Capricorn horoscope: talismans, amulets and amulets

What is the best talisman for Capricorn?

Capricorns are noble and strong representatives of the Earth element. For a long time, men of this sign have become famous magicians, given their penchant for analyzing everything in the world. Occultism helps Capricorn build a safe path towards their goals. That’s why every man of this zodiac sign should find his own talisman, which will make any goal closer and men’s health stronger. In this article we will reveal all the secrets of amulets for Capricorn, and also tell you why a figurine of a bear in the house will bring trouble.

The magic of objects and symbols - Janus, keys, ladder Stones and minerals for good luck for Capricorn Plant amulets Animal talismans for Capricorn Metals and materials for Capricorn Talismans of color Items amulets for Capricorn Talismans for Capricorn women Talisman for Capricorn men

Which stone is suitable for Capricorn?

1. Stones of dark colors.

Agate bracelet

These people achieve maximum harmony in the company of jewelry in black, gray, blue, brown and green shades. Stones according to the Capricorn zodiac sign, which correspond to the astrological affiliation of this sign, also have a dark shade, for example, black pearl or black tourmaline, obsidian, black agate and black quartz. These are quite unusual and rare stones, and that is why Capricorns are attracted to them.

Other worthy gemstones for Capricorn are agate or black ambergris - another way to show your uniqueness without unnecessary design inventions. Capricorns generally do not like pretentious, shocking or overly colorful or bright products. A person belonging to this sign will most likely put an extravagant accessory on a distant shelf with annoyance, considering it useless.

2. Ruby.

Another stone of Capricorn according to the horoscope - ruby ​​awakens passion, which often lies dormant, surrounded by cold calculation and skepticism, which are characteristic of this sign.

3. Onyx.

Mysterious onyx is a stone for Capricorn, which gives the coveted power over people and awareness of their superiority, so in its bins you will definitely find at least one product with this gem.

4. Malachite.

Noble malachite as a gift to Capricorn calms the representatives of this sign, gives them prudence, and, if you believe folk legends, fulfills desires.

The magic of objects and symbols

Various objects can serve as a talisman for Capricorns. Let's talk about the most effective and powerful ones.

Kolovrat, Yin-Yang and even the Star of David will help Capricorns find their “I”. These symbols preserve male energy and impart fertility to the seed. This symbol can be worn as a pendant on a cord.

The signs of Capricorn and Saturn will make a man’s career more dynamic and fast. He will reach a leadership position very soon.

Two-faced Janus, surveying the past and future, will not miss a single mistake. A man with such a symbol always knows where luck awaits him.

Powerful trees with a spreading crown have the chthonic power of the Earth and help to adequately defeat any opponent.

A ladder with more than 10 steps is a start for an easy career in any organization and profession.

Keys numbered 1 to 3 will open all doors anywhere on the planet. A man will be included in any society, wherever his interests lead.

Souvenir coins without holes will attract good luck in financial matters. Business will go easier and with greater impact if a money symbol is placed in the office.

Numbers for luck that can be used anywhere: 3, 5, 7, 8.

However, there are also items that are best avoided so as not to cause trouble. These things attract dark entities that destroy lives. They can take possession of a person, and he will become susceptible to addictions from alcohol to gaming. It is very difficult to get rid of such settlers. Therefore, remember that it is better not to keep these items in Capricorn’s house:

  1. Porcelain, glass, ceramic figurines of a bear, lynx, wolf and fox. These animals in nature act as enemies of Capricorn, so you should not even place their images in the house.
  2. Belongings of deceased relatives. The fact is that Capricorns, for all their prudence inside, are very susceptible to mortal energy that destroys the living. Such objects of the deceased, even if in the past, beloved relatives, will very soon be called to the next world.
  3. Broken mirrors or glass with chipped edges. These objects destroy the astral body of Capricorn, and he begins to get sick. Try to immediately get rid of broken mirrors and replace them with new ones.

The magical abilities of Capricorns can manifest themselves already in adulthood, closer to 40 years. Such an awakening will force one to look around for one’s talisman, which will lead the native along a new karmic path.

