Vesuvian is a stone for those seeking happiness

Knowing the history of the emergence of Vesuvian, I would like to doubt that the formidable volcano Vesuvius can bring misfortune and misfortune to humanity. After all, it was he who gave people this wonderful gem.

Vesuvian is so beautiful that experts often put it on a par with jade, rose quartz and malachite.

The stone is considered semi-precious of the first order; it is a silicate of aluminum and calcium with other impurities.

Today we will look at the properties and characteristics of vesuvian in more detail.

Origin story


The first mention of the stone appeared in the 18th century, in 1795, when Abraham Gottlob Werner, a famous mineralogist from Germany, found several small stones.

The color especially caught my attention: greenish-brown. It is known that Werner was not the discoverer, but gave a beautiful name - Vesuvian, given, as is already clear, in honor of the famous volcano.

Vesuvianite forms in mafic and ultramafic igneous rocks, characteristic of serpentinites; may form in skarns as a result of regional or contact metamorphism of limestones.

They are least often found in igneous and alkaline rocks.

Varieties of Vesuvian

Vesuvian stone photoVesuvian stone photo
Among the famous varieties of stone there are:

  • californite or Californian jade is a bright yellow-green mineral, a mixture of vesuvianite and grossular. Mined in California (USA), Pakistan;
  • cyprin - a rare sky blue stone found in Norway;
  • Chromidocraz is an emerald green vesuvian.

The mineral was first discovered in the 18th century in the solidified lava of the famous volcano, after which it was named in 1795 by geologist A. Werner.


Vesuvian stone

Minerals are often named after the countries or places where they were found, or based on external features and the presence of a certain element in greater quantities than other specimens.

Vesuvian has several other names and meanings, in addition to the main one:

  1. Idokraz means “mixed form” in Greek. The name was invented by scientists from France, since the stone really has many shapes. This variety has a bluish or greenish-blue tint.
  2. American jade (californite). The name is given according to the place of discovery. These stones are bright, rich green in color. The appearance resembles jade or jadeite.
  3. Cerium vesuvian. The gem contains cerium.
  4. Vilyui emerald , given by analogy with the name of the Vilyui river, located in Yakutia. There are deposits of not only vesuvianite, but also other minerals from its group, for example, viluite.
  5. Tseprin. Contains copper. Translated from Latin “Cypriot”, that is, “cuprum”. Copper was brought in large quantities from Cyprus, hence the name. This stone was discovered in Norway.
  6. Xanthite. From the ancient Greek “yellow”, which determined the name. Manganese was found in the mineral.
  7. Chromidekras. A mineral that contains large amounts of chromium.
  8. American jade.
  9. Glass agate.
  10. Pakistani jade.
  11. Genevit.
  12. Volcanic chrysolite.
  13. Beryllium vesuvianite.
  14. Vesuvianite.
  15. Italian peridot.
  16. Egeran. The name is German, outdated.

Note: Vesuvianite is sometimes found in association with diopside. Scientists tend to assume that the formation and crystallization of these two minerals occurred in parallel.

You can see how they often replace each other or form very nearby mineral brushes of crystals.

Bright green or brownish green vesuvian can easily be confused with epidote or diopside when cut. The difference can be identified only with the help of knowledge about the optical properties and differences of minerals.

Varieties and applications

The iron content in vesuvian determines the basis of its color, and the amount of this metal affects the variation of shades: the mineral can have a color from light green to dark brown, be greenish-yellow, bottle green, emerald green, brown.

If a mineral contains admixtures of other metals, this noticeably affects its shade. Thus, the copper content makes vesuvian bluish or greenish-bluish (a mineral of this color was previously called “cyprin”). The inclusion of manganese gives the mineral a purple-pink hue (this variety is called “xanthite”). Emerald green Vesuvian owes its color to chromium inclusions, and reddish brown to titanium impurities.

Minerals from different deposits differ markedly from each other. Vesuvianite, which is found in California (californite or American jade), has impurities of beryllium and is characterized by a special green tint, almost like jade and jadeite. And on the island of Sri Lanka, especially valuable transparent brown minerals are found.

