Labradorite - properties, characteristics, composition, extraction and use

  • Which: Precious;
  • Deposits: Labrador Peninsula (Canada), USA, Mexico, Finland, India, Madagscar, Ukraine;
  • Colors: Gray to almost black with multi-colored tints;
  • Mohs hardness: 6-6.5;
  • Transparency: Opaque;
  • Density: 2.7 g/cm³;
  • Formula: (Ca, Na)[(Al, Si)AlSi2O8];
  • Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign: Everyone, but there are rules;
  • How much does it cost: from 5 dollars.

Labradorite is a gemstone that is obtained from the mineral of the same name through special processing. The colors of Labradors can be blue, purple and dark green.

Its main secret is a beautiful iridescent glow in bright light (scientists call this effect iridescence).

Labradorite stone goes well with almost any clothing, and some people believe that it has healing and magical properties.

Origin story

Labradorite stone

According to legend, the Hyperboreans were the first to use Labradorite. In the era of antiquity and the Middle Ages, the labradorite stone was practically unknown (although there were many legends about the mysterious jewels of the East).

However, in 1770, large deposits were discovered on the Labrador Peninsula, which is located in modern Canada, and the gem itself became very popular in Europe.

Also, small deposits were discovered in Russia, after which they began to make jewelry, snuff boxes, and so on from Labradorite stone. If we briefly describe their difference, it looks like this: labradorite is a mineral. And labradorite is an igneous rock, it consists almost entirely of plagioclase (a labradorite mineral, but not 100%). We must remember that a mineral and a rock are not the same thing. These are different hierarchical levels of existence of geological matter. The mineral got its name from the Labrador Peninsula in North America, where it was discovered in 1770. Other names for the mineral and its varieties: black moonstone, bull's eye, spectrolite, caryatite.

Labradorite is one of the varieties of tulle spar. The color of Labradors is dark gray, greenish gray; it serves as a good background for the sparkling highlights of green, yellow or red, blue that run across it; when a stone is turned from side to side. Gloss - matte, glassy. The color of the Labrador itself is unattractive: from gray to almost black, mourning. However, the sparkling flashes playing on its surface give it the appearance of precious opal. Hardness - 6.0 - 6.5; density - 2.7 g/cm3. Main deposits. There are reports of very beautiful Labradors being found in Finland. Less bright Labradors are found in Germany, Greenland, India, Tibet and Ukraine. In Australia, there are gem-quality Labradors that can be cut. Medicinal properties In folk medicine, there is an opinion that labradorite contributes to the overall strengthening of the body. Some healers believe that this mineral relieves pain in diseases of the spine and joints. Lithotherapists believe that Labradorite helps with infertility and impotence, some diseases of the genitourinary system and prostate gland. Pendants and rings help improve mood, alleviate the effects of stressful situations, improve sleep and help with insomnia. It helps remove stones from the kidneys and generally improves the functioning of all organs. Its impact most affects the emotional and mental state, through the improvement of which the Labrador begins its specific therapeutic work. Rings (which should be worn on the middle finger) and pendants with Labradorite can even help a drug addict get rid of a painful addiction - in addition, they can easily relieve nervous stress in their owner, calm them down during feverish excitement, lift them out of depression and restore the body after nervous exhaustion. A figurine or a piece of stone, located next to the head of the bed, will relieve obsessive nightmares and cure insomnia, normalizing the body’s “natural clock”. Labradorite affects the solar plexus chakra. Magical properties The magical power of Labradorite has not been fully revealed - however, it is reliably known that it, like no other, enhances foresight and the ability to mystical awareness of the world, helps to develop extrasensory abilities and has long been considered a talisman of healers and sorcerers. Experts believe that the Labrador retriever awakens hidden talents in a person and helps develop them, bestows bright dreams and forces its owner to try to “embrace the immensity”, to accomplish what previously seemed unattainable - this is exactly the talisman with which you will make the impossible possible. This is probably why the stone is recommended for mature people who are over 30 years old. The mineral can push younger people into adventures, which will lead to disastrous consequences for their future. Labrador is considered an amulet of creative people - writers, poets, musicians, artists; he brings them inspiration, the ability to “catch the wave,” and at the same time fame, recognition and patronage of patrons. The stone becomes very attached to its owner and protects him from all sorts of unpleasant situations and negative people. It is recommended as a guardian of peace and well-being in the home - but the Labradorite figurine or crystal should be kept in plain sight, and in no case should it be placed under the threshold, as some sources advise; When a gem “sees” the situation every day, it actively processes any negative energy into positive vibes.

