Powerful magic stone Chicken God - origin and description of the stone, what types of talisman there are, photo selection

We have known about the chicken god stone since childhood. As children, we collected such pebbles with a hole and kept them like the apple of our eye, without suspecting that such talismans were not only very beautiful, but also effective.

With their help, you can protect yourself from troubles and fulfill your cherished desires. If you drill a hole in an ordinary stone, it will not work.

It is this natural amulet that will become an excellent helper and protector for many years, and finding the chicken god is not at all difficult, you just need to carefully look at your feet.

What is a chicken god?

Chicken God

The Chicken God is not a specific stone. The chicken god can be absolutely any pebble with a hole formed through the forces of nature, in particular water and wind.

Although it is difficult to imagine that water would form such a small hole. The hole can be in any part of the stone, but it is best if it is in the center. Such a talisman will work most effectively.

Varieties of ancient amulet

Esotericists claim that the magical orientation of the chicken god amulet directly depends on the color and variety of the stone found. The talisman can be either simple or precious or semi-precious mineral. Each variety carries certain powers:

  • Coral. Finding a coral pebble with a hole is a great and rare success. This mineral is considered a talisman for travelers.
  • Malachite. This talisman works for the benefit of adults and children. For the former, it protects health, while for the latter it protects from evil forces.
  • Rhinestone. This mineral, endowed with a natural hole, is considered the most powerful magical amulet. Such a find is a harbinger of dramatic life changes.
  • Turquoise. This gem works for the benefit of those who want to advance their careers or plan to develop their own business.

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The chicken god may turn out to be the simplest pebble thrown onto the shore of a reservoir. The magical effect of the talisman depends on the color of this nugget:

  • Orange or brick. A color that brings vitality. Such a stone will help you cope with difficulties and survive heavy losses.
  • Red. The color of love. The owner of the talisman will be lucky in love, and a special ritual will help him find his soulmate.
  • White. A shade of purity that brings harmony between the inner and outer worlds.
  • Green. A talisman that brings material well-being in a short time. It is also considered a healing nugget.
  • Blue. A stone of inspiration, an assistant in revealing creative inclinations.
  • Pink. A talisman that helps you find the right path on a long journey.
  • Black. An amulet of physical and spiritual strength that drives away negativity from the owner. For men, this chicken god is useful for overcoming potency problems.
  • Black and white. Relieves the owner of negative personal qualities, as well as bad habits.

kindsSome types of stone
In addition to color, the location of the hole plays an important role - it is believed that if the hole is in the center of the stone or as close as possible to it, then the magical properties of such a talisman are more pronounced. Among the possible forms, drop-shaped specimens are valued, which are popular among healers and lithotherapists.

Scientific classification

In addition to legends, traditions and magical interpretations, there are also scientific hypotheses for the formation of the chicken god, or rather the hole itself in a mineral. There are three options for creating holes:

  • Biogenic. Depending on the location of a particular mineral, holes are washed out by water, “carved out” by erosion, or formed under the influence of the fauna and flora of a particular area.
  • Crystal. This includes precious and semi-precious stones, rare examples of which are “born” with a natural hole. These are emerald, ruby, quartz, rock crystal, diamond, adularia.
  • Chemogenic. In such nuggets, holes are formed due to the penetration of a foreign object, a mollusk or the influence of lava. Chicken god of chemogenic nature can be granite, gypsum, tuff, basalt, pebbles, opal or chalcedony.

Whatever the color, size, shape or origin of God’s eye, magicians claim that without the proper spells and rituals, the find will become nothing more than an unusual souvenir for the owner.

Why does it have this name?

Even in ancient times, finding a chicken god was considered unprecedented luck. Previously, they believed that a stone with a hole could protect against magical negativity, including damage and the evil eye. It was this amulet that was placed in the chicken coop, as well as in places where livestock were kept.

The pebble protected living creatures from disease and damage. Hence the name - chicken god. According to another version, the word “chicken” in the name of the talisman comes from the name of the god Chur, who guarded the border between our and the other worlds.

Over time, people began to notice that such a talisman could protect not only livestock, but also themselves, as well as their homes. Stones with holes were poured into the foundations of houses to protect the house from various evil spirits and troubles.

Children wore the chicken god around their necks as a talisman against evil forces, and they themselves enjoyed wearing the lucky talisman.

Activation of the magical properties of the amulet

For a found nugget to serve as a talisman of good luck, it is not enough to become its owner upon discovery. To awaken magic, a special ritual is performed, preferably immediately after the discovery and in complete solitude.

There are dozens of chicken god conspiracies depending on the hopes placed on the talisman. But before pronouncing any of them, it is recommended to dip the stone in water. The chicken god often waits for its owner on the banks of reservoirs, so it is considered a nugget of the water element. Before the ceremony begins, you need to clearly define what you expect from the new stone patron.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

An unusual pebble with a hole, simple at first glance, is capable of fulfilling one of its owner’s deepest desires. In order to use this opportunity, it is necessary to carry out a simple ritual in the following sequence:

  1. Think about what you want most and clearly formulate your goal.
  2. After looking through the hole, say your wish out loud.
  3. Squeeze the talisman in your hand to exchange energy. At this moment, you should feel a surge of energy and fullness.
  4. Put the nugget in a quiet place until your dream comes true, such as a closet with your clothes.

amulet-of-stoneAmulet made of stone
It is believed that the chicken god devotes himself entirely to the fulfillment of a desire, therefore, upon successful completion of the ritual, the stone can crumble, which indicates complete energy return. In this situation, the stone is mentally thanked for its service and buried away from home. If this does not happen, it doesn’t matter. Your wish will definitely come true. However, it is important that the nugget is found and not given.