Jewelry for Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Capricorn The symbol of people born under the sign of Capricorn: “the economy must be economical.” They are accurate in everything. They always achieve excellent results, no matter what they have to undertake. These are pretentious people. They are often reproached for their indifferent attitude, although in fact they really love tenderly and strongly, deeply hiding and not showing their emotions at all. Capricorns are loyal and devoted, natural and truthful.

People born between December 22 and January 2 are under the influence of Jupiter. They are balanced, prudent, observing consistency and order in their actions. And only over time they acquire public recognition and wealth. Although at almost every step they are haunted by the danger of collapse.

Numbers that bring good luck and happiness for Capricorns born in this period: 30, 57.

Capricorns of the period from January 3 to January 13 are at the disposal of Mars, which endlessly makes them sad, causing people of this period to have an extremely negative impact on others.

Numbers that can bring good luck and happiness to Capricorns born in this period: 16, 24, 30, 33, 57.

Capricorns from January 14 to January 20 are under the influence of the Sun, which fills them with a huge supply of vital energy, makes them able to work, sensual and at the same time two-faced and prone to sadness.

The numbers bring them luck and happiness: 21, 30, 31, 41, 50, 57.

Jewelry for Capricorns, acting as a talisman, should have the shape of: Mars, Saturn, the devil, a black cat.

Jewelry that plays the role of a talisman is the spitting image of a goat, a tower clock, a ladder.

The main stones for Capricorn jewelry: jet, ruby, green malachite, onyx, dark onyx, chrysoprase and all black stones.

The presence of the zodiac metal - lead - is mandatory in alloys for jewelry.

Capricorn jewelry colors: dark green, pale yellow, black, ash gray, blue and all dark tones. This is due to the fact that Capricorns are generally incapable of fantasizing.

The constellation Capricorn warns:

1. One or two pieces of jewelry are not for me, but to my taste: collections.

2. You can start with one diamond.

3. I don’t break laws, even if someone gets away with it.

4. I don’t need anything, my property is a reflection of success in the mirror.

5. Life passes like jewelry work done with precision.

6. It’s nice for me to talk about distant countries and discovered treasures while at home.

7. A true Capricorn is like a time-tested jewel.

8. Reaches the heights of life without seeing a specific goal.

9. Old age will not take me by surprise; with age I only get younger.

10. I go through life without complaints, but I won’t let go of my acquisition either.


Stones and minerals for Capricorn luck

Nature itself has created living talismans for us. Stones and minerals have a unique structure that transforms the energy of the Earth into a protective field around a person. If he wears such a stone constantly, then he notices how luck constantly follows ahead of him and illuminates his path.

Turquoise has special meaning for Capricorn men. She softens their hearts and helps them find love.

Alexandrite collects cash flows and directs them towards Capricorn. If he has a business, then he should take alexandrite for all important contracts and they will be signed without a hitch!

Black obsidian glass, the Capricorn talisman, gives wisdom and sedate decisions even to young Capricorns. They will be able to see all the options for events and choose the right one that will lead to success. Obsidian with bloody veins will help in conflicts and even fights.

Opal preserves men's health, preventing Capricorn from losing heart. With such a talisman, a man will always be able to amaze his lady with energy and love of life.

Jade, or jadeite, is the favorite stone of eastern kings. In Thailand, he is still revered as the bestower of longevity and many children.

Malachite will disperse boredom and depression, give you the joy of life and a faithful friend nearby.

Agate with veins in the form of stripes magically restores memory and makes it possible to show erudition and charisma. It is better to wear an agate bracelet on your left hand.

The languid garnet reveals Capricorn as an intelligent interlocutor, and is therefore indispensable during negotiations.

Capricorns born in the year of the Rat will discover their talents together with amber and tourmaline.

Stones and metals for Scorpio

People born under the Scorpio zodiac sign have an innate sexuality, love, loyalty and incredible honesty. This is the most mysterious and mystical representative of the zodiac circle. Its element is Water, its patron planet is Mars and Pluto. Scorpios are jealous, demanding in love, caring and vulnerable, practical and devoted.

At the same time, this sign is distinguished by great suspicion, it does not know how to forgive betrayal and betrayal, and is prone to self-examination and self-pity. Their emotional background is extremely heightened; behind their external composure and composure, there is actually hidden hypersensitivity.