This mineral draws its power from the Moon, so it should be activated by placing it on the windowsill every full moon. Gem experts distinguish Labradors “by gender”: lighter ones with a golden-blue tint are considered male, dark ones with a brownish-green tint are considered female. It is best to purchase a “family couple” of minerals - they will not only help you run your household competently and efficiently, but will also protect your family hearth and teach you to be more careful about your “other half.” It should be remembered that Labradorite cannot be carried on you all the time, and under no circumstances let strangers touch your talisman - aimless touches destroy the friendly power of the stone. Astrologers recommend it to all zodiac signs without exception, but it is especially useful for Leos, Scorpios, Aries and Virgos. Labradorite is energetically connected to the heart, sex and throat chakras. Talismans and amulets Labradorite is a wonderful amulet for the house and all households; it should be kept on the surface so that it can see people, the house itself can be visible. Wrong advice is to place a stone under the threshold of the house. Talisman of practicing magicians and all high-level “wizards”. Labrador hates those who strive for evil, but will not interfere with them, however, sooner or later, it will lead such people to a very sad end. The stone becomes very attached to the owner, loves him and strives to help in all, especially very unpleasant, situations, so Labrador is an excellent amulet for people who have to take a lot of risks. He is an irreplaceable talisman of people who are searching, but who stand firmly on their feet and always analyze matters and situations, and are able to make at least minimal forecasts. Labrador will connect its owner with the past, help to see the connection between the present and the past, and draw the right conclusions. The stone will also contribute to foresight, but only for those who are naturally inclined to this activity, who have been given a certain gift and this gift is not spent immorally. Labradorite contributes to a person striving to mystically comprehend the world and activities in it. Interesting - from history, the Hyperboreans, according to one of the legends, were the first to show people the beauty of an amazing stone, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. Labradorite has become widely known in Europe since 1770, when it was found on the island of Labrador in northern Canada - soon Parisian and London fashionistas were wearing rings, earrings and brooches with the “peacock stone”. And during the construction of the Hermitage in 1781, several blocks with labradorite eyes were suddenly discovered in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, which provoked a surge in the popularity of the gem in Russia - tabletops made of labradorite appeared in the royal residences, the St. Petersburg nobility fell in love with golden snuff boxes with rainbow stones, and even ball gowns to match the jewelry were made from iridescent “tausin silk” (in the old Russian dialect the word “tausin” meant “peacock”). Application In the middle of the 19th century, a rich deposit of labradorite was found in Ukraine, and since then the stone has been actively used in the cladding of interiors and exteriors: for example, it was used in the decoration of the Mausoleum of V. I. Lenin, some metro stations in Moscow and many monumental buildings and architectural monuments. Today, labradorite is one of the most popular ornamental stones, and it is used both for inserts into jewelry - rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces, cufflinks and much more - and for creating interior sculptures and small decorative items. Labradorite is still mined there - the deposits are still not exhausted in Burma, and in Ukraine, and on the island. Labrador is in Canada, but its availability has once again become a thing of the past - today only a person whose fortune is truly royal in wealth can afford a large statue, and especially the façade cladding made of spectrolite. The natural stone labradorite is a granular crystalline rock. Color of labradorite (photo): in nature there are various color shades of this stone, but dark gray, light gray, and bright blue shades are more common. Initially, deposits of this mineral were discovered on the Labrador Peninsula, which is why this stone is called labradorite. It should be noted that after jewelry processing, the stone acquires an exceptionally beautiful appearance. Highly skilled craftsmen are able to make a worthwhile work of art from this stone. The stone has an interesting internal structure, which appears after