This is interesting! There is an opinion that the first mineral with a hole found must be “returned.” Looking through the hole, a person must mentally say a wish, and then throw the nugget into the pond on the shore of which it was found. The chicken talisman found after this can be kept for yourself.

Another version of the ritual for the fulfillment of a wish speaks of four elements that must be passed through the hole before casting the spell - Fire, Earth, Water and Air. To do this, a ray of sun is passed through the stone, then sand or earth is poured through the hole, poured with natural water and blown through the hole. Then the necessary words are spoken.

Also read: Serpentine - the importance of the mineral for humans

Plot for good luck

This ritual can become universal, since attracting good luck promises support for the talisman in all endeavors, as well as protection from misfortunes. After washing the stone in a pond, which is equivalent to the consecration of the amulet, the boglaz is raised to the sky with the words:

  • “Everything is not accidental in this world and this chicken god was waiting for me in this place! Protector of good people, take me away from evil spirits, protect me from evil spirits. Help me make my cherished dream come true. May luck accompany me and may my wealth increase. May my health grow stronger and may my love never fade away. Help me in all my endeavors, be my faithful assistant! I thank the Mother of God and God the Father. May this stone be sanctified, Amen!” The words of the conspiracy can be anything, the main thing is that they come from a pure heart with faith in the power of the chicken god.
  • It is necessary to complete the ritual after purchasing a cord for a new talisman. For the chicken god, this is a natural cotton, linen or red wool thread. While stringing a stone onto a cord, the following words are spoken: “A stone with a hole, chicken god! I wish you would help me! Drive away the bad and evil from me, call success and luck to me! Let it be so!"

After this, the amulet is considered ready for use. It is advisable that you always have the nugget with you - on your neck, in your bag, pocket, and so on. Then luck will go side by side with you.

History of the stone and its other names

Chicken god stone

Such stones were revered all over the world. In Europe they were called “witch stone”, “snake egg” and “druid glass”. Belarusians call the chicken god “Perun’s Arrow” because they believe that the hole in the stone was made by lightning. In many European countries, a natural talisman was used against witches.

In Scotland, stones with holes were placed at the head of sleeping children. According to ancient beliefs, they protected children from nightmares, evil spirits, as well as from damage and the evil eye. In England, a key was tied to an amulet with a hole and hung near the threshold of the house as protection against thieves.

Many peoples used these stones to see the souls of the dead and various magical creatures - gnomes, fairies, elves and goblins. It was also believed that a hole in a stone was a portal to the other world.

Each nation has its own traditions associated with the chicken god. Moreover, this does not depend on the shape of the stone and its size. A talisman with a hole belongs to the element Earth, and the hole in it is a symbol of passage through matter, which means overcoming all obstacles.

As the popular proverb says: “Water wears away stones.” That is why this pebble is considered a powerful amulet that helps to cope with all life’s difficulties, including physical illnesses.

History and origin

Of all the magical artifacts, the chicken god is considered the most ancient amulet. The very first mentions of this stone are cave paintings made by the ancestors of the Stone Age. Ethnographers are confident that the active use of the talisman began during the period of paganism.


For the inhabitants of Kievan Rus, the chicken god was the most revered amulet against evil spirits and evil spirits. This stone was designed to protect poultry, livestock, and dogs from the mischief of kikimoras and brownies - the Slavs believed that evil spirits were capable of sending pestilence, disease, or attacks from predators (foxes and martens) to animals. The hole in the stone symbolized a gate, a passage through which the energy entering a person was cleared of negativity. In addition, it was believed that a stone with a hole had a beneficial effect on the bird, increasing the number of eggs laid.

Interesting fact! The Slavs had a pagan holiday associated with the chicken god stone - Kurki Day or the Festival of Chickens. This celebration was celebrated on January 15th. On this day it was customary to clean out chicken coops. Older women fumigated agricultural buildings where poultry and livestock were kept. Resin and elecampane were used for the ritual. The Russians passed on a belief about the snake Basilisk. The legend said that once on the day of the holiday, a black rooster laid an egg, from which a fairy-tale snake soon hatched. The chicken god talisman was an indispensable item in every building.

A stone with a natural hole has many names, as well as many assumptions about the origin of these names. Chicken God is a Slavic version of the sound. According to researchers, the origin of this name is obvious, because the purpose of the talisman was to protect poultry and the farm from evil spirits. Sometimes this stone was called the dog god or the eye of God. According to one of the Slavic legends, this stone was a gift from the god Veles, whom the pagans also called the cattle god. Veles was replaced by the dog god. And in pagan drawings, a stone with a hole was depicted with a human face.


Another version of the origin of the name says that “chicken” is a word form from “churiny” or “shchuriny”. Chur or Shchur was the name given to the spirit of ancestors. The Slavs believed that the souls of deceased ancestors gave living people protection from evil, warned of troubles, and bestowed protection. Among Europeans, Shchur was considered a god who protected the boundaries of the transition of other worlds into our world - window and doorways. Therefore, the stone was often hung at the entrance to the house as protection from criminals.

