Formula Al2O3 Color Blue and cyan in various shades; colorless, pink, orange, yellow, green, purple,
Recently, the popularity of investing money in gold has increased. It is believed that this method is the most
The rapid leap in technology development in recent times has allowed us to enjoy truly stunning innovations,
Slate rock: description, origin, properties Slate rock photo Slate is a rock,
Tourmaline quartz is called “hairy”, like rutile. However, unlike his namesake, he
Any precious and semi-precious stone is subject to high requirements, compliance with which determines the final
In the previous article we looked at general information about what coral is
It has been known for more than 6,000 years and has over 150 varieties. Rich palette
History It is believed that the stones were first discovered in southeast Asia. Their first name is corundum.
Description and properties of the mineral Rubellite is a pink tourmaline. The name is translated from Latin as