History and origin It is believed that the first gems were discovered in Southeast Asia. People were delighted
Recently, in parallel with the decrease in the amount of gold mined, the jewelry market has not only
Getting a lot of money and acquiring wealth is not always limited to a person’s intellectual abilities and
History of stone and other names Stones had a cult meaning among ancient peoples. Wonderful power
Origin of the name The name supposedly comes from the Indian name for the mineral Kauruntaka, introduced into mineralogy by Greville
In ancient times, grains were mainly used as units of mass for jewelry.
Where does green amber come from? In order for green amber to appear, special conditions were required: warm, moist
Chrysocolla stone, which has many synonymous names (it is called copper malachite, gold glue, green spar and
Features Iceland spar is endowed with two properties that distinguish it from the general background of minerals: Crystal geometry.
Emerald is a top-level gemstone. Together with ruby, sapphire and diamond it makes four