Do you know that Alexei Tolstoy wrote a fairy tale about an ancient talisman with the same name - “The Chicken God”. This work perfectly reflects the beliefs and traditions of the ancient Slavs. You can read the book on this website: Read the book

Other peoples had their own interpretations of the name of the magic stone. In Europe, the talisman was called the “witch’s stone” or “snake’s egg.” And the Belarusians called the pebble “Perun’s arrow,” based on one of many legends. Perun was revered by the Slavs as the supreme ruler, the thunder god, the creator of lightning. Therefore, it was believed that the hole in the magic stone was carved by Perun’s lightning, from which the stone acquired magical and healing abilities.

Among the fancy names there are also “god-eye”, “dog’s happiness”, “glass of druids” or “thunder stone”.

Where can I find?

Chicken God

Finding a miracle stone is considered a good omen. The Chicken God is a talisman of natural origin. If you buy it in a store or make it yourself, it will not perform its magical function. He needs to be found.

"Where to look?" - you ask. Everything is very simple. Each of us has been to the sea at least once. There are many such stones among the coastal pebbles; you just need to look carefully at your feet. The chicken god can also be found on the banks of mountain rivers.

Those who visit the mountains can meet a unique talisman there. There are also many such stones in volcanic vents, but this method of finding the chicken god is available only to a few.

Pebbles with holes are sold in esoteric shops, but the likelihood that they are of natural origin is very low.

Odin's stones, or stones with natural, natural holes.

Hole stones.

They are also called: “Chicken God”, “Snake Stone”, “Odin’s Stone”. That is, these are pebbles with natural holes.

Geologists agree that the holes are formed in them by water. The pebble lies in water for many years, and it washes out holes in those places where the structure of the stone is less dense. Naturally, the stone absorbs the powerful power of water and its cleansing properties.

That is why the best property of such stones is to cleanse the energy of the space in the house, if the stone is hung in the house like an amulet. In addition, the stone absorbs all the negativity and illnesses from a person. Therefore, at all times it was worn as a talisman capable of curing diseases.

Holey stones attracted the attention of man back in primitive times. The great force of nature, capable of making a hole in such dense material, aroused the admiration of ancient man and explained their origin as the will of the gods and the intervention of divine forces.

An ancient Scandinavian legend has reached us: when the god Odin was tired of wandering the world, when he acquired ancient knowledge, nailing himself to a tree and sacrificing himself and people for the sake of this knowledge, he felt devastation, a desire to hide from the world. Then he turned into a worm and began to drill the bowels of the earth, gnaw stones and made countless passages in the earth. Having found the secret place he needed, he fell into a state of sleep and spent many centuries like this, accumulating and concentrating energy. Naturally, this energy spread along the petrified passages in the ground. So, according to one of the mystical versions, holey stones appeared.

Our ancient ancestors knew a huge number of ways to use holey stones.

Archaeologists have found throughout Russia a large number of stones with holes of different sizes. The largest boulders were used as altars. Cross-shaped depressions were made in them using ice that solidified and gradually destroyed the stone. The hole was located at the center of the intersection of these lines. Offerings were placed there: honey, milk, the blood of sacrificial animals, which flowed down the cross-shaped grooves to the foot of the stone. There was another smaller hole on the side. Other offerings were placed in it: grain, flowers, sacred objects.

On the territory of Azerbaijan there is a primitive site where there is a stone with a large natural hole. In ancient times, spouses who passed through this stone found fidelity and happiness for life, women gave birth to healthy children, and girls quickly got married. They still believe this.

Such stones were considered a symbol of the feminine principle and the fertility of the earth. Therefore, a woman who could not have children for a long time had to sit on such a stone in order to be cured.

Hole stones were always worn by magicians and sorcerers as stones of personal power, since the hole was considered an exit to another dimension. And the power of energy passing inside is similar to the energy of a black hole, absorbing all negative energy. This is the basis of another useful property of Odin stones - energy protection. A stone suspended over the bed or worn around the neck protects the owner from all negative energetic influences.

At first, people noticed that if you hang a holey stone in a chicken coop or other room for keeping animals, they will not get sick and nothing will harm them. Hence one of the names - “chicken God”. Then people began to use the power of these stones for themselves. An interesting fact is that by analogy with the effect of holey stones, people began to use the broken necks of jugs. They hung several in the barn, or in the entryway. After all, there is a hole there too. In addition, such a well-known attribute of country style as an inverted clay pot on a fence is also a way to ward off evil spirits, similar to the effect of holey stones. It was believed that if you hang old clay pots on the fence, or near the room where pets are kept, the livestock will be protected from evil spirits that will take up residence in the pot.

Another property of Odin’s stones is not known to many and has been tested through personal experience. Such stones are an excellent amulet that protects on the road. It has been noticed that if there is such a pebble in the bag, then nothing happens to the luggage. And in a necklace, or in the form of a pendant, the Odin stone protects the owner on the road and brings him good luck. Including financial.