Vesuvian is a jewelry and ornamental stone. Often used for inserts in earrings, rings, pendants, and pendants. Small decorative items and crafts are made from it.

Physical properties

Ring with Vesuvian

Vesuvian is a complex silicate and has a long formula. Main components: silicon (39%), calcium (37%), aluminum (16%), commonly found: iron, beryllium, boron, sodium, copper, chromium, magnesium, strontium, lithium.

There are also many inclusions - rare earth elements: cerium, scandium, yttrium, lanthanum. Therefore, the mineral exhibits metamictivity - the ability to transition from a crystalline state to a glassy amorphous one.

  • Vesuvian is a crystalline dielectric (pyroelectric).
  • IMA class - silicates (according to the USSR taxonomy - silicates).
  • IMA status: valid, Vesuvian first described before 1959 (before IMA).

Form of isolation: crystals are long- and short-prismatic, often bipyramidal, have a square cross-section; solid cryptocrystalline masses; the aggregates are granular, columnar, radially radiant, up to 15 cm.

The crystals are complex, with up to 30 shapes noted for a single crystal.


Chemical formulaCa10(Mg,Fe)2Al4[OH4(SiO4)5(Si2O7)2]
ColorDark green, brown, brown, greenish yellow, grassy, ​​bluish
Stroke colorWhite (transparent)
KinkUneven, conchoidal
Density3.35 –3.45 g/cm3
TransparencyTranslucent, transparent, see-through
Hardness6,5 – 7,0
Refractive indicesnω = 1.703 – 1.752 nε = 1.700 – 1.746
Cleavageimperfect in {110}very imperfect in {001}very imperfect in {100}
Thermal propertiesIn a blowpipe it swells and easily melts into yellow-green or brown glass
ShineResin, glass
Optical ray dispersionStrong
Birefringence (maximum)δ = 0.003 – 0.006

Pleochroism is weak, the system is tetragonal.

Since Vesuvian has a variable composition, its crystalline form also changes; cubes, columns, pyramids, prisms and their intergrowths can be observed fused together.

Healing and magical properties of the stone: Vesuvian


general description

The mineral received the name “vesuvian” in honor of the Vesuvius volcano, since crystals of this mineral are often found in solidified lava. Other names for vesuvianite and its varieties: Pakistani jade, Californian jade, volcanic chrysolite, American jade, Vilyui emerald, false jade, glass agate, viluite, idocrase, californite.

Vesuvian is a silicate of complex composition of calcium and aluminum. The color of the mineral can be greenish-yellow, greenish, emerald green, or brownish. The shine is glassy. Hardness - 6.5-7.0; density - 3.4 g/cm3.

Main deposits: Africa, Pakistan, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, Norway, Crimea, Ural.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists claim that vesuvian has a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system, strengthens the nerves, and stabilizes the psyche. The stone helps in the treatment of skin diseases and thyroid diseases. Wearing a stone in earrings relieves migraines and improves vision.

Magic properties

Vesuvian has the ability to make the life of its owner comfortable and harmonious. The owner of this stone is able to create comfort with the help of the most insignificant details. Vesuvian will tell a person how to beautifully furnish even a camping tent. The mineral loves everything beautiful, helps us to see the beauty of the most inconspicuous thing and teaches us to use this beauty to decorate our lives. The mineral is an ardent advocate of cleanliness and order. The owner of the Vesuvian feels an urgent need to keep his home, things and himself perfectly clean. It should be noted that the mineral not only helps to create beauty in the home of its owner, it also makes him much more attractive, telling him how to dress with taste, how to eliminate defects in the figure and face.

Loves stone and active entertainment. It helps athletes (professionals and amateurs) achieve excellent results. In addition, Vesuvian also affects the emotions of its owner - it pacifies anger, calms irritation, inspires cheerful, good thoughts, that is, it makes him better not only externally, but also internally.

