Which finger should I wear the ring on? How rings influence fate

Rings are considered one of the most ancient jewelry used by people since Paleolithic times. At that time they were made of stone or bone. Metal products began to appear in the Bronze Age. Moreover, such decorations spoke about a person’s social status. The more rings there were on a hand, the richer their owner was. In ancient Rome, one of the main decorations for senators and members of the nobility were gold rings.

What do the rings on different fingers of ancient people mean? These elements performed a special function:

  1. Archers wore three rings on their hands to avoid cutting themselves on the bowstring.
  2. Shoemakers wore thimble rings that helped them in their work and protected them from sharp needles.
  3. Noble families created their own rings with a coat of arms. These were valuable decorations that were often used to seal letters and certify documents instead of seals.
  4. The most popular rings, including in our time, are wedding and engagement rings. They appeared in the 1st century BC. At that time, lovers exchanged such jewelry as a sign of eternal love and devotion. Now such rings are used during weddings.

General signs about rings

Many representatives of the fairer sex believe that a ring on a finger is nothing more than a decoration. For some, it is a sign of good taste, some kind of symbol, while others wear it for special purposes, as they believe that it is a way to change fate and attract good luck. But then you need to know the meaning of the rings on different fingers of women. Do not forget that there are many signs associated with such jewelry, so you should choose them very carefully.

The meaning of rings on fingers

The meaning of rings on fingers

There are especially many beliefs about wedding rings. It is believed that only the groom should buy them. Such a ring should not be tried on by anyone other than future spouses, as this can lead to discord in the marriage.

Any rings, regardless of their purpose on the hand, should not be allowed to be removed by another person. This is how he takes his life energy.

A correctly selected ring with good energy can be a symbol of boundless happiness. You should be careful with the jewelry you find, as it may carry negativity. Here it is better to consult with professionals or sell the product and buy a new one for yourself.

Losing rings is strongly discouraged - this is a very bad omen. Some even believe that this can lead to death. In fact, such an outcome of events should not be expected, but certain negativity may appear in a person’s life. This is especially true for wedding rings. If they are lost, the family will face disintegration or strong quarrels.

Expectant mothers need to be very careful about wearing rings and other round objects on their bodies. Since ancient times, it was believed that rings protect mother and child from all problems and bad energy. Therefore, you should not remove jewelry before the onset of childbirth. But during the birth of a child, you need to remove everything round and “closed” on the body. This applies to rings, chains, bracelets, etc. It is believed that such items complicate the birth process.

What rings on middle fingers say: influence on fate

  • The middle finger is the least popular finger for rings. Astronomically, it symbolizes the planet Saturn, the metal is lead, but any gray metals are suitable.
  • Many people underestimate the rings on the middle fingers - this is the place that can activate advancement in social and political affairs, in business.
  • This finger is responsible for a person’s ego and sense of dignity. It is also believed that wearers of rings on the middle fingers do not depend on the opinions of others and achieve their goals.
  • The Chinese claim that this is due to the ability to make one's own decisions. You are an individualist who does not seek power, but wants to show your centrality.

Right finger

It is on this finger that family jewelry is often worn to emphasize one’s status. But the ring also helps increase common sense and overcome life's difficulties. If we talk about psychology, then these are deeply and comprehensively developed natures.

Left finger

The ring has a simple meaning - for beauty and pleasure. But psychologists say that wearers of rings on this finger engage in introspection, are friendly, but a little withdrawn. The ring also helps to find balance and calm.

Conclusion: This finger is ideal for those who are very restless or unbalanced. Also, wearing rings on it will help in decision making, intellectual work or negotiations. This finger can bring you out of the “dark streak”, attracting success and prosperity.

Rings on the right hand

Esotericists believe that each side of the human body has a certain meaning. Therefore, not only the finger on which the ring is worn, but also the hand plays an important role. If a person wants to change his destiny, he should think through everything carefully and choose the right jewelry for himself.

