Magical and healing properties of black onyx. Black onyx stone: magical properties, who is suitable according to their zodiac sign

History and origin

Black onyx stones by their name are associated with Ancient Greece, since in translation from the language of its inhabitants the word onyx means “nail”.

This origin of the name is connected with the legend of the goddess Aphrodite. As this legend goes, the son of the goddess Eros cut his mother’s nails while she was in her sleep. At the same moment, the nails turned into dark onyx.

Black onyx

Black onyx is associated with historical figures - King Solomon, commander Napoleon. Mentions of an unusual mineral are found in the Holy Bible.

Deposits of dark gems, known since the 6th–5th centuries, were located in the territories of Egypt, Assyria and Babylon. Nowadays stones are mined from agate layers of hot springs on the shores of India and America. At a certain water temperature, crystals grow together and minerals are formed. Due to the difficult conditions for mining onyx, the gem is rarely found in its pure natural form.

Legends about the origin

An ancient Greek legend tells how Eros, the son of the goddess Aphrodite, while playing with arrows, accidentally touched his mother’s fingers. The cut pieces of nails fell to the ground and turned into a black stone, which the Greeks called “onyx” for its resemblance to the nail plate.

Having believed in the divine origin of the mineral, the Greeks still believe that only a selfless and pure-hearted person can wear it .

In the Chinese version, the balance of Yin and Yang is achieved through the white soul of a person and the black color of onyx. In the famous “Gonzaga Cameo” the female profile is partially made of black onyx.

Historians claim that King Solomon’s throne was also decorated with this mineral.

Origin of black onyx

In India, black onyx was considered the eye of a dead goddess, capable of destroying family ties and killing love.

According to the description given in the New and Old Testaments, black onyx is one of the 12 stones that adorn the breastplate of the high priest Aaron .

Physicochemical characteristics

A distinctive property of black onyx stones is their color. The mineral is created by nature from layers of different colors located parallel to each other. According to their external description, the gems stand out with a glassy sheen.

Black onyx beads

The physical characteristics of black onyx are similar to those of marble. The structure of the stones is quite hard, but they can be easily processed and retain their shape.

TransparencyTranslucent to a depth of 3-4 cm
Density2.65—2.667 g/cm³

Medicinal properties

The beneficial effects of black onyx on the human body were noted in ancient civilizations.

The mineral is used to treat all internal systems and organs

. In particular, the medicinal properties of the gem include:

  • cure diseases of the kidney and liver;
  • improvement and restoration of hearing;
  • stimulation of memory and brain activity;
  • calming the nervous system;
  • treatment of mental disorders and depression;
  • stimulation of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • strengthening the spine;
  • elimination of headaches;
  • treatment of impotence in men.

The mineral also helps reduce the impact of weather on the well-being of weather-sensitive people.

To do this, you should purchase and regularly wear a product made from this stone. A special feature of the gem is that it helps with weight loss. Water infused with onyx, when consumed daily, satisfies hunger and activates metabolism, which helps to lose excess weight.

Black onyx

Regularly wearing onyx jewelry stimulates calcium metabolism in the body, which is necessary for children and the elderly. This property also has a positive effect on the regeneration of the skin and strengthening of nails and hair.

It is believed that black stone can relieve inflammation from affected areas of the skin, relieve tumors and swelling. To do this, you need to apply it to the sore spot for 5–10 minutes.

The main ability of onyx, useful for everyone, is to supply the body with energy reserves and preserve it for a long time. This quality of healing mineral is felt by all its owners.

Healing properties

The stone has a special property: it concentrates all the energy from the surrounding world. This allows the jewelry to draw out pathologies from its owner. For example, if you apply a gem to a painful point, the discomfort will ease or disappear completely. Onyx not only acts as a mild anesthetic, but also reduces inflammation. In ancient times, doctors advised putting the mineral in the crib of children who suffered from stomach colic.

Processed stone
The powerful energy of black onyx has a concentrating effect and literally sucks all diseases out of the body.

Another ability of the stone is the ability to improve blood circulation. Thanks to this, nutrients and oxygen are distributed faster throughout the internal organs and tissues. As a result, a person’s well-being improves, he feels more alert and energetic, and his performance increases. Onyx has the most beneficial effect on the heart, especially if worn as a pendant.

Dark onyx improves sleep quality. It is enough to leave a figurine or decoration at the head of the bed or under the pillow to prevent frequent awakenings at night. Onyx protects the owner from nightmares. It helps you sleep when you have increased anxiety. Thanks to the crystal, a person can be distracted from bad thoughts and clear his mind.

