General classification
Among the minerals there are types that are mostly suitable for jewelry. They are classified as semi-precious or precious stones. Others are usually taken for making decorative items. These are ornamental stones. Although they are beautiful, many have interesting colors and natural patterns. After proper processing, such gems also make jewelry and expensive jewelry.
Sometimes jewelry and ornamental stones are additionally distinguished. This is an intermediate group. Crystals are not among the most valuable, but they often make decent jewelry.
Products made from ornamental gems are called stone-cutting. They have been known since antiquity. Every culture has similar artifacts. Craftsmen still make them today. These are various boxes, ashtrays, candlesticks and other items.
Notable collections
Before our era and since the beginning of the century, people understood the beauty of minerals and created unique things from them. Today the world knows the largest collections. Let's list some of them:
- Count Bruce's collection of stones - 32 oval jaspers, located in the Kunstkamera since the mid-18th century.
- The collection of stones of Count Sheremetev - 150,000 different minerals, transferred to the Mineralogical Museum in Moscow.
- Kochubey's collection - 300 unique precious stones and 2700 samples.
- The collection of mineralogist Severgin – 10,000 samples.
- Goethe Collection – 21,500 minerals.
Popular ornamental stones
The group includes many minerals. Of these, the most popular ornamental stones can be distinguished.
Famous gems include jasper. The stone has a large number of colors and shades, and its name translates as “variegated”. The most recognizable are red-brown and green jasper. It is a hard mineral - 7 on the Mohs scale. Consists of silicon oxide and impurities. Opaque. It is found in many countries, but the largest deposits are in Russia.
Another well-known ornamental stone is a mineral called “jade”. This is a legendary gem that is revered in the East. Jade is a hard and viscous mineral. It can be difficult to break off a piece from it. There are different colors; common ones include white, green, gray, and red. Most often there are samples with spots and inclusions.
One of the most common minerals on Earth is quartz. A pure stone is colorless. Due to impurities, shades appear, for example, purple, yellow, pink.
Another ornamental mineral, malachite, has also been known for a long time - since the times of Ancient Egypt. According to one version, the gem was named after the mallow plant; according to another, the name comes from the Greek word for “soft.” Indeed, stone processing is easy. Hardness -3.5-4 on the Mohs scale. The mineral can be green or its shades. Large reserves have been explored in the Urals and the Republic of Congo (Africa).
The hardness of marble is 2.5–3 points. Consists of calcium carbonate. Impurities can improve or worsen its quality and decorative properties. White color is often found, but there are specimens with a reddish, black-blue, brown, bluish, greenish color. The pattern sometimes depends on the direction of the cut. All qualities appear after polishing.
The most beautiful stones and minerals in the world
Every precious and semi-precious mineral on the planet can be called beautiful because of its uniqueness. However, according to the generally accepted classification, only a few received the title of the most amazing:
- Uvarovite is a mineral with a bright emerald color, named after the head of the Academy of Sciences - S.S. Uvarov. Its other name is Ural emerald. It is considered the pride of Russia and Siberia.
- Fluorite is a cube-shaped mineral often used to create art and lenses. Unique due to its slight glow in the dark.
- Kemmererite is a brittle crystalline mineral with a monoclinic prismatic shape. Named in honor of a prominent domestic engineer. In life it has a lilac and scarlet hue, shimmering with mother-of-pearl.
- Torburnite - despite its beauty, is a very dangerous mineral due to its high content of uranium and radon. It was discovered by a Swedish scientist. It has an unusual turquoise color and a pearlescent tint.
- Clinoclase is a rare blue mineral found in an English county at the beginning of the last century. Refers to crystals and phosphates. It has no practical use because it emits caustic gas when heated.
- Azurite, or otherwise copper glaze, is a blue crystalline mineral often found in Namibia and Morocco. Mainly used as a collection stone. In ancient times it was used to make blue paint.
- Vanadinite is a unique mineral, considered the heaviest on the planet due to its high lead content. Used in the chemical and textile industries. It is also used for the production of ceramics.
- Stibnite is a silver-colored crystal. 3 thousand years BC it was used to make vessels. The largest stones were discovered in Japan and China.
- Chalcanthite is the most favorite blue mineral with blue tints among aesthetes. However, beauty is deceiving. Once in the water, the mineral decomposes and releases toxic substances that can kill all living creatures in stagnant water.
- Cacoxenite is a crystalline yellow mineral whose translation sounds like a bad guest. The guest is bad - it is for iron ore, because it oxidizes it and reduces it in size. Typically formed on quartz or amethyst.
- Scolecite is a needle-shaped crystal formed in large bunches. Has a rich white color. Because of the fire, they curl up, resembling worms. Because of this, it got its name.
- Opal is a translucent bluish natural mineraloid. Widely used in jewelry. In nature, it occurs in different patterns, reminiscent of ocean reefs. Because of this, some of its species are called oceans in Greek.
- Quartz – in nature has different colors. The most beautiful quartz is the pink color of the mineral. It is easy to finish due to its high density, so it is used in the chemical, textile industries and jewelry.