In some Western European countries, holey pebbles are hung from keys like a keychain. This saves the house from thieves, fire and other disasters. Those who could not find such a stone hung a miniature keyhole, which also had a hole, from the keychain. Over time, this form of keychain became traditional. They began to make decorative keys and a well, again as a talisman for personal well-being and the well-being of the home. Such a talisman has a double advantage. After all, the key was also a talisman of prosperity, happiness and prosperity.

There are two ways to fulfill your wish: look through the hole of the stone at the sunrise and wish, carry the stone with you until the wish comes true. Unfortunately, sometimes the stone cracks, having fulfilled a wish, having given its energy for this.

Place the stone in your left hand and rotate your thumb clockwise around the hole, thinking about what you want. Carry the stone with you.

Such methods were not used lightly. After all, the discovery of a holey stone was a great rarity. Some people never find one in their entire lives. It was believed that the more Odin stones a person found, the happier his fate.

I always wondered why I find so many Odin stones everywhere? After all, one or two would be enough for me. Now I realized that this is so that I can share them with you. I will make amulets for you from such stones. I will do it because I love doing it. I believe that everyone should have such a stone for good luck. Take a look and choose the one that suits you. This means that the stone wants to work with you, to protect you, to be your talisman.

How to activate the stone correctly?

Pebble chicken god

Immediately after finding a stone with a hole, in order for it to have power and work as it should, you need to make a wish, that is, activate it.

This needs to be done as soon as possible. This is done like this:

  1. First, the talisman is washed with water, for example, the water near which the stone was found. If he is found in a place where there is no running water, you need to run as quickly as possible to the nearest body of water or home where there is a tap with running water.
  2. After ablution, the magical object is raised above oneself and the spell is pronounced: “There are no accidents in this world, and this stone was waiting for me. I wish this amulet to become a faithful and reliable companion for me in life and bring help in all my affairs and endeavors. So that he would protect me from troubles and misfortunes, and also give me strength. With gratitude to God the Father and the Most Holy Theotokos. May this stone be illuminated. It's fulfilled! Amen!".

During these manipulations, no one except the owner of the talisman should be present, otherwise the consecration of the stone will not occur.

How to use the stone

It’s not enough just to find a magic stone, you need to make it work. The mineral can be placed in different places:

  • At the front door. Such a talisman will protect the house from evil and envious people. The stone should hang in a visible place.
  • In the center of the house. So the magical field of the amulet spreads evenly throughout all rooms.
  • By the bed. This placement of the dog god will make your sleep peaceful and sound. He will give you prophetic dreams, and if you tell him about your experiences, he will answer any question.
  • On the neck or wrist. You can wear the talisman in the form of a pendant or bracelet. It will protect its owner from troubles.
  • Like a keychain. It is worn on a short string with keys.
  • In the wallet. The stone will attract finance and luck.
  • In the bedroom. Two stones in this room will help attract love and will symbolize wedding rings.

If there is no particular need for the amulet, you should hang it in the closet with your clothes. For a stone to constantly influence a person’s life, you need to carry it with you.

Some magicians advise charging the stone with the energies of air, earth, water and sun. To do this, you need to pass a ray of sun and air through its hole, then pour a little water through it, and then sprinkle it with earth.

What properties does it have?

Chicken God

The chicken god has powerful energy, hence its various magical and healing properties. Moreover, the closer the hole of the stone is to its middle, the stronger its effect.

Protective properties

First of all, the talisman works as protection. It is able to protect against magical negativity - damage, evil eye, curses. It is also effective as a talisman against various misfortunes - troubles and troubles. The Chicken God will cleanse the energy of the room, restore harmony in it, and protect those living in the house from quarrels, misunderstandings and disagreements.

Magic properties

The talisman is capable of attracting luck and luck. It is believed that whoever finds such a stone will be the favorite of fortune all his life. It will help single people to meet their soulmate, married people to improve their relationships, and childless people to become parents.

The chicken god amulet will allow those who strive for this to advance in their careers, find a decent job, those who are looking for it will bring prosperity and well-being to the family, and will also fulfill their most cherished desire.

The amulet should be worn by those who find themselves in a difficult life situation. He will quickly and easily help you find a way out of any difficult situation.

The chicken god is used by magicians in various rituals, due to the fact that the hole in the stone is believed to be a portal to the other world, from which sorcerers often draw energy.

Healing properties

A stone with a hole is credited with numerous healing properties. He is capable of:

  • improve overall well-being;
  • restore sleep;
  • relieve depression;
  • facilitate childbirth;
  • cure headaches, etc.

The amulet will relieve pain in any area of ​​the body, you just need to apply it to the sore spot.

Where to hang the amulet?

The Chicken God is used for protection and to attract good luck.

  • To protect your home from negative energy or thieves, hang it above the entrance and above the windows.
  • For general protection of the house, it can be laid in the foundation during the construction of the house, preferably in each corner.
  • To protect the child, put it on a cord as a pendant around the neck.
  • At the head of the bed and above the cradle - it will protect against bad dreams.
  • A double witch stone placed in the bedroom will help strengthen the family unit.
  • To protect your home or car from robbery, hang a stone with a hole on your keys.
  • People with the gift of foresight use such an amulet to communicate with the other world, hence the name “witch stone”.
  • If you put the Eye of God in your wallet, it will attract financial flows.