jewelry processing. Each stone is unique in its own way and has a unique pattern, color and internal configuration. Labradorite and zodiac signs Suitable for Taurus, Leo and Scorpio. Labradorite has magical properties Since ancient times, the mineral has been credited with special properties that cannot be found in any other natural mineral. One of these properties is the magical property. It is also known from ancient writings that labradorite is capable of exerting a magical effect on the environment. It is noteworthy that labradorite acquires properties from its owner and can have both positive properties and negative effects. If the owner wishes harm to someone and at that moment comes into contact with the stone, then it adapts to the energy of the owner and makes his wishes come true. In a similar way, labradorite also acquires positive properties and is capable of bringing a lot of benefits to others and to the owner of the stone himself, if he wishes good things to others with all his soul. In order for the effect to be maximum, after energy replenishment from the owner, the stone must fall into the hands of the person whom you want to influence in one way or another. As a last resort, the stone should be placed next to this person, for example it can be hidden in the pillow on which he sleeps, or sewn into the mattress. According to eyewitnesses, the effect of the stone is simply amazing. The magical properties of labradorite are used as a love spell. So if a girl is in love with a man and places the labradorite stone that belongs to her next to him, then after a while her dream of mutual love becomes a reality. It is known that labradorite is a stone that contributes to the development of the gift of foresight in a person. The effect is especially noticeable if a person has natural abilities for foresight. It turns out that the stone is a kind of amplifier of a person’s foresight abilities, which are given to him by nature. These properties of the stone were widely used earlier and are now used by sorcerers and magicians. By interacting with the stone and using labradorite’s magical properties, they are able to predict fate and even influence events that are destined to happen in the future. Magicians, sorcerers and healers use the healing properties of the stone. It has long been known that labradorite can have a positive effect on the course of many chronic diseases, and it can simply heal many of them. Labradorite and naturopathy Labradorite is widely used to treat eye diseases; the mineral has a positive effect on the course of heart and vascular diseases, and helps with memory loss. Ancient healers used labradorite to treat mental disorders, because previously there were no medicines that would treat the human psyche. Therefore, labradorite was widely used to relieve nervous tension and combat insomnia. Currently, this mineral is used to treat nervous asthenia, as well as to treat depressive disorders. According to experts, labradorite is very effective for infertility, and it treats both female and male infertility. In addition, this mineral stimulates male potency; in urology it is used to treat prostatitis. Labradorite helps with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as it perfectly cures acute inflammation of the joints, and also alleviates the course of arthrosis and even rheumatoid arthritis. Experts say that labradorite accelerates the healing of fractures, especially this property of the stone is in demand in the treatment of fractures in the elderly. How to distinguish Labradorite and what Labradorite looks like Natural Labradorite in a silver setting An amazing stone due to the variety of colors, there are no minerals in the world that can repeat the pattern! An excellent combination of nondescript and bright. Natural stones are defined by their viewing angle: from one angle they are gray, dark or even black, but turn it and you can see the whole palette of variety in color. The name of the stone comes from the place of its first discovery, the Labrador Peninsula (Canada). Many people confuse it with another name: Labradorite, but this is a completely different mineral that does not belong to the family of moonstones. An interesting fact about Labradorite: Labradorite contains Ilmenite inclusions - microscopic inclusions of the mineral that are also found in lunar soil. Labradorite has several varieties: with blue and light blue iridescence, it is a black moonstone. With yellow, pale yellow, orange iridescence - this is a sunny Labradorite. With the iridescence of all the colors of the rainbow, this is labradorite spectrolite (it is more expensive and is valued more than all other varieties).