Astrologers recommend wearing this stone to all zodiac signs, especially Aries, Sagittarius and Virgo.

Talismans and amulets

As a talisman and amulets, the Vesuvian attracts to its owner the sympathy of the people around him, the mercy of his superiors, and attracts good luck, success and love.
It is recommended for everyone to wear it, without exception, but this stone will be especially useful for people in creative professions: designers, architects, artists, musicians and writers. Share link with friends

Place of Birth


The largest deposits were found in Canada (Quebec), as well as in Italy, Norway, Pakistan, Switzerland, the USA, and northern Africa. In Asia - in Russia and China, Kazakhstan.

In Russia, large deposits have been discovered in Yakutia (Sakha, Vilyuisky site), Sverdlovsk region (Asbestovsky urban district, Bazhenovsky deposit), in Karelia (Pitkyaranta district, New ore field), as well as in the territory of Nizhny Tagil and in the Sayan Mountains.

Mineral deposits

This stone is mined almost all over the world. Here are the main deposits:

  • Canada, Pakistan, Kenya and Mexico are especially rich in vesuvianite. Here you can get samples of the highest quality - transparent, most suitable for jewelry.

  • The USA and Norway are famous for their deposits of blue-green vesuvian, and the American state of California, Russia and Switzerland are home to bluestone deposits.
  • It is also mined in Italy - in Naples, Genoa, Turin and Grosseto. There you can get small crystals, which are also used in jewelry.
  • Spain and France also boast several mines in the Pyrenees Mountains.
  • Russia is not deprived of Vesuvian, where you can find several varieties of this stone. Vesuvian is mined in Transbaikalia, Khakassia, Sverdlovsk region, Primorsky Krai, and on the Kola Peninsula. There are several deposits in the Ural Mountains.

Varieties, colors

Vesuvian stone

Vesuvian with grossular

Vesuviana, as already noted, contains various elements, the presence and percentage of which varies depending on the location of the find and the depth of occurrence.

The most famous are: Fluorine, Aluminum, Berrylium, Chromium, Silicon, Magnesium, Copper, Iron.

By color
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Yellow - green
  • Brown
  • Buro – green
  • Blue
  • Red-brown
  • Red
  • Grey
  • Black (rarest)
By shape
  • Pyramidal
  • Columnar
  • Mixed
  • Radiant
  • Cubic
  • Prismatic




Depending on the place of origin and extraction, Vesuvian has another classification by name. For example, Californianite, Pakistani or Italian jade, Vilyui emerald and others.

Vesuviana species

There are several subspecies of vesuvian depending on color and chemical composition:

  • cyprins - blue or green-blue crystals;

Vesuviana species: cyprin

  • californites (American jade) - large emerald green vesuvianite, reminiscent of jadeites and jades;

Types of Vesuvian: californites (American jade)

  • cerium vesuvians - contain an admixture of cerium;

Types of vesuvian: cerium vesuvian

  • chromidocrase – enriched with chromium;

Vesuvian species: chromidocrases

  • xanthites – contain manganese and are yellow in color.

Types of Vesuvian: xanthites

Magic properties

Vesuvian pendant

The main thing is that the owner of the stone has pure thoughts and honest intentions.

Different shades of Vesuvian can have a beneficial effect on the main areas of life.

The mineral is actively used by magicians and sorcerers: it has great energy power.

  1. The red stone helps to improve your personal life, develop sexuality and restore potency, and find your soulmate.
  2. Green gems will be useful for those involved in business, as well as creative people who develop their abilities.
  3. The blue mineral promotes harmony in family life and career.

The stone helps to bring comfort to your home, improve relationships, tidy up your appearance, and change your style. It provides assistance to active and purposeful people, athletes, public figures, and businessmen.

Magical qualities

Vesuvian has powerful positive energy that attracts good luck to its owner in everything he undertakes. It helps to improve your financial situation, and if there is some kind of decoration or figurine made from this mineral in your house, prosperity will always reign in it.