Scorpio, as a water sign, uses precious stones and gems of deep, rich color as talismans. Such minerals and crystals appear transparent, but this feeling is deceptive! Scorpio stones do not have brightness, they shimmer in the light and bewitch, their body may contain sparkling inclusions and unusual patterns.

  • Aquamarine is the main stone for Scorpio, it saves the sign from excessive emotionality
  • Chrysoberyl – Helps clear the mind
  • Emerald – promotes creativity
  • Euclase - necessary for family happiness
  • Pearls – can be used for spiritual development, cools a heated mind
  • Topaz – prevents jealousy, relieves tension
  • Alexandrite – needed for good luck in business, helps to establish partnerships

Scorpio metal – iron, steel, gold. These precious metals and alloys create harmony in his soul, and instill sobriety and clarity of thinking in his heart. A carbuncle and a ruby ​​framed in gold are suitable as a talisman for Scorpio. Such jewelry helps Scorpio fight their own shortcomings and develop the best qualities in themselves. To sharpen their intuition, Scorpios are recommended to wear a ring with topaz.

Read also : talisman for love for Scorpios.

Plant amulets

As a messenger of the Earth, Capricorn takes power from plants. The more of them around, the more successful his life. Flowers in the house will always maintain a calm and bright atmosphere and add comfort.

Beech and beech products will make a man purposeful and ready to fulfill his dreams. It helps to cope with chaos and direct forces in the right direction.

An elm amulet makes Capricorn invulnerable to any attacks from enemies. It relieves boredom and gives a good mood.

The apple tree presents love as the highest gift. With a talisman made from this tree, Capricorn will learn all the wisdom of carnal love and his woman will never leave him. The apple tree preserves a strong marriage.

Fir makes Capricorn bold and go ahead. This coniferous tree will scare away all the demons and clear the way for many victories.

Crassula, or money tree, will keep your wallet full. You will not need anything. Just place the money tree in the north or east so that it directs energy flows directly into the house.

Ficus will make a speaker out of any Capricorn. This is important for those who have chosen a political or pedagogical career. Your tongue will never be slurred, and your thoughts will become clear and strong. The gift of persuasion will appear almost immediately after the ficus appears in the house.

Funny lithops will strengthen male power and help you find a girl for marriage.

Yucca flowers will awaken the senses and help maintain good spirits.

However, there are also harmful plants for Capricorn. These include: chlorophytum, ferns, monstera, cyperus, orchids, asparagus and hibiscus. By the way, asparagus or asparagus should not only be kept in the house, but also eaten. Believe it or not, for Capricorns, asparagus is a virility-sapping food.

Characteristics of the sign Sagittarius

A person born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) is active, energetic, generates new ideas and does not like to sit at home. If freedom is limited, it will go out, become depressed and depressed. Sagittarius finds several things to do and hobbies at the same time. Can become a famous politician, public figure, missionary. The representative of the element of fire is charming, eloquent, able to captivate with large-scale projects and lead. Due to the ability to find useful connections, he is successful in business. Sagittarians make good producers, artists, and spiritual mentors.

The main character trait is the search for new adventures, constant movement forward. Sagittarians love to study, get acquainted with the culture of other peoples, traveling around the world. They find it easy to learn foreign languages.

The fire sign of the Zodiac does not accept monotony, routine and boredom, and wants fame and glory. He takes on a new business and, having succeeded in it, waits for recognition. Sagittarius is not known for his modesty. If he was not noticed or singled out among others, he loudly announces himself, exaggerating his merits. He believes that people who criticize his actions cannot be friends.

According to the horoscope, representatives of the zodiac constellation are witty, sociable, and easily fit even into unfamiliar company. But excessive directness and harshness often become the cause of conflicts and scandals. Sagittarians are kind, capable of caring for others, but at the same time impulsive. Not wanting to cause harm, they violate other people's plans.

Animal mascots for Capricorn

If possible, it is better to have a live animal in the house. You just need to carefully monitor his health, otherwise Capricorn’s health may also deteriorate. You can also keep an image or figurine of a totem animal in your home to feel its help.

The black cat will bring Capricorn success in business and good luck in all endeavors. If he is in the house, then Capricorn cannot be damaged or put under the evil eye. The cat will be able to warn the owner about the attack and protect the whole family from witchcraft. With such a defender you can be calm.