It is recommended to keep the gem with you if you have hearing problems. Onyx sharpens perception. It strengthens memory and helps remember information. Necklaces and beads made from the mineral strengthen bone tissue. They speed up healing for fractures. Experts advise those people who often have cold extremities to wear jewelry: onyx will improve blood circulation and help keep them warm.

The black stone should be kept with you during difficult periods of life. The gem will cope with grief and negativity. It will prevent the owner from falling into depression, will allow him to regain self-confidence, and will encourage him to take active action. The person will begin to ignore temporary obstacles and work to eliminate problems. As a result, this will improve his situation and stabilize his mental state.

Magic properties

For a long time, in different countries there were different opinions about the magic of black onyx and its properties. In the East - in China and India - the stone was considered a harbinger of sadness. And the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians used gems in all areas of their lives as a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

Today, black onyx is considered a symbol of power and might.

Onyx jewelry is worn by military people, directors, and businessmen. The magic of the stone allows you to:

  • learn about the plans of ill-wishers and the machinations of competitors;
  • direct energy in the right direction;
  • maintain resilience and stability;
  • concentrate on difficult things;
  • improve relationships with colleagues and employees;
  • increase the threshold of patience.

Also among the magical properties of black onyx is its ability to give people confidence. The mineral charges its owner with self-confidence and protects against attacks of panic and confusion.

Black onyx bracelet

The popularity of the gem among amulets is explained by the fact that the stone attracts good luck, success and wealth to the owner, and can also prevent mortal danger.

Dark onyx has the power to help people with problems in their personal lives. An amulet made from this mineral wards off loneliness and troubles, improves mood and increases morale. Home decorations with a magic stone will protect the whole family from envy and evil forces, and will keep the house warm and cozy.

It is important to remember that the talisman provides assistance only to those people who have a desire to work and improve themselves, whose intentions are good and are not directed against others.

It is necessary to periodically clean the stone with clean and salty water so that it gets rid of accumulated negativity. Onyx gets used to people, studies their character. If the owner of the mineral is a lazy and evil person, jewelry made from black onyx can, on the contrary, direct all its magical powers against him. This is how the stone educates the owner.


  • Black onyx is a chalcedony type of quartz.
  • The deep black mineral is rare in nature.
  • The shine and beauty of the stone can be seen after processing.
  • The gem is used to make jewelry, talismans, amulets and other products that have magical effects on the owner.

History and legends

According to Ancient Greek Myths, onyx got its name from the word “nail”, which was dropped to Earth by the goddess Aphrodite. The stone is mentioned in the Bible, it was one of the 12 precious crystals from the belt of the Jewish high priest. From the legends it follows that the gem adorned Solomon’s throne and served as building material for the royal palace.

Black onyx
Black onyx

In different countries it was believed that the mineral has strong magic:

  • In India, it was believed that onyx is the eye of a dead goddess: it destroys families and kills love.
  • Noble men of Georgia used appropriate talismans to protect themselves from enemies.
  • The ancient Chinese considered this nugget dangerous and avoided deposits with it.
  • The Egyptians used the gem to decorate their interiors and temples.
  • The Aztecs used the mineral for sacred rituals.
  • The Italians and French decorated cups and interior items with onyx, and used it in jewelry.

Physicochemical characteristics

Onyx is a type of agate that consists of black and white layers. It is rarely found in its pure form, so it is often mined from dark layers of black and white agate.

Black and white agate
Black and white agate

Properties are similar to those of marble:

  • hardness – 6-7 points on the Mohs scale;
  • stone color – anthracite;
  • transparency – translucent, sometimes translucent, not constant;
  • shine – glass;
  • porosity – 0.35 – 0.95;
  • The nugget fracture is conchoidal;
  • density – 2.6 g/cm3.

We recommend: Anti-stress stone: GRAY AGATE

Where is it mined (deposits)

The formation of the rock is associated with volcanic processes and ash deposits in underwater layers. The stone is also found in clayey rocks.

Expensive, high-quality specimens are mined on the Arabian Peninsula and India.

Mines in Brazil
Mines in Brazil

Deposits of the nugget are still found in Russia, America, Brazil, China and other countries.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

According to astrology, a gem can not help every person. Black onyx shows its full healing power only for those with whom it has good compatibility. So, the mineral is suitable for people born under the signs:

  • Capricorn, they should purchase an onyx figurine in the form of a cat;
  • Leo. They are recommended to purchase an onyx eagle.

The meaning for these signs is that onyx enhances the leadership abilities given to them by nature. In addition, the black stone is suitable according to the horoscope for the following zodiac signs:

  • Virgo;
  • Calf;
  • Aries;
  • Scales;
  • Aquarius.

The gem is suitable for people of these signs, as it accumulates positive energy in them and brings them luck in their careers and personal lives.