Its owner will always be cozy and comfortable in his own home, because the magical properties of Vesuvian repel any negative influence from the outside, protecting household members from damage, the evil eye, the envy of others, intentional or accidental harm. There will always be good relations between family members, and no one from the outside will be able to spoil the idyll reigning in this house.

Among other things, it is also a stone of order, cleanliness and grooming. Its owner will never be dirty or untidy, and will learn to take better care of himself and his surroundings. As if by magic, dust and dirt will disappear from the house, and a person will learn to better organize the space around him, which will not only make cleaning easier, but will also increase the productivity of any work.

Even in the inner world of a person possessing vesuvianite, calm and harmony will reign. It will help you forget about all your worries, deal with what worries you, put your thoughts in order and achieve a more pleasant state of mind. With this mineral, it becomes easier to look into the future with a smile, without fear, to prepare for what lies ahead.

Medicinal properties

Jewelry with Vesuvian

Vesuvian has unique healing properties. It helps restore the immune system and increase the body's resistance to viruses and infections.

It has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, improves vision, and relieves headaches.


  • Vesuvian with a green tint is recommended for the treatment of the cardiovascular system.
  • Yellow stones restore the functions of the stomach and intestines and help get rid of overeating.
  • The blue mineral has a remarkable effect on the endocrine system.
  • A pale green gem will help tidy up your skin.

Vesuvian successfully acts as an aid in getting rid of bad habits, helps to harmonize the emotional sphere, and relieves negative experiences and anxiety.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Earrings with Vesuvian

The mineral has extraordinary power and is recommended for any sign in difficult situations to maintain mental state.

But Vesuvian especially favors the “Fire” element: Sagittarius and Aries . Of the “Earth” stones, the stone is most suitable for Virgo , and for “Water”, the gem should be chosen for Scorpio .

Who is the name suitable for?

Vesuvian stone

According to observations, Vesuvians, especially those found near Vesuvius, are capricious: they can bring good luck and trouble to the owner in equal measure. Therefore, you need to choose a stone, additionally focusing on the name.

  • Female names: Veronica, Agata, Angelina, Vera, Daria, Masha, Milena, Mila, Mira, Ella and Karina.
  • Male names: Eduard, Karim, Dobrynya, Lyubomir, Miroslav, Mikhail.

Talismans and amulets

Talisman with Vesuvian

You can simply carry a crystal with you as an amulet, in a secret pocket or bag.

To protect your home, it is enough to store Vesuvian in a box. But, if possible, purchased, a box or egg made of Vesuvian will be able to fully harmonize the space in the house.

If the owner feels the help of the stone and “made friends” with it, then it is allowed to constantly wear earrings or a bracelet, and for men, a ring or business card holder, stationery.


Vesuvian decoration

Pendants, earrings, bracelets and rings are suitable for women. Men can wear rings and cufflinks.

Vesuvian can be combined with other precious stones to form an interesting ensemble.

The cheapest frame is silver. In platinum and gold it can be very expensive, on par with other precious stones.

Medicinal use

After holding Vesuvian in your hands for a few minutes, you can immediately feel how fatigue goes away, energy returns and extraordinary clarity appears in your head. It becomes easier to think, you can continue working even in the midst of a difficult day. If you wear it on your body constantly, its positive effect on the body will be even stronger.

With its help you can overcome even serious stressful situations, get out of depression, and strengthen your nervous system. It allows you not to scream or fall into apathy in moments of failure, relieves constant headaches and has a healing effect on the entire human body. The reserve of strength increases significantly due to the strong energy of the mineral, which helps to solve more complex problems and cope with a large number of cases.

To treat a specific problem in the body with Vesuvianite, it is recommended to wear it near the problem area on the body. For example, a necklace - to affect the thyroid gland, earrings - to combat headaches.

It has been successfully used to combat many serious diseases. Thus, with its help you can relieve inflammatory processes, slow down or even stop the growth of tumors of various origins, and improve metabolism in the body. Of course, all this is possible only in combination with medications prescribed by a doctor, but the positive energy emanating from the stone increases the likelihood of a successful outcome of the disease.