Ring on the right hand

Ring on the right hand

Rings on the right hand should only be worn if they can bring good luck and prosperity. This half of the body is responsible for many human qualities, including making him more sociable, calculating, lucky and dexterous. All this helps to achieve success in business and business.

The meaning of the ring on the little finger

A ring on the little finger of women is not often seen. What is the significance of such decoration?

The little finger is associated with the planet Mercury. She favors diplomats, politicians, and advisers. In general, to all those who need to establish contacts with other people. The ring will certainly bring good luck to a business person, because with such a talisman it is much easier to find a common language with an opponent.

Pinky rings are usually worn by ladies with a rich imagination, excellent logic and original thinking. But psychologists believe that a woman with a very complex character, prone to lies, betrayal and adventures, will also prefer a ring on the little finger. She loves to play on the nerves of people around her and loves gambling.

Palmists do not recommend putting very expensive rings on the little finger of the left hand; this can bring loneliness and poverty into the girl’s destiny. The little finger of the right hand can be decorated with a product made of any metal, but it is better to choose minerals in yellow or green shades.

Rings on the left hand

This half of the body has the “opposite” meaning. If rings on the fingers of the right hand in most cases mean material wealth, then it is better to wear jewelry on the left hand for people looking for love, inspiration and having health problems. It is possible that a ring on this hand will help to discover a new talent, get rid of negative thoughts and achieve inner balance.

But do not forget that the finger on which the ring will be worn also plays an important role.

Which fingers are best to wear rings on?

Tips for choosing a place for your ring:

  • On a large scale, it is better to wear rings for people who are expansive, hot-tempered, and have an irrepressible temperament. It’s good if the jewelry is made of copper.
  • If you are a shy, soft person, wear the ring on your second finger. This way you will gain faith in yourself and be able to understand people better. Products made of gold and tin are suitable for the index finger.
  • It is better to choose the middle finger for wearing a ring for those who consider themselves unlucky. Decorating in such a place enhances psychic abilities. It is suitable for people who engage in meditation and self-knowledge. It would be better if the product was made of iron.
  • Wearing jewelry on the fourth finger hints at a passion for exclusive things and wealth. Aesthetes and celebrities prefer to wear jewelry on this finger. Gold is suitable for the ring because it is the metal of the Sun.
  • If you are a lover of flirting and a gambling person, then place the ring on the thinnest finger on your hand. This technique will allow you to achieve favor and sharpen your sixth sense.

Silver enhances magical abilities and gives a person the gift of prediction and foresight.
White metal jewelry can be worn on any finger. Silver products are preferred by clairvoyants and esotericists. If such a ring leaves a dark mark, it means there are health problems. Rings are more than just fashion items. They carry deep meaning and tell others who you really are. Such jewelry affects the fate of the owner, so choose and wear them wisely.

What do the different rings on your fingers mean?

A lot depends on which hand the ring is on. But the right finger is key. If the ring was purchased for the index finger, but over time the hands became fuller and it had to be moved to the large one, the desired effect will not be achieved. Therefore, rings should be selected carefully, exclusively according to size, and it is better to do it yourself, rather than receive it as a gift. So the influence of decoration on fate will be more significant.


Symbolizes Mars or Venus: palmists disagree, since the location of this site is ambiguous. But in any case, the rings on this finger help develop logic, achieve great heights in some endeavors and enhance the influence of internal energy. Women who wear rings on this finger are highly emotional, but they do not have outbursts of anger and aggression. This is a good option for those who do not get along well with others and strive for greater harmony in society.

Moreover, a ring on the finger of Mars allows a woman to realize her sexuality and be liked by men. This helps modest women express themselves and quickly find their soul mate.


This finger is a symbol of Jupiter. Here the ring will mean a thirst for power and pride in one’s deeds. A woman who wears a ring on her index finger can achieve success faster in any endeavor, develops intuition and becomes more insightful.