It turns out that a natural amulet is suitable for protection and attracting good luck. As protection they are hung on the barn, house, gates, windows, walls, keys. Worn around the neck to attract good luck. Moreover, the number of stones also affects the strength of the talisman.

If you want a quick fulfillment of a wish, you can say it by looking through a hole in the sun and throw it back into the sea or river where the stone was found.

You can charm a stone for good luck, happiness, love, financial well-being. A stone with a hole successfully relieves toothache and headaches. The plot should be read from the heart in your own words, clearly articulating your desires.

Varieties and colors

Varieties of chicken god stone

The chicken god can be absolutely any stone, even a precious one. It can also be coral or a shell, as long as the hole is formed in a natural way. If you find such a stone, this does not mean that it will suit you.

To determine whether this is your talisman or not, you should hold it in your hands for a few minutes, listening to your inner feelings. If you feel uneasy, then the stone is not yours, but if you feel peace and tranquility, then you can safely wear such an amulet.

He will help you and protect you. Depending on the color, the chicken god has different meanings.

Pebbles can be:

  • White. Such talismans clear thoughts and charge with positive energy. They allow you to achieve harmony both with yourself and with the world around you. Brings peace and tranquility.
  • Green. A stone of this color improves well-being and health in general, and heals existing ailments.
  • Black. The black amulet perfectly absorbs all negativity, cleanses the energy, and also makes a person stronger and more self-confident.
  • Blue. Blue talismans promote the discovery of talents, enhance existing creative abilities, and give inspiration.
  • Orange. The orange chicken god will help you to endure all adversities and find a way out of any difficult situation.
  • Red. Red - will attract love and happiness into the life of the owner, and will also give strength.
  • Black with white inclusions. These unique talismans will protect you from quarrels and misunderstandings and help you build harmonious relationships with others.

Chicken God

Options for using the talisman

Chicken God has various uses. Its magical properties manifest themselves depending on its location in the house or on the owner’s body:

  1. Place the stone at the front door or bury it on the threshold of the home. The amulet will protect the home from evil forces and damage. It will help you find harmony, prosperity, and protect family members from illness.
  2. The magical amulet Chicken God, hung at the head of the bed, ensures sound, healthy sleep. Its properties will help get rid of nightmares and insomnia. Harmonizes the sexual relations of spouses.
  3. Wearing a bracelet or pendant made of a magic stone on the hand or neck will protect the owner from troubles, help in the work sphere, and attract good luck.
  4. When placed in a wallet, the Chicken God will provide the owner with material benefits.
  5. On a bunch of keys, the amulet has the ability to protect the house from theft, guests with evil thoughts, and hostility towards the owners.

The magical talisman Chicken God has been revered for a long time. Only a lucky chance and favor of fate help to find a rare stone. If a person becomes the owner of an amulet, it is worth thanking higher powers and trying to extract positive properties to harmonize life.

Charms and talismans

The chicken god is used as a talisman and amulet.

Depending on what is desired from the stone, talismans made from various natural materials are used:

  • a crystal amulet can completely change the life of its owner for the better;
  • a coral amulet will protect travelers on their way;
  • those wishing to climb the career ladder will be helped by the turquoise chicken god;
  • a malachite pebble will protect children from the evil eye and damage, and give adults good health.

It is recommended to wear the chicken god on a red rope made of natural material. When threading the rope into the hole, you must say the following: “True amulet, chicken god, you always help me, drive away evil and misfortunes. Let it be so!"

If it is necessary to protect the house, then the talisman is hung above the threshold of the home. To attract love, the stone will be placed in the bedroom. To attract prosperity, the chicken god is placed in a wallet, and to protect a person, a pendant with a stone is worn around the neck.

It is believed that if three stones are carried simultaneously on one string, then their owner will have good luck for 10 years, five stones for 20 years, and a bunch of seven talismans will have the highest effect.

It’s worth knowing that you can’t give your talisman to someone for temporary use, don’t give it as a gift, and in general it’s not advisable to just let someone touch or hold it, and even better, don’t show it to anyone. You can lose a faithful and reliable defender.

How to use talisman magic in the modern world

The times when every yard had a chicken coop, livestock and dogs are long gone. With the development of civilization, everything past becomes only the heritage of our ancestors. But magic, traveling through time, invariably remains a part of our lives, based on the knowledge of the past. Therefore, such a talisman as the chicken god has not lost its meaning in megacities. The main thing is to know how to use a talisman so as not to miss the chance to change your life.

Important! The best talisman will be a stone found personally. If the chicken god was given by a person wishing you good luck, you must kiss the giver. Then the luck, along with the gift, will pass to the new owner. After this, a special ritual is carried out - the stone is washed and wiped dry. Then the candle is lit - when it burns out completely, the talisman will serve the new owner. However, the beliefs of esotericists about whether a gifted or purchased amulet will work differ.

The direction of the amulet’s energy is versatile, depending on the needs of the owner, as well as on the location of the nugget on the owner’s body or within the walls of his house:

  • Protecting housing from evil spirits, negativity, and residents from diseases, bringing harmony and well-being to all family members. For this purpose, the talisman is located near the front door. If possible, the stone is buried at the threshold.
  • Attracting good luck, career growth, protection from troubles. A pendant or bracelet with a chicken god will do the trick.
  • Improving financial condition. For this purpose, God's eye is carried in a wallet.
  • Normalization of sleep, getting rid of night fears, bad dreams or insomnia. It is worth placing the boglaz at the head of the bed. This option also has a beneficial effect on the intimate life of spouses and on love affairs in general, but for this it is advisable to have two copies of the nugget.
  • Protecting your home from thieves, criminals or any ill-wishers. To do this, it is enough to wear the talisman like a keychain.

