves doubts, calms;
  • sapphire - improves intuition, helps in the implementation of ideas, guides along the right path, protects from unnecessary people;
  • sardonyx - a talisman of good luck, suitable for careerists, eliminates uncertainty and suspiciousness;
  • chrysolite – an assistant in the development of communication skills, increases the authority of the owner in society;
  • ruby – gives energy, shows talents;
  • carnelian is a talisman for young guys, helping them move towards their goals.

Stones for Leo by decade

The choice of the optimal mineral for decoration depends on the decade of the zodiac month:

I decade (from July 23 to August 3)

The first ten days of the sign coming into force, that is, from July 23 to August 3, is under the auspices of Saturn. The character of such Leos is arrogant, domineering, strong, rebellious. Talismans that will make them less categorical and direct are suitable for them. It is worth paying attention to carnelian, moonstone, red jasper, rock crystal and jade products.

II decade (from 4 to 12 August)

Those born from August 4 to August 12 are ruled by Jupiter. Such Leos are distinguished by pedantry, attention to detail and a desire for everything to be according to the rules that Leos themselves came up with. To balance the energy and make the representatives of the sign less boring and make them attractive, citrine, onyx, amber, opal, cat's eye, and jade are suitable .

III decade (from August 13 to August 23)

Mars is the patron of Leos born between August 13 and 23. Such individuals are the strongest, decisive and intellectually gifted representatives of the sign. Diamond, zircon, ruby, alexandrite, garnet, tourmaline, topaz, emerald and sapphire will help protect against negativity coming from others, attract good luck and soberly assess what is happening around.

How to choose a stone for a Leo man

A strong, courageous representative of the sign needs protection from external influence. Properly selected minerals will help neutralize negative character traits.

Astrologers recommend the following stones for a Leo man:

  • Representatives of the sign achieve success in many areas of life, but there are also rapid declines in their lives. A talisman with an amethyst, with its powerful aura, protects against failure and does not allow the owner to lose confidence in his abilities.
  • A man who aspires to become a leader or politician should pay attention to alexandrite. This gem gives power, helps to manage people, and teaches you to make informed decisions.
  • Carnelian can attract good luck, give courage and determination. It will help reveal the potential capabilities of the owner of the mineral.
  • Jasper is a talisman that can attract love and happiness. Astrologers consider him the embodiment of courage and nobility. The gem will make Leo softer towards loved ones, calm him down in moments of anger and teach him to admit his mistakes.
  • Sardonyx is considered the most powerful amulet for Leo. It fights bouts of bad mood, makes a person successful and lucky, and protects against negativity and self-destruction.
  • Aquamarine will be useful in conflict situations. It extinguishes emotions, calms, gives wisdom and prudence.
  • Black onyx nourishes with energy, takes away bad thoughts and feelings. The mineral attracts the attention and respect of other people.
  • Peridot (peridot) will help improve relationships with others and become more tolerant.

bracelet with peridot

Stones for Leo by date of birth

Numerologists believe that each number responds to its own unique energy source. Here are the options for stones for Leo, taking into account the date of birth:

  • July 23, August 5, 14 - ruby ​​- increases spirit and mental abilities, encourages leadership, increases concentration and intellectual acumen.
  • July 24, August 6, 15 - pomegranate - activates courage and strength, motivates to move forward and inspires creativity.
  • July 25, August 7, 16 - tiger's eye - helps to realize dreams and ideas and unleash creativity.
  • July 26, August 8, 17 - rose quartz - to enhance feelings of compassion, emotional harmony, reduce anxiety.
  • July 27, August 9, 18 - carnelian - to stimulate creative talents and maximize abilities.
  • July 28, August 1, 10, 19 - citrine - for material success, self-confidence and intelligence.
  • July 29, August 2, 11, 20 - topaz - gives a lot of energy to sociable Leos, enhances natural magnetism and attracts friends.
  • July 30, August 3, 12, 21 - Peridot, increases mental clarity and clears negativity, especially guilt, jealousy and fear.
  • July 31, August 4, 13, 22 - black onyx - disciplines, focuses on achieving goals, helps to concentrate.

Stones for Leo according to the Eastern horoscope

People born in different years have their own special characteristics.