The land turtle is slowly but surely moving towards its goal. It doesn't move very quickly, but it always reaches its destination. Capricorn, like the turtle, is unhurried, but his perseverance will break more than one obstacle. The path will be long, but it always ends with the desired result.

The wise owl accumulates experience and gives it to Capricorn. With such support, any task can be done. An owl does not pay attention to criticism and opinions of others. This bird knows that subtle calculations will help realize any goals.

The goat or goat is the authentic symbol of Capricorn. It is almost a totem that supports the energy of the native and does not allow him to weaken. With such a talisman you can go into any battle.

Metals and materials for Capricorn

Protection and replenishment of energy - this is the significance of metals for Capricorn. It is best to carry a bracelet with a piece of metal or a figurine made of it.

Lead, a heavy but malleable metal, will help Capricorn gain confidence in their decisions and firmness of intentions. He will give weight to every word and no one will be able to resist his goals. You should not wear a lead talisman all the time. If Capricorn does not part with him, then his character will harden and the dark forces that are hidden in the depths of his personality will awaken.

Light cupronickel will help Capricorn avoid meeting dashing and dishonest individuals. It will protect you from rash decisions and preserve masculine strength.

Stone, clay and ceramics, as well as sand can also be talismans that bring Light and Harmony to the life of Capricorn. It is enough to put an hourglass on the fireplace and Capricorn will always have enough time for all his ideas. The stone house will become a fortress and a place where Capricorn will hatch plans to take over the world.

Capricorn Stones

Among the variety of stones and gems, precious and semi-precious, Capricorns should pay special attention to the following stones:

  1. – a dark and warm gem associated with the earth, providing internal protection to Capricorns, helping them make the right decisions, and will protect them from rash actions. It is best to choose dark red obsidians - they will protect you from anxiety and help you find inner harmony, and protect you from serious losses.
  2. Onyx
    is the best talisman for everyone born under the zodiac sign of Capricorn. Onyx will give you confidence in your abilities and help you cope with your favorite anxieties, and will contribute to a speedy recovery for all sick people. Onyx is a very powerful mineral, so before you buy it, take the gem in your hands and hold it for a couple of minutes. So, you will understand whether it is your stone or not.
  3. Black or green tourmaline
    is the best protection for all Capricorns, protecting them from danger and the evil eye, helping to protect the mind and strength from negative influences from the outside. Among other things, black tourmaline helps strengthen the immune system and eliminate lower back pain, and the green mineral helps normalize heart function and overcome fatigue. can be found here.

Talismans of color

The entire palette of the Earth is at the disposal of Capricorn: brown, sand, white, green and bright shades of fresh flowers will form an individual style in clothing, as well as decorate the house. It is better for Capricorn to choose a silver or black car - these colors give stability and emphasize status.

Marine colors: white, teal, green, blue and gray will help you find your way in life and save your nerves. If you skillfully introduce them into the interior, then Capricorn will gain the strength to fulfill all desires.

Amulet items for Capricorns

If Capricorn wants to purchase a Capricorn talisman for himself, then he needs to listen to his inner head. Intuition will tell you which subject to focus on. The item should evoke pleasant emotions, feel tactilely comfortable and should radiate warmth. If the amulet pricks your hands, feels cold and uncomfortable, refuse to buy and look for something that will cause pleasant sensations.

Black cat, classic Capricorn mascot

Luck and patience, protection from bad forces - this is what the Cat talisman does for Capricorn. With such support, you can get involved in any business, go to an interview or an important meeting, and victory will await you everywhere. Please note that if you lose this amulet, trouble may await you. So treat it with care and get the best protection.


Upward movement symbol. The talisman must have at least 10 steps. Only in this case the amulet will work 100%. Your career will go like clockwork, and the envious people will fall off on their own.


The very personification of calm and harmony. While the turtle is moving, the sun is at its zenith. This allegory means that all Capricorn's affairs are always in the white light of law and rules. Capricorn is never in a hurry and always achieves his goals.

Wise Owl, classic Capricorn mascot

Experience and life skills will help Capricorn in any situation. The owl is a symbol of dark motives; in occultism it denotes secret knowledge inaccessible to most. In this way, Capricorn will be able to penetrate the higher realms and reach the heights of wisdom. A metal owl will help you make a firm decision, and a wooden owl will protect your house from fire.