Also read: Pyrite - a stone for carving fire

chicken god

It is believed that those to whom fate is favorable can find the chicken god. Those who find several of these minerals are considered lucky. After all, the number of stones also determines the strength of the magical action. Three stones on one rope promise good luck for 10 years, five stones will please the owner for 20 long years. The combination of seven chicken gods is considered the strongest, providing lifelong guardianship to the owner of such a miracle.


Chicken God

In order for the talisman to work to its maximum, it is not enough just to wear it. To enhance the effect of the chicken god, various conspiracies are read.

Spell to get rid of pain

If you are caught by surprise by a toothache, you must say the following to the stone: “Go away from the tooth pain and go to the stone.” After these words, the amulet is applied to the sore tooth.

In the same way you can get rid of headaches. Before putting the stone to your head, they say the following words: “Chicken God, stone with a hole through it, take my pain away forever.”

Conspiracy to purify thoughts

To clear your thoughts of negativity, you need to perform the following ritual:

  • Before washing the amulet with water, the latter must be spoken as follows: “Let dark thoughts and languid thoughts, difficult decisions and heavy visions disappear. Amen!";
  • after casting the spell, a chicken god is placed in the water and left in this way for three days and three nights;
  • After this period, the stone is removed and left to dry in the open air.

The talisman is ready for use. Now you can safely wear it. It will relieve its owner from difficult thoughts, doubts and suffering. To achieve this goal, the amulet must be worn without removing it for at least a week.

How to cast a talisman for good luck?

In order for luck not to leave the owner of the stone, he must carry out the following manipulations - take out the talisman three times a day, squeeze it in his fist and say the following words: “Please, chicken god, bring me luck in all my endeavors, get rid of everything painful and unnecessary. Give me joy and luck! Amen!" The pebble will definitely help, you just need to believe in it.

How to make a wish and have it come true?

In order for the chicken god to fulfill a wish, you first need to look into the hole, then squeeze the object in your hands and at the same time voice your desire.

A tingling sensation should begin. It is through the hands that the power of the talisman enters the body. When everything is fine with you, there is no need to wear a chicken god. It is hung on a nail, for example, in a closet.

How to make a wish to the Chicken God

This amulet fulfills the owner's wishes. You need to look at it at sunrise through the hole in the stone and make a wish, you can say it out loud. After this, you need to carry the amulet with you and remind him of your dream more often. You can pick it up and stroke it.

Sometimes the amulet cracks or breaks after the ceremony. This means that he put all his energy into it. Therefore, you need to bury it, not forgetting to thank you for fulfilling the request.

Chicken God Talisman on a Lanyard

Spells for a talisman

The use of such amulets in esotericism is not complete without conspiracies. Certain words help activate the power of such objects, direct them, and strengthen them. There are many spells for the Chicken God. After finding a stone, you need to say one to give it direction. Then, as necessary, you can use other conspiracies.

Before reading, you need to relax, calm down, and get rid of unnecessary thoughts. All words must be pronounced clearly, confidently, and with concentration. You only need to think about what you want to achieve from the amulet. Sometimes it is recommended to cleanse the stone with water or fire before reading the plot. It is advisable to carry out the ritual outdoors or at home, but alone. It is recommended to read the plot 3 or 7 times, sometimes this needs to be done several times a day. While reading, the stone must be held in your hands and addressed to it.

  • To activate the stone, say the following words: “The stone I found was sent to me by fate. May he protect me from misfortunes and all kinds of troubles. May he protect me from evil and grant me happiness.”
  • Spell to attract good luck: “When I leave the house, luck follows me like an affectionate neighbor. “Next to me day and night, always ready to help.” It is recommended to say it 3 times a day.
  • There is another version of such a conspiracy. It must be read for 7 days in a row: “I attract good luck and blessings to myself, I let go of troubles and misfortunes forever. Take care of me from all misfortunes, bring me a lot of happiness.”
  • To stop thinking about bad things, you need to rinse the stone under water and say over it 7 times: “Let languid thoughts, dark thoughts, difficult decisions go away. Let it be so!" Then leave it in water for 3 days and air dry.
  • This amulet can even relieve painful sensations. Best of all, it helps to cope with toothache or headache. After saying the magic words: “Toothache/headache go away, move from me to the stone,” you need to apply the amulet to the sore spot. There is another version of the conspiracy against pain: “God of chickens, a stone with a hole through it, take my pain away forever.”

Wish come true

To make a wish come true, you can perform a common ritual. Hold the stone in your right hand and say your request directly into the hole. You can stroke the pebble with your finger. But for the success and effectiveness of the ritual, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • the desire should not be selfish or harmful to other people;
  • it must be sincere;
  • realistic and feasible;
  • the request must be clearly formulated;
  • You need to believe in the magical power of the talisman.

