Green quartz: description, photo and magical properties of the stone, which zodiac sign is suitable

Green quartz is a rare onion-colored mineral.
It is also called “prazem”. Jewelry, talismans, and interior items are made from stone. Thanks to its positive energy, the crystal is suitable for all zodiac signs. Both men and women can wear it. What secrets does green quartz hide? How to use it correctly? Now you will find out everything.

History and deposits

The name of the mineral is Greek and comes from the word “prazen”. To our eyes, the translation of the name will seem quite funny, because it sounds like “leek”. This is what the Greeks called the stone because of its banal similarity in color. It also has another name - prazem.

Green quartz stone is quite rare. There are so few deposits of this mineral that quartz has not reached the masses. Only rich people can afford jewelry made from it.

The stone was first found in Switzerland.

Green quartz is not mined in many places, and no new deposits have been discovered recently. Previously discovered crystal deposits are located in the following countries:

  • Switzerland;
  • Austria;
  • France;
  • Brazil;
  • India;
  • Australia;
  • Poland.

The gem was first discovered in Switzerland, and soon deposits were discovered in other countries. Green quartzite is also mined in Russia - in Primorye and the Urals.


Another name for the stone is prazem (from the Greek “prazeos” - “pale green”).

  • Formed by crystals, in natural conditions it occurs in the form of regular geometric shapes.
  • Natural crystals are elongated in shape and have a rich “onion” color.
  • The semi-precious stone has a distinct glassy luster, which makes it attractive to jewelers.
  • Prazem is common and easy to process.
  • The price of raw materials is only 125 rubles. per gram (25 rubles per carat).

In nature, green quartz usually contains inclusions:

  • liquid,
  • air bubbles,
  • other minerals

Where did the gem come from?

  • Formed from igneous acid rocks.
  • Crystallizes under the influence of high temperatures and water.
  • It lies deep in the earth in wide veins.
  • Quartz vertical rods are often found in places where magma reached the surface of the planet.
  • Quartz is found anywhere on Earth, but deposits of praseme are quite rare.

Place of Birth

  • Green crystals are mined in Brazil, Finland, Austria, and Germany.
  • Interesting specimens are found in the American state of Arizona. At first these stones are light purple in color, but when heated they become emerald.
  • In the Ural Mountains of Russia, stones of a unique yellow-green color are mined. In the world they are known as “Russian quartz”.

Physical properties and composition

  • The formula of quartz is SiO2 - silicon oxide.
  • On the Mohs scale, the gem ranks 7th: harder than feldspar, but softer than topaz.
  • The crystals have a beautiful glassy luster, “oily” at the break.
  • Green quartz is transparent if there are no internal defects in the structure.
  • If you hit the gem with a hammer, the damaged area will turn smoky green.
  • Prazem is resistant to weathering and water.
  • Does not decompose in acids except hydrofluoric acid.
  • Interacts with caustic alkalis.
  • Quartz has excellent optical properties and transmits ultraviolet rays.
  • Melting point - 1713°C. Quartz glass is formed from the solidified alloy.
  • Greenish quartz is perfectly electrified.
  • Under the influence of mechanical stress, electrical discharges occur in the structure of prazem.

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How to spot a fake

Green quartz is an expensive stone; it is almost impossible to find it on the market. Neither at the bazaar, nor at jewelry exhibitions. Unfortunately, the same can be said about decent stores. There are also often fakes there.

When planning to buy jewelry made from green gemstones, be sure to invite a jeweler or mineralogist with you. A decent price tag does not imply good quality. It’s better to pay extra for the services of a stone specialist than to buy a fake and be upset.

Artificial quartz

Although natural mineral is mainly used, artificial quartz is also used little by little . There are now a large number of quartz substitutes. Most often it is created by processing minerals of yellow and purple hue. Citrine stone is also used. When heat treated, it changes its color to green. This method has been known since the time when Ural craftsmen obtained quartz by baking citrine in loaves of bread. Indian craftsmen used complex designs of mirrors and lenses, directing sunlight onto the mineral.

Application and care

Jewelry making is the main application of prazem. But procurement problems and the desire to get rich from someone else’s ignorance force craftsmen to counterfeit green quartz. Often, under the guise of this gem, clients receive jewelry made of transparent crystal, painted in the desired color.