The photo shows the collection of Eva Koshkina. Masculine and feminine gender of Labradorite Labradorite is divided into masculine and feminine gender, namely: blue and blue is a masculine stone, with a greenish tint it is feminine. In order for the stones to interact with each other and combine their power, it is recommended to wear them together, female and male minerals. In this combination, they help well in love, strengthening marriage and any love relationship. An excellent assistant in magic, the Labrador's ability to help is limitless, if you admire it and look at it for a long time, it is able to calm the nervous system, a wonderful home amulet in the form of a figurine. Rules for wearing a Labrador, energy charging a Labrador There is a rule for him! He should always be in sight! It cannot be hidden or kept in the dark! Like all moonstones, it loves to be recharged with the help of moonlight; if possible, try to leave your Labradors under the moonlight from time to time - the stone will be recharged, plus it will only be grateful to you! A stone can take offense if it is treated carelessly, so your constant connection with it is very important. The misconception is that men cannot wear rings and pendants, but they very well can; they are excellent assistants in negotiations and important meetings.

Main varieties

There are the following types of Labrador:

Black lunar

This variety has a characteristic blue or bluish sheen in bright light. It is widely used in jewelry, and most jewelry is made from stones of this type.


It is mined in the USA, and its characteristic feature is its bright yellowish-golden and even white color.


In the light it shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. This type of stone was discovered in 1940, and the production of jewelry with spectrolites began after World War II.

Color and varieties of mineral

The properties of Labradorite stone are dictated by its chemical composition. It belongs to the feldspars. Its formula contains mainly alkali metals - sodium and calcium with inclusions of aluminum. The ratio of various elements in each specimen determines its color.

Due to its structure, moonstone boasts iridescence - the play of light rays on the surface. This characteristic is truly irreplaceable in design, because it allows you to achieve incredibly beautiful effects.

There are many types of Labrador retriever nowadays:

  • Tawusin, or peacock stone, known in the Middle East. This is a rainbow crystal with incredible beauty of tints and reflections. In each specimen you can see many shades of color, which is why the gem got its name.
  • Sunstone is a unique crystal with a bright golden color. In India, it was considered a “female” gem, capable of bringing happiness to the fair sex.
  • Bull's eye is a subspecies of the mineral that shimmers in all shades of red, crimson, sometimes interspersed with purple and red.
  • Black Moon Labradorite is a stone the color of the night sky with dark blue iridescence. This is what is mined on the island of Madagascar. The variety of sizes and shapes in which it is presented here is truly inexhaustible. Each specimen is unique in its own way.
  • Spectrolite is a gem mined in Finland. This stone, which resembles a peacock's eye, was discovered by chance in the Land of a Thousand Lakes during World War II. When it ended, the largest geologists from Europe and the USSR began exploring the deposits. In each such specimen you can see all the colors of the rainbow.
  • Lynx eye is a bright green mineral that sparkles in the twilight. Found in the Urals.

All crystals, regardless of color, have almost identical magical and healing properties. Therefore, you can choose a suitable decoration with Labradorite based only on your ideas about good taste.

Labradorite or labradorite?

Labradorite - what kind of stone is this?


In many European countries, labradorite is called labradorite. This often leads to confusion because labradorite is also a name for an igneous rock that is somewhat similar in appearance and some physical properties to labradorite.

Here you need to understand that labradorite differs from labradorite in composition, physical and medicinal properties, therefore it is wrong to equate these minerals.

Physical properties

Labradorite stone

Labradorite stone has the following physical characteristics:

  1. Consists of 50-70% CaAl2Si2O8 and 30-50% NaAlSi3O8. May contain small impurities of iron, manganese and magnesium.
  2. Color - dark gray, smoky gray and completely black. In the light it has characteristic blue, cyan, blue-green and multi-colored iridescence (depending on the stone) due to a phenomenon called iridescence. It should be remembered that iridescence appears only after polishing, and untreated Labradorite stone looks uninteresting and does not shine.
  3. Opaque,
  4. Does not luminesce.
  5. Soluble in acids.
  6. It crumbles and is easily crushed upon impact.
  7. It has a triclinic system.
  8. Density is about 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter.
  9. Hardness – 6 – 6.5 units on the Mohs scale.
  10. The average crystal size is about 5-10 centimeters; crystals larger than 50 centimeters are extremely rare.