To maintain the power of the amulet, it is recommended to clean it periodically. There are several options for this ritual: hold it under running water for half an hour, preferably in a stream, place it in the sun’s rays, pass it over a candle flame 3 times, and in a strong wind, place the stone under the air flow.

Natural amulets such as the Chicken God help all people, regardless of gender and age. The main thing is that a person does not have evil intentions, envy or hatred. In this case, the Chicken God will help improve your life and improve your health, while protecting you from all sorts of negativity.

Why do you dream about the chicken god?

Chicken god stone

Sometimes it happens that the chicken god stone comes in dreams. This means that soon the person who had this dream will have difficult times, during which he will need outside help.

The color of the stone that appeared in a dream also has meaning:

  1. If you see a white pebble, it means the person’s thoughts are pure, and he will quickly and easily cope with all troubles.
  2. A red stone indicates that the individual is on the verge of fanaticism and needs professional help.
  3. The black chicken god predicts misfortunes and losses, but the Almighty will help to cope with all troubles.
  4. The blue talisman foreshadows a journey during which the questioner’s worldview and his outlook on life will change.
  5. A yellow pebble indicates that a white streak will soon come in a person’s life.
  6. The green stone advises you to change your profession. The one who dreamed of the green chicken god is not doing his own thing, and he needs to reconsider his occupation, or even better, start farming and start working on the land.

Proper Use of Chicken God

Chicken God is a versatile stone with a hole. This mineral can be worn by anyone. The chicken god makes no demands on the age or gender of the future owner, calmly getting along with both young girls and experienced men. The only condition is that the owner of the stone must ask for something with a calm soul. The amulet will not help him if he is angry or holds in himself not the most pleasant feelings.

The Chicken God will love any storage space. That's why they dress him:

  • on a cord that is hung around the neck - this method creates a strong connection between the talisman and its owner. The mineral will feel all human desires and feelings, and be guided by them at the moments of influence on it. Girls love to attach the talisman to a bracelet, where it looks like a pendant;
  • on a keychain - their proximity will help protect the house from thieves and unpleasant guests;
  • in the secret pocket of a wallet - the treasured hole attracts financial flows;
  • used as a decoration for the living room – cleanses the home environment of negative energy;
  • a hook above the front door - does not allow bad people to enter this house;
  • placed on a table in the hallway - affects all people in the same room with it;
  • hung over a specific bed - it becomes the dreamer’s personal protector. If you hang two amulets, they will improve the relationship between sleeping lovers.


The mere fact of an accidental discovery does not make a person the owner of the amulet. To awaken the magical powers of the stone, you need to perform a small ritual. Its result will be most effective if a person has done everything necessary at the first moment of acquaintance with the amulet, without the presence of strangers.

Healers can tell a hundred conspiracies to achieve a specific goal. But before reading the necessary words, you need to lower the stone into any liquid. The chicken god is looking for his master on the banks of a reservoir, so he is associated with the water element. While the stone lies there, you need to decide what the new owner expects from his magical friend.


This ritual can be called universal. Its use attracts good luck into the life of the owner, and the strong energy of the stone creates a protective aura around a person that repels all negativity. It consists in the fact that after washing the stone, you need to lift it and say the necessary words. Conspiracies are described in any sources, but ethnographers say that you can choose the words yourself. The only condition under which they will act is a strong belief in the power of the talisman.

It is equally important to complete the ritual correctly. To do this, you need to buy a cord and thread it through the hole of the new amulet. A suitable option would be red threads made from cotton, linen or wool. At the moment when the thread touches the edges of the hole, you need to say another conspiracy intended for such an action.

Correctly performed rituals activate the amulet. The chicken god must be with the owner - in his pocket, on his neck, inside a bag, along with a bracelet, and so on. Only close proximity will ensure maximum impact of the stone.


The healers knew what the chicken god meant. From an ordinary amulet with a hole you can achieve the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. But such a goal requires its own special ritual:

  • you need to look at the stone and mentally form the object of your desires;
  • then look through the hole in the amulet and say out loud what you have in mind;
  • after the words have been spoken, the stone is squeezed in the hand, feeling the exchange of energy;
  • at the end the amulet is hidden from prying eyes. A closet with clothes would be an excellent option.

The chicken god can devote all his strength to the real embodiment of his master’s desires. Therefore, you should not be surprised if a strong stone suddenly crumbles after a ritual. This moment proves that he devoted all his energy to a specific goal. If this happens, healers advise thanking the stone and burying it away from your home. But we must remember that for maximum activation of the ritual, the chicken god must be a found thing, and not someone’s gift.

There is another version of this ritual. It is associated with the four elements passing through the hole of the amulet - Air, Water, Fire and Earth. To help them get through it, you need to point the hole at the nearest ray of sunlight, pour sand there, add water and blow a little. Then the necessary words are said.

A talisman made by human hands will not bring the desired effect. In fact, it will be as useful as a photo of the chicken god stone. A purchased talisman will become the same trinket. His true strength will manifest itself when he himself finds his master.

The chicken god talisman is found on sea and river banks. History knows an amazing case when in 2003 the waves of the Black Sea threw hundreds of stones with holes onto the shore of Alushta. They all differed from each other in color, size and shape. And each of them was waiting for its owner.

How to clean a stone?