When combined with silver, the green crystal turns into a powerful talisman.

In jewelry, green quartz looks quite discreet, but beautiful. Prazem goes well with plain clothes - both women's dresses and men's suits. Signets, rings, bracelets and cufflinks are made from it.

Interesting fact: rune sets are made from prazem. It is believed that dies made from a green gem help make more accurate predictions for the future than wooden ones.

The owner of such a gem needs to know the rules for caring for it:

  • It is not recommended to leave quartz in the sun, otherwise it will lose light saturation;
  • The crystal also does not like temperature changes;
  • the talisman must be washed and wiped so that it does not become cloudy from adhering dirt;
  • It is recommended to soak the mineral for several minutes in soapy water and then wash it with a brush.

Green quartz goes well with silver. Esotericists recommend using this combination for those who need a strong talisman. For a stone to bring good luck, it must be worn in a certain way. Men on the left side of the body, women on the right.

Quartz care

When purchasing items with natural stones or precious metals, you need to know how to properly care for them.

Since green quartz is considered a fairly durable stone, to thoroughly clean it, the mineral only needs to be treated with a soft brush or washed in a light aqueous solution based on washing powder. If the stone is in a frame made of silver, then after cleaning the item must be rinsed well under running water.

Any jewelry with quartz should be stored as far as possible from heating devices and avoid high humidity. It is advisable that every item has its own bag or box, since this is how you can prevent scratches and deformation of the jewelry.

There is no need to leave quartz in the sun for a long time, as this will quickly cause the stone to lose its natural shine and become almost colorless. Green quartz is harmed by strong and sudden temperature changes, so the mineral can also quickly lose its rich tone and even become discolored. You can return the color to the stone using irradiation, but the shade will no longer be the same as before.

In order for quartz jewelry to be shiny and beautiful for a long time, it is necessary to wipe the stone from time to time with a soft sponge, removing various contaminants and small particles of dust.

Stone care

When properly cared for, green quartz jewelry will last a long time. It is worth remembering that, although the stone has high strength, direct sunlight is destructive for it, not to mention heat treatment . To avoid this problem, the stone should be stored away from sources with high temperatures, otherwise it will lose its color and then become completely transparent.

There are other rules for caring for minerals. These actions will not take much time, but will extend the life of the jewelry:

  • It is advisable to clean minerals with a soft brush and soap solution.
  • If the jewelry has silver inserts, then after cleaning procedures the product should be thoroughly rinsed under running water.
  • Before putting on the jewelry, it is best to wipe it with a soft sponge, this will give it shine. This procedure must be carried out regularly to prevent dust from settling on the products.
  • It is best to store jewelry in dark and dry places, in boxes with a soft finish or in bags.

If a mineral has lost its color due to improper use, then you will not be able to return it to its original color with your own hands. You will have to carry out a special irradiation procedure, which will not necessarily return the green tint.

Green quartz is an exceptional mineral. Thanks to the healing and magical properties of the stone, it is suitable for all zodiac signs. It harmonizes perfectly with different styles and outfits and is suitable for many events.

Beads, bracelets, earrings, pendants with green mineral will perfectly complement any look. Thanks to the varied color palette, everyone can choose the mineral for themselves.

How to care?

The origin of the praseme stone necessitates its proper use. It is easier to care for a synthetic specimen, but there are limitations.

  1. The stone fades or becomes discolored in direct sunlight, so it is not taken to the beach. The loss of color is not critical; it is returned by once again irradiating the stone with X-rays. But it’s better not to let things get to that point.
  2. A contaminated gem in jewelry is cleaned in warm soapy water with a soft toothbrush and wiped with a soft cloth. Household chemicals are excluded.
  3. From time to time, jewelry with a crystal is sent to rest from accumulated negative energy.
  4. The gem is stored separately from other jewelry or in a bag.

Health Importance

Many of us are skeptical about color therapy, considering it nonsense. However, even psychologists claim that the color of walls or clothing can affect a person’s well-being and physical condition.

Ancient people knew this feature, and therefore chose the colors of clothing, jewelry and interiors wisely. Since green was associated with the color of leaves, grass and forests, it was given the ability to heal. Gems of these shades were used to calm nerves and treat various ailments.