People who are Gemini or Pisces by zodiac sign should categorically refuse jewelry made from dark onyx. Such people are naturally soft, and the effects of the mineral are not compatible with their character.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+++

(“+++” – fits perfectly, “+” – can be worn, “-” – is strictly contraindicated)

Zodiac compatibility

The gem can affect the signs of the Zodiac in different ways. For an Aries man, the stone is transformed into a powerful talisman, while it ignores the woman, remaining an ordinary decoration. It happens the other way around, it all depends on the date of birth and the personal qualities of the person.

Which sign is suitable?

To one degree or another, the mineral comes into contact with almost all signs of the Zodiac:

  1. Aries more flexible and reasonable.
  2. passionate Taurus , not allowing them to succumb to bad inclinations.
  3. In Gemini , it reveals creative abilities.
  4. Under its influence, Cancers become more confident.
  5. Leo , with whom he has the greatest compatibility, supports in everything, increases intelligence and enhances their inherent leadership qualities.
  6. Virgos should be friends with onyx to be lucky in love.
  7. The mineral gives stability in finances and personal development to Libra .
  8. Scorpios do not fall into melancholy and find harmony in the family.
  9. Sagittarius serves as a protector from negative attitudes and envy.
  10. Capricorns are provided with a successful career in their chosen profession.
  11. Supports Aquarius in difficult periods of life, allowing them to overcome adversity without significant losses.

Black onyx by zodiac sign

Who is it contraindicated for?

We've found out who it's suitable for. The only sign to whom black onyx does not have friendly feelings is Pisces . The magic of the mineral takes away luck from them and provokes the development of negative aspects of character.

Interesting! Ancient people tested the favor of a black gem by placing it under their pillow at night.

If you have nightmares, it means you should not wear the mineral. To those who did not dream, the stone remained neutral. Vivid and beautiful dreams confirmed the good attitude of the stone towards its future owner.

Who should not wear black onyx

Compatibility with other stones

Black onyx, unlike many gemstones, is combined with several other minerals. Cubic zirconia has become especially popular in women's and men's jewelry with gemstones.

Black onyx bracelet

Due to their similarity to diamonds, the stones highlight the value of onyx and complement any look.

Dark onyx is also used in combination with such expensive stones:

  • rubies;
  • emeralds;
  • sapphires;
  • diamonds.

Festive decorations with large precious minerals are suitable for people of status and make their owner stand out among guests at receptions and social events.

Where is it used?

Black onyx is used in many jewelry items. The stone complements rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants and brooches of various models. Such jewelry is framed in silver or gold, taking into account all possible customer requirements. Thus, a ring or ring with a large onyx will increase the status of a man, and an elegant gold ring will become a worthy decoration for a woman, giving her sophistication and elegance.

Silver earrings with a scattering of gems will be an excellent completion of an evening look; they will emphasize the taste of the owner of the item. A small pendant with an onyx pendant will complement the appearance of a businesslike and strict woman.

Talismans with gems occupy a special place. In them, it is not the design of the product that plays an important role, but the meaning of the stone.

People often acquire amulets to protect themselves from negative influences, and keep them secret from prying eyes.

The mineral has also found its use in the manufacture of items for interior decoration. Thus, various stone figurines and boxes, vases and panels decorated with black onyx are popular. In the design of the premises you can see countertops, lamps, tiles and even walls inlaid with stones.

Onyx amulet

The cost of onyx products depends on the quality and quantity of the mineral used in production, and is reasonably different. Almost everyone can afford silver jewelry with miniature onyx inserts, and only wealthy people have the opportunity to use the precious mineral in interior design.


The most correct use of black onyx is in the form of a talisman or amulet.

  • In the old days, to find out whether a mineral was suitable for a person or not, they tied it to the left shoulder at night and, depending on the type of dreams, they decided whether the stone was suitable.
  • Now when choosing, it is better to use a horoscope or personal feelings.
  • In any case, you need to choose a stone carefully so as not to purchase a fake.

We recommend: Mineral of eloquence and equanimity | BLUE AGATE

Favorable time to buy and prices

It is believed that it is better to purchase a talisman in winter or autumn.

Buying black onyx
Buying black onyx

The price of onyx is low; black and white specimens are more valuable due to their rarity.

The cost of jewelry depends on the quality of the stone, as well as on what metal is used to frame the gem and what other precious stones are used in the product.

Black mineral jewelry costs from 400 rubles. up to several tens of thousands of rubles.

How to spot a fake

Black onyx is quite rare in nature, so agates or marble onyxes can be passed off as it.