Magic properties
Ornamental stones serve not only in everyday life or for decoration. Each of them is believed to have magical properties:
- Jasper protects from dark forces and the bad influence of evil people. This is its similarity to agate. Sorcerers loved to store things in jasper boxes. In ancient temples, floors made from this mineral are sometimes found, as it keeps demons out. If you store jasper products in your apartment, the atmosphere of your home improves.
- Jade has rare magical powers . In China, they believe that the gem embodies justice, wisdom, mercy, courage and honesty. The mineral does not like people who harbor negative emotions, so it is recommended to be worn by prepared, spiritually developed individuals. The gem protects from evil, preserves the family and helps in business. However, the thoughts of the owner of the stone must be noble, only then will jade become a good amulet.
- Malachite helps strengthen the connection with the guardian angel and develops intuition . In Ancient Rus' they believed that the gem gave the ability to better understand animals. Malachite is sometimes recommended for children.
Petrified wood with opal veins
Opal itself is one of the most unusually beautiful minerals. But here the veins of opal are organically and harmoniously arranged in a piece of petrified wood.
Organics and chemical crystals, combining in such a bizarre way, made this stone a real masterpiece of nature.
Products with stones
If the mineral is classified as an ornamental one, decorative things are made from it - figurines, boxes, writing instruments. In addition, each of the stones may have its own specific area of application. It depends on the physical, external properties of the gem:
- Even in the Bronze Age, jade was used to make amulets, weapons and much more. The stone is not only hard, but also viscous. Thanks to this, blades made from it are comparable in strength to steel ones. It is of particular importance in the religion of China and for the Maori people (New Zealand). Often used to decorate temples or make sacred objects.
- Marble is familiar to everyone. The mineral is taken for the manufacture of large products: monuments, sculptures, mosaics, floor coverings and wall decor.
- The most widely used material is perhaps quartz. It is part of ceramic objects, glass of the same name is made from it, and is used in optical, radio-electronic and other devices. The application depends on the specific type of this stone. Some, like rose quartz, are suitable for jewelry. Jewelry is also made from other minerals of this group - from jasper, agate, malachite.
Psychics love ornamental stones. Many of these gems are amulets comparable in strength even to black agate. They make amulets and talismans from them.
Ornamental stones have long been popular due to their beauty and natural energy. Jewelry and souvenirs, useful little things and interior items not only please the eye, but also protect the owner from many adversities.
Precious stones (gems)
I order - diamond, sapphire, ruby and their varieties; emerald, chrysoberyl, alexandrite, noble spinel, euclase; pearl.
II order - topaz, beryl, aquamarine, sparrowite, pink tourmaline (rubellite), demantoid (Ural chrysolite), phenacite, amethyst, almandine, uvarovite, hyacinth, noble opal, zircon, pyrope.
III order - garnet, cordierite, epidote, dioptase, turquoise, green and polychrome tourmaline, spodumene (kunzite), agate, rock crystal, smoky quartz (rauchtonase), light amethyst, chalcedony, agate, carnelian, plasma, heliotrope, chrysoprase, praseme , half-fallen; feldspars - sunstone, moonstone; labradorite, eleolite, sodalite, obsidian, titanite, prehnite, andalusite, diopside, scatolite, thomsonite, stravromine, bentonite, hematite (bloodstone), pyrite, rutile, cobaltine, gold in quartz; amber, jet.
It is impossible to resist the beauty of this mineral - its gasoline stains and metallic sheen are simply mesmerizing. Bismuth symbolizes pure love, the energy of creation, and the good intentions of its owner. Buying jewelry with this mineral will help you get out of a state of melancholy and apathy, and also significantly improve your own well-being.
The needle-shaped, ray-shaped crystals of this mineral amaze with the brightness and depth of its green color.
Deposits of this beautiful mineral are found in uranium deposits, so it should be kept away from people and other stones and objects.
Rose quartz
The stone, varied in its physical properties, differs from its counterparts only in color.
The soft pink color of this type of quartz makes it one of the most beautiful minerals on the planet.
The uniqueness of the stone is widely used in the manufacture of crafts and decorative finishing.
Jewelry made from agate is very, very common, however, they do not look trivial - after all, there are many ways to “play up” this beautiful stone in a new way. Agate is believed to protect against infidelity and strengthen feelings. If you think that your significant other is thinking about cheating, the best gift would be a piece of jewelry with this ancient magic stone.
A very popular gem of a beautiful purple hue. “Amethyst” is translated as “not drunk” - it has long been believed that the stone protects against the harmful effects of alcohol and helps those who are inclined to abuse strong drinks to learn to feel their limits. Esotericists claim that amethyst can teach a person purity of thoughts, steadfastness of life principles and devotion to ideals.
An incredibly beautiful mineral of rich green color with a marble pattern, unique to each sample. Rings, pendants and earrings made of malachite look like real works of art - it’s simply impossible to resist. Esotericists believe that malachite jewelry helps a person find true pure love, find peace and peace of mind - therefore, a malachite pendant can be the best gift for a lonely and broken person.