If the ring is worn on the right hand, this will indicate a desire to do only deliberate actions. Such women tend to analyze and weigh everything. It also speaks of great wisdom and leadership abilities. On the left hand of the index finger, a ring can make a representative of the fair sex unbalanced and even hysterical.

The main meaning of the ring on the right hand is the desire for something. A woman will achieve her goal at any cost and will not stop even in the face of serious obstacles.

Rings on the middle finger

Rings on the middle finger

Middle finger

This is the finger of Saturn. Here the ring will be especially relevant for those women who are constantly unlucky. Good luck will not run away when wearing a ring on your middle finger. At the same time, there will be a positive impact on both personal life and business. Achieving the desired result will become much faster and easier.

If you put a birth ring on your middle finger, this will definitely help get rid of all the negativity that is destined by fate. In this case, the power of the ancestors will not be so influential in a person’s life. Wearing a ring on this finger guarantees prosperity and gives strength to its owner.

Ring finger

There are many signs associated with it, so many people try not to wear a ring at all until a certain point. Everyone knows which finger wedding rings are worn on - the ring finger. However, it can be used for other decorations with slightly different meanings.

The ring finger is called the finger of Apollo and is under the protection of the Sun. The woman who wears a ring on it strives for everything beautiful and sophisticated. For her, comfort, fame and wealth play an important role in life. In this case, the ring must be selected very carefully. If it is small, the decoration will make the woman balanced and calm. And with a complex pattern or large stone - emotional.

Many women who already wear a wedding ring on their ring finger are concerned about the question of an additional ring “on top” of the wedding ring. This makes the family stronger, a sign that the fair sex values ​​​​her family hearth.

The meaning of a ring on the ring finger can be different, but always positive. For some, this arrangement of jewelry brings success in business and career, while others discover their creative abilities.

Women prefer rings

Women prefer rings

Little finger

Littlefinger refers to the smallest planet, namely Mercury. Overly emotional and unbalanced women should not wear a ring on their left little finger. So they will become even more changeable, fickle and unstable. But those who lack creativity and sophistication in thinking can wear jewelry in the Mercury zone.

A ring on the little finger can make a representative of the fair sex more flirtatious and reckless. For many, this option opens up creative abilities and leads to a desire to change their profession or field of activity.

Women who wear pinky rings are very attractive and unusual. They always know how to attract attention to their person. Brightness and relaxedness make such ladies excellent actresses. It is impossible not to note the internal magnetism that women with a ring on their little finger possess. Despite the fact that this type of decoration arrangement can lead to excessive emotionality, it does not interfere, and even helps to establish business contacts and find a common language with the most difficult people to communicate with. The flexibility of mind that Mercury gives will be an additional assistant in solving communication problems.

On the phalanx

Here rings were worn at different times. In ancient times, both men and women decorated their hands this way. Nowadays rings on the phalanges are especially fashionable and popular. Their meaning coincides with which finger and hand the ring is worn on.

What do the rings on the ring fingers say: meaning

  • Officially, this is the relationship finger, as rings on the ring fingers of any hand symbolize love, marriage and creativity.
  • It is this finger that speaks of a romantic and dreamy personality who strives for beauty and has a gentle character.
  • A person wearing a ring on this finger is a good conversationalist who can laugh and cry heartily. They also always have a large supply of ideas in their heads. Such people strive for fame, recognition and luxury.
  • Much attention should be paid to design. A small and no-frills decoration will give peace and balance. But a bright engraving or a large picture/stone can enhance your emotionality.

Right finger

In some countries, including our country, this finger is intended for a marriage ring, or in the event of an engagement. It can also be a sign of abstinence. That is, when a young man or girl does not plan to start a family and tie the knot. In this case, it can be called a chastity or purity ring. But it is also believed that this finger is responsible for creative success and potential, happiness and good luck. Although this finger is chosen by those who lack optimism or need additional fuel.