Leo + Rat

Stylish, generous and always cheerful, they are natural leaders who crave attention. They usually have no problem speaking for themselves, but may have problems listening to others. To improve communication with others, you should choose amethyst or turquoise.

Leo + Ox

Active and spontaneous, such a person can be quite aggressive and hostile, as anger comes quickly. To control your emotions, try wearing black onyx or carnelian.

Lion + Tiger

Attention seekers, they can be arrogant and boastful to a fault! However, armed with enormous charm, Tiger-Leo is often faithful and generous; pyrite and jasper suit him very well.

Lion + Rabbit

An example of a person capable of enormous achievements. Even though they seem quite calm, they may find it difficult to hide their emotions. White quartz or diamonds will help balance your character.

Lion + Dragon

Confident and charismatic, they can be very stubborn and sometimes inconsistent, and often suffer from excessive anxiety. Rose quartz and alexandrite will help relieve tension and feel comfortable.

Leo + Snake

These individuals are generous and open. They love adventure and the outdoors. On the other hand, they can be overconfident and overly aggressive. It is recommended to choose yellow colored stones, such as yellow sapphire or amber.

Lion + Horse

They love adventure and the world is their amusement park. They enjoy being admired and are generally not bothered by self-doubt. To maintain energy levels, you should choose heliodor or topaz.

Leo + Goat

Goat-Leos are both sensitive and straightforward. They are the most charismatic of all, and it is easy for them to find supporters for their ideas. To attract good luck in all areas of life, peridot and emerald are suitable for them.

Lion + Monkey

Direct, sincere and witty, they charm at first sight. They are able to easily achieve their goals, literally bewitching those around them. Sometimes they themselves suffer from an excess of energy, so moonstone and jade are useful for them.

Leo + Rooster

Noble and confident, they seem quite generous to those who don't know them that well, but often they just do things to prove their importance. Their stones are citrine and cat's eye.

Lion + Dog

This is the most direct and honest person who hates being manipulated. They are spontaneous, energetic and one of the most vibrant personalities, tiger eye and rainbow obsidian suit them well.

Lion + Pig

These people really enjoy helping others. They are generous and warm-hearted. However, negative self-indulgence tendencies can create some problems. Garnet and giddenite are suitable for peace of mind.

Talisman stones for Leo: attract love, wealth, luck and health

Minerals, of course, do not perform miracles, but with the right selection they can enhance the qualities necessary for the implementation of plans and direct energy in the right direction.

  • The symbol of wealth
    for this sign is pyrite, visually very similar to gold, as well as citrine, a stone of super success and prosperity, which is especially good for interviews and new business endeavors. Gold topaz or peridot are also great choices.

  • Labradorite and tiger's eye will help Leos attract good luck They somewhat balance energies, helping the owner to trust himself and move through life with greater ease and joy. You can achieve greater success by wearing sardonyx.
  • Garnet
    (awakens inner strength and activates the instinct of survival), rose quartz and malachite (against heart disease), as well as jasper for healthy feet help improve Leo’s health . It is better to choose all healing stones for Leo in pink or red shades.
  • To attract love,
    Leos should wear rhodochrosite, which is useful for healing emotional wounds, especially wounds from past romantic relationships, opening the way to new love. To find love, it is also recommended to wear jewelry with emerald or ruby.
  • protect themselves from the evil eye
    by wearing amber and jasper. All yellow minerals are also good, attracting the energy of the sun and heat. Turquoise protects against the evil eye, but it must be worn carefully; it is not suitable for all Leos.

Basic talisman stones suitable for a Leo man

The most important and valuable amulets for luxurious Leos will be those that resemble fire: warm amber, fire garnet, golden topaz, reddish jasper. The best friend for life, which will emphasize the status and weight of the sign, will be a diamond.

For love

For a quick meeting with his soulmate, astrologers recommend choosing sardonyx in warm tones for a Leo man. The stone will bring happiness to a lonely heart, moderate the passions of family men, and maintain peace in the family. A red ruby ​​will guard the owner’s heartfelt interests.

Ruby is a stone for attracting love into the life of a Leo man

For luck and wealth

For good luck and wealth, you will need to purchase onyx, which will give the owner the ability to restrain angry impulses, so as not to become a hostage to his own emotionality and harm his career. Alexandrite will teach you to make the right decisions leading to success.