Like all amulets and amulets, the chicken god from time to time needs to be cleansed of accumulated negativity, which is done with the help of the elements:

  • Water. The stone is placed under running water for 30 minutes, dried in the open air and charged in the sun. To do this, the talisman is placed in the sun for a day.
  • You can bury a pebble in dry soil under any tree for a day. This must be done in the forest.
  • Light a church candle and pass the amulet over its flame three times.
  • Go out onto the balcony in windy weather and, at arm's length, place the chicken god under the flow of wind, holding it by the string. Hold this for a few minutes.

If you treat your talisman with respect, keep it from the touch of others, protect it from prying eyes, and care for it with love, then the chicken god will faithfully serve his master for many years.

Appearance, properties and meaning of the stone

Perun's stone can have a variety of appearances. A common feature of all options is the presence of a through hole in the stone. It can be one or more. Typically, all stones of this type have a smooth surface, are flattened on the sides and have an oval or elongated shape.

The amulet is formed from any type of mineral, including precious one.

The appearance of a hole can have a different nature: it is worn out under the influence of wind, water, erosion, lava, and the activity of mollusks. Some minerals have a special structure, which only facilitates the formation of natural holes.

All chicken god amulets, regardless of the color and type of mineral, have the following magical properties:

  • They protect against magical attacks, evil spirits, damage, and reflect the negative influence of envious glances.
  • They clean the energy in the room, protect it from thieves and unwanted visitors.
  • Improves health and protects against diseases.
  • Relieves insomnia, nightmares, and fears.
  • replenish vitality, increase endurance;
  • They help to have offspring and facilitate the process of childbirth.
  • Promotes career growth and financial well-being.
  • They develop determination and perseverance in overcoming life’s difficulties.
  • They fulfill wishes and attract good luck in all endeavors.
  • Strengthens family ties.

If the found pebble with a hole is precious or semi-precious, its value will be determined not only by the properties common to all dog gods, but also by those specific to a given mineral. Problems that the amulet can solve, depending on the type of breed:

  1. Malachite . Brings good luck, absorbs negative energy, helps with diseases of the heart, pancreas, nervous system, and is useful for people of creative professions.
  2. Coral . Gives happiness, longevity, neutralizes the owner’s anger, develops intuition and clairvoyance.
  3. Turquoise . Brings victory in any endeavor, wealth, forms fearlessness, initiative, assertiveness.
  4. Rock crystal . Develops oratory abilities, intelligence, opens the “third eye”.


What is the chicken god stone and how to use it?

So, let's start with what the chicken god stone is. This is any stone of natural (not artificial) origin that has been in the natural environment for a long time, namely in water, and with the help of a current a small hole has formed in it. It does not matter whether such a stone was found in a river or on the sea coast.

In appearance, chicken god stones can be of any color, shape and size, but most often they are grayish pebbles, reminiscent of pebbles hewn by time. It is also worth mentioning that in some cultures the stone is called the Eye of God.

They used this stone for many centuries, hiding it in a special way in chicken coops, as well as in sheds, booths, etc. where the pets lived. It was believed that the owner of the stone, the chicken god, attracts the special attention of God to his master's yard, through a hole in the stone - the “eye”, God looks after the household and drives away evil spirits. Today the stone is used differently, but more on that below.

Chicken god stones on keychain
Chicken god stones on keychain

Chicken god - stone: magical properties

The chicken god stone has the purest energy and powerful protective powers. Also, with the help of the chicken god stone, you can fulfill your cherished desire, or understand how unsteady and unrealizable it is. But first things first.

Do you want to have the purest energy near you, which can charge you with a positive flow of energy at any moment? Keep the chicken god stone in your bag, pocket, and do not put it in your wallet.

Would you like to wear the chicken god stone as a talisman? Thread it through a cord, chain, etc. and wear it daily on yourself so that the stone is in contact with the body (on the neck or wrist). If the stone cracks, a hole wears out, or the chain/lace breaks and the stone falls off you, the talisman has protected you and done its job. Thank him - you have avoided, perhaps even mortal danger.

Chicken God - a stone that brings good luck
Chicken God - a stone that brings good luck

Another magical property of the chicken god stone is the fulfillment of desires. To start the ritual, you must go to the place where the stones lie under your feet. Chicken god stones are formed in running water, river or sea. But you can find them everywhere. And as the magicians explain it, you are not looking for a stone, the stone is looking for you. Energy flows will lead you to the place where it will lie if you do everything correctly:

  • Waking up in the morning, you need to thank life for how beautiful it is and ask the higher powers to fulfill your desire. Take a cleansing shower;
  • Think about the desire and ask the Universe for help mentally;
  • Go to a place where there are many stones under your feet;
  • Walk around a place with stones and think about the fulfillment of your desire, carefully looking at your feet;
  • The search for a stone should be intuitive; it will find you on its own if the Universe is ready to give you this helper. Some people feel that they need to kneel down and look for a stone, sorting through a lot of pebbles, others simply walk, looking at their feet, and find the desired stone;
  • When you find it, look at it. If it is large and dense, the wish will come true quickly and easily; if it is small, it will not come true soon, but you should move in the direction of the desire, and the stone will be a talisman and hope for fulfillment. But if the Universe sends you sandstone or a pebble with an almost worn hole that is about to break through the edge of the mineral, this is a dubious desire, and even if you achieve it, you will not receive satisfaction.
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