How to spot a fake

Dark onyx is a rare natural mineral, which is why there are cases of counterfeits. To determine whether the gem in front of you is real, you should pay attention to:

  1. The price of the stone - real black onyx cannot be very cheap.
  2. Color - a natural gem is distinguished by its brilliance, but not the richness of its color, unlike synthetic stones.
  3. Thermal conductivity - a natural mineral does not heat up for a long time, while artificial stone quickly succumbs to heat.

It is recommended to order and purchase onyx products only from trusted people and well-known stores. So the risk of getting a fake is practically absent.

Characteristics of natural stone

So, if in a jewelry store you are offered onyx of a black uniform color, then you can immediately leave this store. Black onyx is just a marketing ploy, so the seller’s words about a unique mineral should alert you. Remember: there is no such thing as black onyx. This is often the name given to processed agate or chalcedony, which, in turn, are also formed under natural conditions. Whether you consider it a fake or not is up to you, but often such stones have their own value and are not mistaken for a defect or a fake.

It’s another matter if they want to sell you processed glass or plastic under the guise of black onyx. Here the sale takes on the appearance of fraud, so before opening your wallet, you should definitely ask the seller for all quality certificates. If the documents say “black onyx”, they want to deceive you and, most likely, if you decide to buy, you will become the “lucky” owner of a piece of glass that has nothing to do with natural minerals.

How can you understand that they are trying to sell you a fake? There are several features that are characteristic of natural gems and are not at all characteristic of glass and plastic:

  1. Cheap materials are always light in weight. A real stone is heavy, and you can feel it when you hold it in your hand. Plastic is completely lightweight, just like glass.
  2. It is known that onyx, like agate, has a characteristic banded pattern. This is what you should pay attention to. Carefully examine the pattern on the surface. It should not be too blurry or, conversely, too clear. The lines on a natural gem are always unique. they change their direction, in some places they are a little blurry, and in others they are more clear. If it seems to you that the stone is ideal in terms of the pattern, then it is likely that this is a fake.
  3. A natural mineral, be it agate or chalcedony, can remain cool for a long time. Take the stone in your palm and squeeze it. Glass or plastic will immediately heat up and become warm, but natural gems remain cold for some time. To understand what we are talking about, touch the marble. You probably won’t find a colder stone in nature. And even if the room temperature reaches +28°, marble is always cool - this is one of the main features of natural minerals.

So, let's draw conclusions. If you went to a jewelry store to buy jewelry and were offered a ring with black onyx, then:

  1. Black onyx does not exist. This is a trade name; there is simply no such concept in gemology, and even if such stones are found, they are unlikely to go on open sale on the shelves.
  2. All specimens of black onyx are processed zebra agate or chalcedony. In fact, such minerals are not considered counterfeit, since they are of natural origin.
  3. It’s a completely different matter if they want to sell you glass or plastic under the guise of black onyx (which is quite a common practice). In this case, it is important to carefully examine the stone and study its structure.
  4. Do not forget to always ask the seller to provide you with quality certificates that fully contain information about the deposit of the gem, its name and origin. If there are no documents, this should alert you - most likely, they want to deceive you.
  5. Buy jewelry exclusively from trusted stores that value their name and reputation. Not a single decent store will allow itself to sell fakes under the guise of jewelry.

How to wear and care

Black onyx is a rather capricious and fragile mineral; the product can easily suffer from mechanical stress, especially from abrasives. Jewelry and interior items with gems require care, which consists of following a number of rules:

  • eliminate or minimize contact of the stone with solid objects;
  • Clean the product weekly with a weak soap solution at room temperature using a soft brush;
  • Store jewelry in a cool, dark place in a special bag.

Black stone bracelet

Men and women should not wear jewelry with dark onyx for long, as the magical abilities of the stone can make a person too domineering and strict. It is recommended to take breaks while wearing this type of wear.

Magical influence

Magical properties are dangerous for a woman. Black onyx aggressively affects female energy, leading it to an unstable state.

However, for a businesswoman who is ready to go head-to-head towards her goal, or an ambitious athlete who dreams of Olympus, a gem can become her best friend.

For adult women who have crossed the threshold of maturity, the stone helps maintain youth and prevents the development of tumors .

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Posted by Jewelry for Men and Women (@fedora_jewelry) Jul 19, 2021 at 1:12 PDT

For everyone else, the gem works like this:

  1. It converts negative energy directed at the owner into positive energy.
  2. Prevents the appearance of negative thoughts that bring discord and confusion to thoughts.
  3. Promotes career development.
  4. Prolongs life by supporting all processes occurring in the body.
  5. Protects against love spells.
  6. Increases self-esteem and helps to gain confidence in your abilities.

Interesting fact! In the old days, brides were presented with jewelry with black onyx, wishing for a quick conception and a calm birth.

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