Amulet against the evil eye, damage and for health

A good amulet against the evil eye and damage is heliodor. The solar mineral will replenish lost energy and, if necessary, will connect the body’s reserves to fight the disease. Black onyx will protect you from lies, slander, and envious people. Topaz has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and aquamarine extinguishes temper.

Stones that are not suitable for Leos

It is believed that you should not wear blue stones, as well as most blue ones, since they come into conflict with solar-fire energy, suppressing it, causing suspiciousness, anxiety and self-doubt. Amethyst, turquoise, black opal, aventurine, aquamarine, blue sapphires, as well as pearls, obsidian and chrysoprase are usually not suitable for Leos. And yet, even these stones can be used to ground yourself somewhat, cope with strong emotions or increased nervousness. If you feel that a particular stone is “yours,” you can wear it. In the same way, you should not wear a stone recommended by all astrologers if it specifically causes unpleasant sensations or emotions in you.


Gemstones for Leo are recommended to wear:

  1. Diamond is the royal stone for the king of the zodiac circle. Ideally matches the majestic, energetic, active, proud nature of Leo. Fills you with vitality, helps you achieve your goals, and improves relationships with others. Eliminates conceit, anger, vulgarity. When traveling, it becomes a talisman against injury and danger.
  2. Sapphire is a talisman of career and creative success. Gives Leo calmness, prudence, wisdom, organization, increases self-esteem, eliminates laziness, pride, vanity, arrogance, selfishness. Helps you make the right decisions, attracts reliable friends and partners, gets rid of enemies and competitors.
  3. Ruby is the strongest stone belonging to the fire element. Recommended for Leos who feel self-doubt and are involved in administrative and public activities. Gives inner strength, courage, hard work, wisdom, determination, positive energy, thanks to which Leo manages to achieve even the most difficult goals. Attracts true love, protects against diseases and enemy machinations.

How to wear talisman stones for Leos

The properties of stones can be enhanced if you know the specifics of their use: for example, in jewelry, yellow gold is preferable, as it is most suitable for solar energy, but silver and white gold will be less successful. The lines are clear, straight, the shape is massive. It is better to choose one large stone than a scattering of small ones. When wearing a stone on a chain, choose the length so that the talisman is located approximately in the middle of the chest, where the heart chakra is located, this is the main energy center for Leos.

  • Carnelian
    is worn on a belt buckle or in a pocket nearby, so it will be closer to the yellow chakra, and this will enhance its healing properties.
  • citrine
    is placed in a bag, stored in a wallet, and placed in the workplace.
  • Peridot
    is placed under your pillow at night to release emotional blockages and is also carried in your wallet to attract abundance.
  • Jasper
    is usually not shown to strangers, wearing jewelry under clothing, closer to the body.
  • Amber
    is most active when in direct contact, so you can choose any jewelry in which it will come into contact with the body.

Choosing a talisman stone by decade

And now we will tell you which stone Leo will have as a talisman depending on the decade of birth - according to information from the book “The Mystical Properties of Stones” (ed. Bibliopolis, St. Petersburg, 1995, pp. 102-108).

July 23 – August 03

These representatives of the sign have a powerful patron planet - Saturn, and have the most rebellious and strong character of all Leos. Therefore, they need talismans that can pacify the energy - tiger's eye, jasper and carnelian. These minerals help you get rid of other people's negative influences and become calmer.

Tiger eye mineral in nature

04 – 12 August

The patron planet of the Leo sign born in this decade is Jupiter. Such Leos are calmer, more reasonable and balanced. Of all the sciences, they prefer predictable mathematics. They are also characterized by adherence to traditions - they adore ceremonies and adherence to a given order. Therefore, they are recommended to wear onyx, which protects against accidents, amber, which attracts positive energy, and opal, which preserves home comfort.

Black mineral bracelets

August 13 – 23

These are strong, powerful, command-loving natures. Therefore, among these representatives of the sign there are many military men. They cannot stand it when things don't go their way and experience intense anger. It is not surprising, because the patron planet of these Leos is Mars itself. To become calmer and more humble, as well as to gain sincere friendship, they should wear sapphires. And to boldly meet your goal, you can choose jewelry with rubies.