Magical and healing properties

labradorite ring

Labradorite has the following healing properties:

  1. Helps with infertility, impotence and some other diseases of the genitourinary system.
  2. Relieves pain in joints and spine.
  3. Relieves headaches and can slightly reduce the temperature of a cold (by 0.3 - 0.6 degrees).
  4. Can be used to prevent cancer, diseases of the throat, lungs and mouth.
  5. Helps in the fight against kidney stones by stimulating metabolism.
  6. Normalizes sleep and relieves nervousness. It can also be used for the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction as an additional therapy.


Labradorite stone also has magical properties:

  1. The meaning of this mineral is to protect homes from the penetration of both evil spirits and bandits (for a person who does not break the law, it does not pose a threat). For example, place a small labradorite under the doormat in front of the door - and then it will be extremely difficult for thieves to break into the door.
  2. Helps to anticipate events that will happen in the near future (2-7 days).
  3. Gives the owner eloquence, keen intuition and self-confidence.
  4. With its help, a businessman will be able to make more profitable purchases.
  5. It will allow ordinary people to avoid conflicts.
  6. Also, Labradorite is considered an adornment for young and beautiful girls. It is believed that with the help of the magic of labradorite you can charm your lover.
  7. It enhances extrasensory and parapsychological abilities, which is why people of creative professions love to wear it.

Magical Aspects

Labradorite has long been considered a magical stone. Mediums and magicians used it in their practices, because the main mystical property of this mineral is that it enhances the ability to see the future.

The stone will reveal psychic abilities only if a person knows about them, uses and develops them. In the hands of an inexperienced magician, labradorite will turn into a dangerous attribute; its magical properties are so strong that it can bring misfortune to a novice psychic and those around him.

Ordinary people who do not practice magic can fearlessly use the following supernatural abilities of labradorite:

  • Develops eloquence, strengthens the gift of persuasion.
  • Helps to find the right solution to a complex issue.
  • Strengthens intuition, teaches you to hear your inner voice.
  • Protects against robbers and thieves. To prevent intruders from entering your home, keep a stone under the threshold.
  • Improves relationships between spouses. If you decide to use labradorite figurines in the interior of your apartment or house, go shopping together with your husband. Be sure to purchase two figures: a light golden color for a woman and a brown one for a man. Place these items in a secluded area so that they do not attract attention.
  • For the stone to work as a home talisman - to cleanse the house of destructive energy, pacify passions, and bring harmony to family life, choose light-colored minerals. A sunny lynx eye or tavusite would be more suitable for this role.
  • Grants the ability to see prophetic dreams. To do this, you need to put the mineral under your pillow at night.
  • Protects against the evil eye, slander and curses. The mineral will become a reliable shield, reflecting an energy attack, if you wear it around your neck.
  • Helps you get through a difficult situation. If a person has had a misfortune that has unsettled him, labradorite will share his grief, awaken hope and give him strength to live on.
  • It will give confidence, determination to act, and raise authority in the eyes of others.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Can all zodiac signs wear Labradorite stone?

decoration with labradorite

Let's find out who this mineral is suitable for:

  1. Capricorns, Aquarius and Cancers should wear Labrador with caution. The fact is that Labrador has great psychic potential, and these zodiac signs can control this element rather weakly. In other words, the Labradorite stone can do more harm to these zodiac signs than good.
  2. Aries, Taurus and Gemini according to the horoscope. Labradorite will give them self-confidence. Also, it will help restore mutual understanding in the family and strengthen the marriage. The mineral will give businessmen and creative people self-confidence, which can be useful in their business activities.
  3. Leo, Virgo, Libra can also wear Labradorite. It will give these zodiac signs confidence in the future, good mood and love for life. With its help, you can activate mental activity, which will help while studying.
  4. Scorpios, Sagittarius and Pisces should combine it with other jewelry as wearing a Labradorite by these zodiac signs has a weak astrological effect. For these zodiac signs, the stone will slightly enhance extrasensory abilities and cure minor illnesses, as well as slightly improve their mood.