Two-Faced Janus

An ancient symbol of the dual nature of time. Janus observes the past and the future. Capricorn remembers everything that happened and strives for the future in order to change it according to his plan.

Symbol of Capricorn (Goat)

An amulet with the image of a horned protector will attract good luck like a magnet and make life brighter. If you wear a pendant with the image of your sign, then miracles will begin to happen in life: out of nowhere, sources of money and true friends will appear nearby. Do you want wealth? Wear a gold pendant.

Other talismans

The symbol of Saturn will bring foresight into Capricorn's life and eliminate annoying mistakes. Capricorn will be able to make decisions without fear or interference from outside.

The hourglass is a symbol of the elements of the Earth and the time allotted for earthly accomplishments. The more often Capricorn takes into account the passage of time, the sooner he will achieve his goals.

The bee is a talisman for Capricorn women. This insect symbolizes work and the correct order of actions. The hierarchy of the hive is an allegory of the ideal world as imagined by Capricorn.

Main mascot stones for Sagittarius

Sagittarians are very fond of order, which has already been established over a certain period of time, and they easily adapt to it. They are endowed with a pure soul and kindness, and are always happy to help those in need. They are energetic people. To understand them and please them, you need to know your character well. Sagittarius belongs to the element of Fire and his temperament is an indisputable confirmation of this, but his internal and external energies are in absolute harmony. Sagittarians are very friendly and sociable, so they very often become the favorites of the public.

But nevertheless, these people love freedom very much and have a very negative attitude when someone encroaches on it. A person born under the sign of Sagittarius is very impulsive, but what cannot be taken away is this kind heart.

As with all signs, the most suitable talisman stones are identified, which have a good influence and bring good luck and happiness. These are: amethyst, sapphire, turquoise, ruby, peridot, garnet and topaz.


Amethyst is an unusual stone that can give a great mood to its owner. It charges with positive emotions. He creates all the conditions so that the Sagittarius woman does not find herself in awkward situations and feels confident even when in the company of unfamiliar people.

A pendant ,
earrings and a ring made of silver with amethysts
Amethyst is recommended to be worn by Sagittarius who are constantly busy with work related to mental activity. It will help you make the right career decisions, improve your mental abilities and help you concentrate correctly. This stone relieves stress and strain and also leads to peace of mind. He also protects from evil tongues and intrigues.


Sapphire is the main healing stone for Sagittarius. It can cure many diseases, strengthen the nerves, relieve insomnia and bad thoughts.

and ring made of white gold with sapphires
Sapphire is a stone that contains a colossal amount of energy, part of which it is ready to give to its owner. With the help of this talisman, you can overcome laziness within yourself, learn to set serious goals for yourself and achieve your goal. This stone can radically change the Sagittarius woman’s worldview, as well as teach her to find a non-standard approach when solving difficult issues. The stone will definitely become an inexhaustible and powerful source of vital energy. He will tirelessly inspire his owner to do the right and noble things.


Despite the fact that turquoise is a semi-precious stone, it is an excellent talisman. A female Sagittarius, having jewelry with turquoise, becomes more sociable. As a rule, these women easily and simply make new acquaintances with people. Turquoise is not only an excellent talisman, but also a rather strong amulet that can ward off all sorts of troubles from its owner. This stone is an endless source of energy, giving you crazy confidence in your own abilities. With his support, you can achieve significant success in your career.

and earrings made of blackened silver with turquoise
Turquoise is another doctor stone. With its help, you can change existing inflammation in the body, gain peace of mind and balance. Helps in love, protects from misfortunes and disappointments.


Ruby relieves Sagittarius from anxiety and fatigue. If a person is stubborn, then he will help him build communication with the public. But it should not be worn by those who have heart disease and high blood pressure.

and ring made of red gold with rubies and diamonds
Ruby has long attracted the attention of women. However, this is not just a precious stone, but also a powerful amulet and talisman. It will help its owner get rid of all kinds of complexes, making her more self-confident. The owner of such a talisman does not know what doubt is. She is an extremely determined, attractive and interesting person who moves smoothly towards her goal, charming everyone around her. Under the enthusiastic exclamations of those around her, the Sagittarius woman, who has enlisted the support of a ruby, becomes incredibly successful.