Left finger

The left ring finger is reserved for marriage in many Western countries. If we talk about psychology, then this finger is chosen by those who need additional creativity and energy. The left hand is ruled by the Moon (silver) and the right side by the Sun (gold). Therefore, you should not wear a silver ring on your finger if you are not married - it causes personal difficulties.

Chinese philosophy, on the other hand, offers a different approach. Yang (right hand) is a sign of learning ability. You can teach skills to others easily and effectively. Yin (left hand) means that a relationship has gone bad, you are divorced or experiencing widowhood.

Conclusion: In any case, this ring is necessary for those who need inspiration and attention.

How to wear rings for widows and widowers?

Many spouses whose significant other has passed away are interested in the question of which finger the deceased’s ring is worn on. Some widows do not remove their jewelry after the death of their husband, since there is simply no need for this. The main thing is not to give the ring of a deceased person to the bride or groom. It is strictly unacceptable to reuse such jewelry as wedding rings.

After the death of one of the spouses, there are several options for what to do with the ring. It can simply be placed in a box, and the widow or widower can wear their ring on the ring finger of the right or left hand. You can put both rings on two ring fingers. It is permissible to wear the jewelry of the deceased spouse on a chain around the neck.

The meaning of wearing rings for women on the right or left hand

Rings take on a special meaning on a woman’s hands, depending on which of them she chooses to place the item on. In Christian tradition, a wedding ring is worn on the ring finger of the right hand. If there are several of them, a woman values ​​her family most of all. The ring finger of the left hand with a ring most often means freedom - divorce, if a wedding ring is worn on it.

Some cultures accept the ring on the index finger as a symbol of marriage. Jewish tradition, for example, believes this. A Jewish bride would wear a small piece of gold jewelry on her index finger before her wedding. Once the marriage is concluded, she will change the ring to the other hand.

On the index finger of both hands, rings have the same meaning in other cultures.

The right hand ring is suitable for both single and married women. Many free ladies choose this accessory for their right hand. Because of this, such a choice is often seen as a challenge to men from successful women. Many single ladies approaching their 30th or 40th birthday, or perhaps facing their first birthday after divorce, may want to reward themselves with a diamond ring. to show that they do it on their own and that they do not need a man to enjoy beautiful jewelry. Feminists often choose their right hand to wear a ring.

Many women wear rings on the ring fingers of their right hand simply because they think that's where they look best. The presence of a ring does not in any way indicate that a lady is married, nor does the absence of a ring indicate that she is single.

In general, according to esotericists, the ring on the right hand stimulates the development of internal resources, depending on the chosen finger. Wearing a ring on the left hand shows a desire for protection and balance.

According to the theory of Yin and Yang, which states that the left hand represents Yin energy and the right hand Yang, wearing jewelry on the right hand signifies a hidden or overt desire for dominance. On the other hand, placing the item on the Yin hand represents the willingness to accept guidance from others.

How to wear a talisman ring?

Such decorations require a particularly careful approach to selection. The amulet is difficult to recommend; you need to feel it. Sometimes it happens that a woman simply sees jewelry on the counter and understands that she must buy it. And it doesn’t matter which finger it will be worn on, the main thing is that the ring evokes positive emotions.

The most effective are those amulets that can be worn on the middle or ring finger. Depending on the task facing the ring, the right or left hand can be selected.

Wedding rings

Wedding rings

Any rings require timely cleaning. And this applies primarily to amulets. These rings accumulate not only dirt and bacteria, but also bad energy. Therefore, from time to time you need to clean your jewelry using clean water, salt and solar energy. This procedure is simple. To begin with, salt is diluted in water, jewelry is placed here for two hours, and then wiped with a cloth and laid out in the sun. This way, the amulets rings will not only be cleansed of negativity, but will also be charged with positive energy.