Stone in esotericism and healing

Labradorite stone has been famous for its magical properties since ancient times. It is a very powerful amulet. When using a mineral as an amulet, a person has prophetic dreams.

It has long been believed that the mineral draws its strength from its owner. This means that the gem is able to improve the positive characteristics of its owner. At the same time, a person’s shortcomings will negatively affect him.

A Labrador worn by a positive person is able to take on the best from him. After which he transfers positive energy to the new owner. If you put a talisman under your pillow, it will help attract prophetic dreams. If the stone is near a stranger, it helps to see the future. Therefore, the gem functions as an amplifier and relay of its owner’s thoughts to the environment.

The magical properties of Labradorite allow it to be used as an amulet.

Since ancient times, magicians and sorcerers have used stone in various rites and rituals. This is due to the mystical properties of the gem:

  • Labrador retriever has pronounced protective characteristics. The stone forms a barrier that negative energies cannot overcome to gain access to the personality's aura. By creating harmony between body and soul, the Labrador Retriever protects them.
  • The stone has a calming effect on a person. It helps to neutralize experienced fears and remove negative memories. The mineral is able to reveal the abilities contained in everyone. As a result, one person becomes a psychic, and another discovers artistic talent.
  • The mineral helps to regain lost faith in oneself. It gives its owner the ability to better understand their ideas, analyze information and develop inner consciousness.
  • The gem makes its owner stronger and more resistant to stress. This helps him rethink the past and prepare the soul for subsequent development.

The crystal can activate the brain. This is especially true for students and people involved in science.

The healing characteristics of Labradorite and its importance for health have been known for a long time. Today, lithotherapists use the stone to treat the following disorders:

  • sleep problems - these include nightmares, insomnia, restless sleep;
  • cold;
  • effects of stress;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • hernias;
  • diseases of bone tissue, muscles and joints;
  • severe PMS in women.

The talisman has a good effect on the condition of the entire body of its owner. It is able to have a general strengthening effect and improve working capacity. Therefore, the gem is often recommended to be worn by people who engage in heavy physical labor.

Systematically wearing jewelry with stones helps improve a person’s quality of life.

Massage therapists often use stone to knead tissue. With its help, it is possible to get rid of salt deposits, cope with pain, and make joints more mobile. The mineral also copes well with inflammatory processes in tissues. Cases of successful recovery from alcohol and drug addiction have been recorded.

Labradorite is often used in aurotherapy, which studies the effects of different colors on the human biofield. This gem shimmers in different shades of the rainbow.

Thanks to its amazing properties, the mineral is able to saturate the energy with radiation that a particular person lacks.

If you systematically wear jewelry with the lunar mineral, you will soon notice that your susceptibility to the influence of stress factors has decreased. The gem also helps cope with attacks of anger or apathy.

Jewelry with Labradorite is recommended to be worn by people who suffer from infertility, arthrosis, and osteochondrosis. The mineral is also suitable for diseases of the heart, blood vessels and genitourinary system. It is recommended for use in cases of a weakened immune system and in the presence of chronic inflammation.

When choosing jewelry with a stone, you need to focus on energy compatibility.

Application of Labradorite

Thanks to its unusual color and characteristic shine, Labradorite stone has found wide application in everyday life. There are two main uses - use as a precious item and use as a facing material.

decoration with labradorite


A large number of jewelry are made from Labradorite. These can be earrings, rings, beads, pendants, figurines and so on. Also, various magical pendants and amulets are made from it, with the help of which you can protect yourself from evil spirits and criminals.

When making jewelry, gold is usually not used - after all, the golden shine goes very poorly with the characteristic shine of the stone itself, and no one will buy such jewelry.

But silver and platinum are used very often - the whitish shine of precious metals resonates well not only with the stone itself, but also with its characteristic blue-green shine.

Other Applications

Labradorite is also used as a facing material. Wide thin tiles are made from it, which are then used to cover floors and wall surfaces.