Healing properties of green quartz:

  • calms the nervous system;
  • helps fight colds and flu;
  • responsible for normalizing hormonal levels;
  • improves thyroid function;
  • prevents vision loss;
  • heals wounds;
  • restores elasticity to the skin, removes acne;
  • treats gastrointestinal diseases.

Green quartz can be used in many different ways. Wear it as jewelry or just keep the stone in your pocket. The effect will increase if the owner of the talisman comes into contact with it more often.

For people with problem skin, healers recommend making tinctures of prazem for washing. There is no need to grind it, which makes it easy to make this tincture yourself:

Clean the crystal from dust and dirt. After it dries, put it in salt. Let him lie there for several hours. Then rinse the prazem under running water and place it in a glass of drinking water. Leave it overnight. In the morning, remove the stone and pour the water into a cup. Water infused with prazema gives vitality and helps achieve inner harmony.

When using quartz for healing or cleansing the body, be sure to cleanse the crystal itself. Overflowing with negative energy, he stops healing.

What is prazem

The mineral praseme is a type of quartz with green shades.

A typical prazem has the following characteristics:

  • Dense, translucent or transparent.
  • Shines like glass or “greasy”.
  • The color range ranges from emerald to olive and marsh color. It is created by impurities of actinolite and chlorite.

Quartz prazem can be distinguished from other quartz by the presence of actinolite in its composition.

Actinolite is a grayish-green mineral with needle crystals inside. For which it is called “radiant” in the descriptions.

Magic properties

Green quartz can heal and completely cure diseases, influence the mood and fate of its owner.

The mineral interacts well with the heart chakra. Helps you find lost harmony with the world, take your mind off the hustle and bustle and feel peace. Green crystal amulets are bought to open the third eye. They meditate with it, use it to find inspiration or to see unusual, picturesque dreams.

Esotericists classify this gem as unique, claiming that it has incredible accumulative abilities. The crystal collects positive energy and then relays it to the owner. The danger is that he does the same with negative energy. Anger, envy and irritability will be absorbed by the stone. Therefore, it is important to periodically cleanse the crystal energetically.

Magical properties of green quartz:

  • brings good luck in everyday situations;
  • helps to achieve promotion;
  • attracts romantic relationships;
  • promotes the development of creative skills;
  • protects against accidents, protects against witchcraft.

If you wear the mineral constantly:

  • memory will improve;
  • interesting ideas will arise more often;
  • your speech will become more vivid and imaginative;
  • thought processes are activated.

Green quartz is used in love magic. A person who feels lonely can carry a crystal with him everywhere. The talisman makes the owner more attractive and pleasant to talk to, and also works as a magnet for positive energy, which increases the chances of success. Over time, the loner meets his soul mate.


Prasem crystals have the shape of a hexagonal prismatic figure. The Greeks first discovered samples of emerald stone more than two thousand years ago.

Minerals are also found in more saturated and bright green shades. The degree of coloring depends on exposure to sunlight: in bright sunlight, quartz crystals become paler. Thanks to its unusual color, the mineral looks very impressive.

The inhabitants of Greece explained the change in the color of crystals by the acts of the Gods. They assumed that a Higher Power gave color to the crystals, endowing them with its power. Under the strong influence of rays, the stone turns almost colorless, resembling rock crystal in its color.

Green Quartz and Zodiac Signs

Quartz is a peaceful stone. Possessing a calm and pleasant energy, he is able to get along with anyone. Quartz will pull a depressed person out of depression, calm an aggressive person, and help a nervous person relax.

Anyone can wear it, but there are signs for which the green gem suits best:

  • Aquarius;
  • Aries;
  • Sagittarius.

Prazem will lead people born under this sign to glory and open up creative possibilities in them. It will bring good luck, purify energy and contribute in every possible way to self-development.

Who should wear green mineral?

Prazem likes open, brave and honest people more. Quartz will help a selfless and kind person, but if the owner of the mineral does not have these qualities, the stone can even cause harm. A ring with quartz should be worn when concluding agreements or business negotiations, as it looks beautiful, and at the same time additionally attracts financial status and good luck.

Green quartz has truly miraculous properties and protects its owner in absolutely any difficult situation.

Considering that this stone has a delicate and beautiful shade, you need to choose the appropriate wardrobe for it. Quartz can perfectly complement classic clothes or a sophisticated and elegant dress.

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