Most of these rings have the inscription “Save and Preserve”. They can be worn on any hand and finger. It is considered a good sign to wear a church ring “on top” of a wedding ring. This will make the family stronger and protect it from many adversities. But for those who have not yet gotten married, the “Save and Preserve” ring on the ring finger of the right hand should not be worn. This is a bad omen that threatens celibacy.


These rings are traditionally placed by the groom on the bride's ring finger and vice versa. There are no other options. But there are a lot of signs associated with wedding and engagement rings that must be remembered.

These jewelry should not be given to other people to try on. On your wedding day, you cannot wear rings other than a wedding or engagement ring on your ring finger. The decoration itself should be even and smooth, just like the future life of the family. The presence of designs and stones on such jewelry is considered a bad omen. The use of rings melted down from parents’ wedding rings can also have a negative impact on family life. Widow's jewelry cannot be used for weddings.

Orthodox ring

Such jewelry can be worn on any finger. If the ring was chosen correctly, it will in any case become a strong amulet. For a long time, real Orthodox finger jewelry could only be bought in monasteries. Now they are sold in many church shops. If a woman is looking for a real amulet, and not just a beautiful decoration, she should pay attention to the simplest and most modest silver rings, which carry good energy.

With esoteric signs

With esoteric signs

With runes and esoteric signs

Such rings need to be selected for each finger, but the index, middle and ring ones are universal. The choice should depend on the type of rune or sign.

Slavic themes have become especially fashionable. Symbols such as Solstice, Kolovrat, Black Sun, Serpent, Rodovik, Fern Flower, etc. can be depicted here. All these elements have a certain meaning, protect or give strength for a certain cause. Therefore, they should be chosen especially carefully.

With stone

Stones in rings always look good. Esotericists recommend not choosing them only by color or at random. The easiest way to navigate is by your zodiac sign. 2-3 stones are recommended for each.

As for the type of engraving, it doesn't really matter. The main thing is that the ring attracts the owner and evokes positive emotions.

If you look at the zodiac signs, you should choose certain stones.

Zodiac signSuitable stones
AriesAmethyst, diamond
TaurusZirconium, emerald
TwinsEmerald, amethyst
CancerMoon rock
a lionBeryl, hyacinth
VirgoDiamond, emerald
ScorpionTopaz, garnet
SagittariusSapphire, carnelian
CapricornAlexandrite, garnet
AquariusEmerald, obsidian
FishAquamarine, sapphire

finger of jupiter

The meaning of rings on women's fingers

Very often, rings are worn on the index finger. Women especially love this finger, which is the most noticeable. And the decoration on it instantly catches the eye. Let's find out what secret meaning it has.

The index finger is considered to be the finger of Jupiter. It becomes a sign of thirst for power and pride. A ring on such a finger gives confidence and helps to achieve success in various endeavors.

If a woman wants to emphasize her leadership qualities, wisdom and common sense, practicality and prudence, she should wear a flashy ring on her index finger. This way she will show how intelligent she is. In this case, it is recommended to wear the jewelry on the index finger of the right hand.

The left hand in this case is no longer so successful: a ring on its index finger can signal imbalance and excessive emotionality. Sometimes it even indicates delusions of grandeur, excessive arrogance.

But some elegant women decide to decorate the index fingers on both hands with rings. This is a bold but wonderful decision. Such a woman strives for her goal and knows how to achieve what she wants. It is believed that such a brave, self-confident person will stop at nothing. Rings on both index fingers indicate strength of character and ambition.

Fashionable ring combinations

Every year the fashion for jewelry changes. Combinations of massive rings are trending in 2021. Here the main emphasis should be on large stones that can decorate each finger.

In addition, knuckle rings have come back into fashion. They are not very convenient for everyday life, but with the right approach, you can use such jewelry even for a work dress code.

An interesting combination would be several rings of different sizes and shapes, which are connected to each other by a chain. You can wear an unlimited number of jewelry on each finger. This season the rule “the more the better!” will apply!