For example, such cladding was very often used to decorate subway walls in Soviet times (at that time large deposits of this mineral were discovered in Ukraine).

However, today labradorite is used quite rarely as a facing material due to the high price of such tiles.


Labrador is very popular among fashion lovers and designers. It is used to create earrings, necklaces, pendants, balls and beads. To frame the gem, silver or platinum is used. Gold is not used for this purpose, since its shine, combined with the reflections of labradorite, looks stupid. The average price of such jewelry and decorations is 11,000 rubles. There are also mineral beads - approximately 70 beads will cost you 1,260 rubles.

Care and price

earrings with labradorite

You need to care for the Labradorite stone as follows:

  1. Polish regularly with a soft, clean cloth or a special brush to keep it shiny.
  2. When processing, use only water. The use of detergents is prohibited - because they contain acids and alkalis, which can harm the stone.
  3. stored in a dry place.
  4. Labradorite tolerates high and low temperatures well, so there are no special recommendations regarding temperature conditions (although this does not mean that the stone can be stored in the cold or heated in an oven).

Labrador is not too expensive. A small pebble will cost only 5-10 dollars. The price of a good piece of jewelry for a woman will be about 50-60 dollars.

The average price of a beautiful Labradorite figurine will be about $100. Also, you need to understand that the markup in most stores is very large, so Labrador can cost even more.

How to wear and care?

Labradorite is considered a fragile stone; under strong pressure or impact it can be scratched or cracked, and when exposed to any chemicals it can become cloudy. In ancient times, people believed that a gem shows its magical power only in relation to those who treat it with care and concern and keep it close to their hearts. That is why, before purchasing a Labrador, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of caring for it:

  • products should be protected from sudden temperature fluctuations, since minerals are susceptible to sudden changes in temperature;
  • If a woman constantly wears jewelry using Labradorite or stores it on a dusty shelf, then the gem may become dirty and lose its shine. That is why it is necessary to store the stone in a special box, bag or container and regularly clean it with warm water and a soft cloth, without using chemical additives;
  • Housewives who do cleaning often interact with various active chemicals that can harm the gemstone, so before doing housework, it is recommended to remove items containing labradorite.

What stones does it go with?

Combination with beryl

Combination with rose quartz

Combination with jade

  1. Pairs well with rose quartz, beryl, jade, moonstone and opal.
  2. Does not go well with amber, obsidian, malachite and sardonyx.
  3. Does not go well with emerald, topaz, zircon, peridot and aventurine.

How to distinguish from a fake?

Mineral labradorite

You can find fake Labrador retrievers on sale. Also, some sellers offer for sale stones of unknown origin (most often rock crystal is used for this), calling them artificial Labradorite.

Here you need to understand the following - today there is no artificial Labradorite that would be indistinguishable in all characteristics from natural stone.

Therefore, it is stupid to buy such a stone - while some artificial stones very accurately reproduce natural stones, then artificial Labradorite is actually a cheap fake.

You can distinguish a real mineral from a fake like this:

  1. A real labradorite stone shimmers in the light with blue, blue-green and iridescent colors, while a fake does not have this effect.
  2. Also, you should ask the seller to provide a quality certificate that confirms the origin of Labradorite. If the jewelry seller refuses, then it makes sense to refuse the purchase.

Interesting Facts

Labradorite - what kind of stone is this?

Labrador in silver

Let's learn some interesting facts about Labrador:

  1. Lithotherapists believe that Labradorite can somehow accumulate the energy of the Moon. Therefore, during the full moon, it must be placed in an open place to recharge.
  2. In Kyiv, at the end of the 10th century, the Church of the Tithes was built, which was decorated with small fragments of labradorite. Scientists still do not know where these stones were mined.
  3. Seven centuries ago, it was believed that every wealthy Indian woman should have a Labradorite bracelet.
  4. At the end of the 18th century, a small Labrador retriever found in Russia was sold for huge sums of money. The uniqueness of the stone was that its shape is very similar to the profile of the famous French king Louis XIV.
  5. It is believed that Labrador owners can sometimes dream about things.
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