Peridot will contribute to the tranquility of Sagittarius. Anyone who wears it can be confident in the future and stabilize the state of the nervous system.

and earrings made of silver with chrysolites
This stunning talisman stone is usually chosen by passionate women. He is able to give his owner spiritual harmony. The soft green color has a beneficial effect on the physical and mental health of Sagittarius. The effect of the stone becomes especially noticeable during extreme, critical or conflict situations. It calms the nervous system and strengthens the emotional background.


Garnet is a strong amulet stone for Sagittarius. Using it, you can climb the career ladder in a very short time, overcome unprecedented heights and successes. Pomegranate can protect from natural disasters, protect from harmful influences and even from the evil thoughts of enemies. Garnet is also a lucky stone for Sagittarius.

Pendant ,
earrings and ring made of combined gold with

Topaz is the most necessary stone for a Sterlitz woman. It preserves youth, normalizes metabolism, and allows you to find harmony and tranquility. The owner of this stone is a very optimistic person and has excellent, good-natured relationships with others. Topaz also allows you to build a harmonious, warm, trusting relationship with a loved one.

and brooch made of red gold with topaz
Topaz is a very useful stone for Sagittarius. It is also called the “stone of psychologists.” If you wear a brooch or a bias with it, you can find happiness, normalize the emotional background, peace of mind in family life, and also find permanent love affairs. Such a talisman will make the world around you a little brighter and help lift the Sagittarius woman out of depression.

It is very important to remember that all amulets work with positive characteristics only when they are chosen correctly.

How to wear stones correctly for Sagittarius?

• Each stone requires its own setting, and only if it is correctly and harmoniously selected, then the stone gives off its beneficial properties and has a good effect on the condition of the body.

• For example, turquoise does not require a gold setting. It is better to frame it in silver. Topaz is good to use in a pendant or brooch. Moreover, you need to wear it near your heart. Because it is precisely when used in this way that it gives off a lot of positive energy.

• You should not let anyone touch your amulets, because each person has his own energy. Which can disrupt its properties. It is also forbidden to wear other people's amulets.

• After the expiration date, any amulet must be cleaned. If there is a person who can do this, then you can entrust it to him.

• Or you can do it yourself. To do this, you need to hold the stone over a candle or any source of fire for one minute. Then the amulet should be immersed in salted water for about 2 hours, and then rinsed under running water. Amulets need to be cleaned at least once a month.

And we remind you that we are running a promotion for birthday people “Talisman Stone as a Gift”.
More details can be found here. #gems, #amethyst, #sapphire, #turquoise, #ruby, #peridot, #garnet, #topaz

Talismans for Capricorn women

Reliability and loyalty to your ideals are the credo of any Capricorn lady. Thoughtful decisions, comparing goals with reality, and careful preparation help them stay on track. Amulets and amulets for Capricorn women embody the refined femininity and strong nature of the Earth.

A bee in the form of a pendant, ring or bracelet will help a lady connect her desires with career success. It is acceptable to depict a bee with honeycombs in photos, paintings, and notebooks.

A black cat or cat will increase luck and protect against the evil eye. You can have a cat in the house or buy a figurine.

A miniature owl in the form of a pendant will support intelligence and rationality in judgment. You can wear T-shirts with the image of an owl - such a fashionable item will not leave its owner unnoticed.

A watch with black stones in the form of rhinestones will help you feel the passage of time and Capricorn will always do everything on time.

A pendant in the shape of the sign of the planet Saturn is more suitable for men. But if a lady works in the economic sphere or government agencies, then she can safely use this sign in her jewelry.

What jewelry should I give to Capricorn?

A Capricorn girl's jewelry box often contains family pieces or jewelry with a special history. Therefore, my first jewelry passion is vintage style jewelry.

For her everyday wardrobe, she chooses discreet rings without stones or gold paths, stud earrings or jackets. My second love is minimalism and geometry. Of large jewelry, Capricorn likes most massive bracelets and watches with a wide base - as a symbol of stability.

silver rings with cubic zirconia

choose a silver ring with a green insert ⇒

What to give to a Capricorn girl? You won't go wrong if you decide to buy earrings with an English castle or a diamond pendant, which will perfectly match with summer dresses and office shirts. Because practicality is Capricorn’s second self!

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