As for the metal, it is best to choose gold. And it can be not only a single-color material, but also one that has several shades with red or white splashes.

If a woman does not accept a large number of jewelry on her hand, you can limit yourself to one ring. But the main condition for being in trend is its visibility. The ring should have a fairly large stone or a large design. Stylish and fashionable this season will be jewelry with geometric inserts: oval, rectangular, square, etc.

Finger of Saturn

The meaning of rings on women's fingers

The middle finger has long been considered the finger of Saturn. According to palmists, rings should be worn on the middle finger when it is necessary to achieve success in a particular area. That is, a woman who cannot achieve her goal, for example, in family life, in her career, should decorate her middle finger with a flashy ring. It will help you achieve success faster, get what you want, solve all problems and overcome obstacles.

We can safely say that the ring on the middle finger will become a kind of amulet.

There is another interesting traditional interpretation. It is believed that a woman should put family rings on her middle finger. Then such a generic decoration will help smooth out the various plans of fate. In fact, this is such a simple way to clear your karma by using the power of all your ancestors. In addition, many are convinced that a ring on the middle finger will help stabilize income, improve well-being, and give strength and confidence.

Venus Finger

The meaning of rings on women's fingers

Yes, we are talking about the thumb. It symbolizes strength, masculinity, boundless perseverance and self-confidence. That is why the finger is also called the finger of Mars.

Palmists are convinced that you should wear a ring on such a finger in order to develop your intellect and logical thinking. In addition, if you see a woman with a flashy ring on her Venus finger, you can immediately conclude: this lady wants to stand out and assert herself. She can be impressionable, emotional, and sometimes irritable.

Sometimes women are faced with the fact that they are overly emotional, and they cannot suppress their irritability. And here, too, a ring on the thumb will help: it will allow you to cope with outbursts of anger, limit aggressiveness, get rid of anger and causeless depression. Some are convinced that with such an amulet ring on the finger of Mars it is quite possible to achieve harmony with yourself and the world around you.

If a woman wants to emphasize her sexuality, her desire for leadership, dominance in everything, she should also wear a beautiful ring on her thumb.

Mercury Finger

Rings are rarely worn on the little finger. Such women who adorn him most often betray their coquetry, excitement and narcissism. A lady with a catchy ring on her little finger will be able to intrigue and subjugate people perfectly, because she has imagination, logic and sophisticated thinking. A woman with an unstable character, prone to changeability, suffering from mood swings and depression, will also love wearing rings on her little finger.

But the meaning of jewelry on the little finger does not end there. You can learn about creative inclinations and originality of a person from this ring. Independent, confident women also wear pinky rings.

Pay attention to which finger the woman wears the ring on. This will help you learn more about her, about her character.

Finger of the Sun

Of course, here we are talking about the ring finger. It is also often called Apollo's finger. Women who value comfort and stability, beauty and luxury, especially like to wear rings on their ring fingers. This symbolizes a passion for sophistication and elegance. The lady strives for wealth, fame and comfort. Decoration successfully embodies a woman’s dreams.

Rings on ring fingers can be roughly divided into two types. A large, catchy decoration will become a beacon that attracts the eye. It will tell about the emotionality and temperament of a woman. When the ring is modest enough, small, it symbolizes poise, self-confidence and calm.

Some believe that the ring finger best transmits the energy of the Sun. That is why all women who want to achieve success, honor and fame should wear a flashy ring on their ring finger. Decoration will help you move up the career ladder, give you creative energy and inspiration.

You can specifically wear a ring on Apollo’s finger to demonstrate your confidence, complete satisfaction with yourself and your life. It is interesting that the penchant for variety, change and entertainment, and the love of relaxation are also easy to show in this way.

Of course, everyone remembers: it is customary to put a wedding ring on the ring finger. Some want to emphasize how much they value their family ties, the love of their chosen one. In this case, another ring, a simple one or a ring, is put right on top of the wedding ring.

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