Price and care

Vesuvian stone

The mineral is quite fragile and requires attention. It is advisable to store it in a box. Easy to care for: rinse with water and wipe with a soft cloth.

In the Russian Federation you can purchase jewelry and stones for your collection. The cost of unprocessed copies is from 4 dollars.

  • Egg (Kazakhstan), size: 4 – 5 cm – 5200 – 7600 rub.
  • Crystal (China) – 5100 rub.
  • Galtovka (USA) – 360 – 550 rubles.

How to distinguish from a fake?

Vesuvian stone

Vesuvian is a fairly rare stone and is only gaining popularity in Russia.

When purchasing, you need to take into account several features that will help distinguish a real mineral from a fake:

  1. You need to look at the mineral in the light: the cubes should be visible (the stone seems to be made up of them).
  2. When exposed to sunlight, a yellow, greenish or orange glow is noticeable.
  3. Transparent specimens are usually used for decorations.
  4. Vesuvian is characterized by small inclusions of gray, brown or brown tint.
  5. The cost cannot be small, because some stones are considered especially valuable.

However, sometimes Vesuvian is passed off as an emerald: the structure of the crystals and their fracturing are similar. But vesuvianite “gives” pleochroism; it is enough to examine the mineral in polarized light.

Vesuvian in the hands of lithotherapists

The many-sided vesuvian is widely used in lithotherapy to treat various diseases. The crushed mineral with inclusions of rare earth elements is effective for treating skin diseases as part of ointments. Lithodermatologists use them to treat diaper rash , the most severe manifestations of lichen , fungus , and dermatitis .

Neurologists and psychotherapists use Vesuvian ball massages. A mineral of a certain chemical composition in the form of pyramids, ovals, balls is used as an energy source that corrects a depressed aura that is unable to cope with the manifestations of certain mental diseases.

What stones does it go with?

Mineralogists advise combining Vesuvianite only with powerful precious stones, otherwise it “suppresses” with powerful energy.

The best “neighbors” for this mineral: Malachite, Jade, Alexandrite, Emerald, Chrysoberyl, Sapphire, Diamond, Amber, Tourmaline, Agate, Topaz, Aquamarine, Aventurine.

Interesting Facts

Mineral Vesuvian

  • The stones from Quebec are striking in their size: the find can be almost 15 carats.
  • Vesuvian is believed to bring good luck and happiness to creative people: artists, architects, musicians and designers.
  • If relations with your superiors leave much to be desired, then this mineral helps eliminate negativity and normalize the working atmosphere.
  • In Africa, Vesuvian has long been used in rituals: in a few months it completely restores the aura and removes negative energy effects.

Zodiac signs

In the zodiac element, Vesuvian's favorites are Aries, Virgo, Scorpio and Sagittarius:

  • Aries - will increase self-organization, learn to set priorities and, thanks to this, complete assigned tasks in a timely manner.
  • Virgos - with the help of Vesuvian, they will learn to compromise, which will have a positive impact on their relationships in love and business.
  • Scorpios will find peace of mind and tranquility, get rid of aggression and irritability.
  • Sagittarius - the stone will help you harmonize relationships with loved ones, feel wanted and loved.

There are no contraindications for other zodiac signs, especially if their activities are related to creativity:

  • Taurus - Vesuvian will become an amulet in love affairs.
  • Gemini - the stone will help you identify your personality and get rid of duality.
  • Cancers will forget about past troubles and failures.
  • Leos will become softer and more attentive to others.
  • Libra - will be able to harmonize the internal state.
  • Capricorns will become more sensitive to their loved ones, learn to express their thoughts and desires.
  • Aquarius - the mineral will make you reconsider your life values ​​and help you find peace of mind.
  • Pisces - with the help of Vesuvian, they will gain satisfaction with life and reduce the level of demands on themselves.

The mineral will become an effective amulet for photographers, artists, writers, actors, musicians and designers.

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