Necklace with blue crystals

Choosing a stone as a gift for Leo

It can be difficult to choose what to give Leo: feeling like the kings and queens of the world, they are often very demanding when it comes to gifts, wanting the very best, and not just a token of attention. The gift should be impressive and noticeable, so you should focus not on light and elegant products, but on something that will attract everyone's attention. Large, bright stones and massive jewelry look amazing on Leos; what would look pretentious on others will be just right on Leo.

  • A girl or a very young girl can be presented with small earrings made of soft pink onyx or light green peridot, which will perfectly emphasize the freshness of youth. It can also be a pendant for keys or a backpack, or just a beautiful stone on a chain.
  • Leo girls will appreciate a gift with a diamond, shining golden-yellow topaz or a bright tiger's eye. Those looking for a relationship or recently married will enjoy carnelian, the stone of love.
  • Adult women will like gifts with large, richly colored minerals that will harmonize with the bright appearance of the Lioness. These can be rubies, emerald and amber, sapphires, topazes, and garnet. It is better to set stones in gold. Any jade products will also work.
  • Leo men are given jewelry less often, but they can be presented with amber paintings, good luck pyramids for their desktop, status key rings. Jade, tiger's eye, calming and grounding black onyx and agate would be appropriate, and sometimes turquoise, which is considered not the most successful for this sign, will remove internal blocks and restrictions and add decisiveness. Men rarely prefer red stones, and blue ones are usually not recommended for Leos, so choose green or orange-yellow stones. Dark colors are usually better than transparent tones.

Who is suitable for jade according to zodiac signs?

Who is suitable for jade according to zodiac signs?

1. Aries.

Now let’s look at who is suitable for jade according to the horoscope. The stone is neutral to Aries. It can be worn on the body as jewelry in combination with silver. The mineral will provide protection from magical influences from the outside, and will also give you strength and self-confidence.

If your goal is to get rid of kidney problems, white jade is perfect. Many people believe that this ailment can be solved by minerals of green shades, but this is an erroneous judgment. Jade products will not be able to help Aries in romantic relationships. In this case, the stone has the opposite effect: it leads to loneliness, solitude, isolation.

2. Taurus.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to give a positive answer to the question whether jade is suitable for Taurus. The magical properties of the stone do not affect this zodiac sign. Moreover, by wearing it on their body, Taurus may attract problems with physical health or mental health.

3. Gemini.

A blue-tinged stone suits Gemini well. It is better not to use minerals of yellow and black colors.

What does blue jade give to Gemini:

  • opens up to a person controversial issues in his life that require resolution;
  • guides, helps to build the right path;
  • leads to changes in life;
  • promotes spiritual growth.

4. Cancer.

Now let's try to figure out whether jade is suitable for Cancer. Representatives of this sign can safely wear the stone, as it is an excellent assistant in household and work matters. Black minerals are considered the best option. Since ancient times, there has been a belief that they establish a connection between a person and the world of spirits, protect against external evil and misfortune.

The stone in the form of a pendant was hung around the neck of children to protect them from illness. Black jade was also used to attract love happiness. It was carved into the shape of a butterfly and worn close to the body.

Jade by zodiac sign

5. Leo

Red jade suits Leos. But it is difficult to say whether wearing this stone will cause serious changes.

What exactly awaits the representatives of this sign in life:

  • the stone will bring love suffering and torment;
  • will lead to significant improvements in health;
  • will contribute to the spiritual development of a person.

The green tint of this mineral is not suitable for Leos - it does not have any effect on the sign. To improve the condition of the kidneys and other aspects of health, it is beneficial to wear white stones.

Experts at the Witch's Happiness store recommend:

Candle made of wax “Flame of Love” with a rose For magic and fortune telling for love and marriage

270 ₽


Magical healing (candle-cross) Ready-made ritual for relieving negative health issues

430 ₽


Candle with herbs “Cheerfulness” Wormwood, St. John’s wort, birch

530 ₽


6. Virgo.

Red and red-brown jade specimens are perfect for Virgos. Wear them as jewelry: pendants or bracelets. However, on Virgos, unlike Leos, the mineral has a different effect.

What does the stone bring:

  • improvement of love relationships with the opposite sex;
  • strong development in work and creativity;
  • harmonization of family relationships.

Green jade jewelry is also great for Virgos. The stone evokes positive human qualities in representatives of this sign and helps improve sleep and dreams. The mineral retains heat well, which is why it is used for pain relief.

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