What are white and yellow gold? White and yellow are alloys based on Au
Physical and chemical properties Cognac diamonds in nature are brown diamonds. Colorless diamond
Natural minerals are a symbol of strength and natural reliability. Their formation took hundreds and
Characteristics of White Sapphire White sapphire is a type of corundum. Leucosapphire is a type of transparent corundum. Conditionally
Stone type Precious, semi-precious Prevalence (Deposits) Mexico, Panama, India, Tahiti, Sri Lanka, Japan, etc.
Historical background Even in ancient times, people discovered silver and attributed noble meaning to it.
A lady finds herself in a difficult situation when she finds herself in a store hoping to choose some jewelry for herself. Stones
Gold is a noble precious metal. He is the cause of wars and battles, they fought for him
Main characteristics Diamond is the raw material for producing a diamond. Immediately after extraction
Where is the ring size reduced? The most reliable option is to contact a workshop that provides such services.