Hematite (bloodstone) - healing and magical properties of the stone. Who is hematite suitable for according to their zodiac sign?

Existing types of stone

The main and most common varieties of hematite include:

  1. Iron mica. It has an oily sheen that resembles iron. It has a dense crystalline structure and scaly structure.
  2. Red glass head. This is bloodstone hematite, so named for its burgundy hue. The most common variety in Europe. Most often, when talking about hematite, this type is meant.
  3. Specularite. This is a relatively dense type of hematite. It has a silvery tint, but can only be detected in bright light. The mineral is often classified as a type of iron ore, but in most cases it contains inclusions of other rocks.
  4. Iron Rose. This is the most attractive and expensive type of mineral. It has a lamellar structure. Large scales gather together and form something like a rosebud. Iron rose is used to create luxury jewelry.
  5. Hematite. It has a brown color and a dense structure. It is more often used not in jewelry, but in cast iron smelting.
  6. Martit. Another name is Mars stone. This is the only variety that has pronounced magnetic properties.
  7. Hydrohematite. The appearance resembles a cluster of tree buds. It got its name due to its high water content: up to 8%.

Below you can see the photo. There are other rare types of stone, but they are not included in the general classification.

Hematite stones
Existing varieties of hematite.

The magic of mineral

The magical properties of the stone are of great importance for humans. This stone is often used by magicians: to obtain maximum effect, they enclose it in a copper frame.

Hematite awakens and enhances the ability to proscopy - the ability to see events of the past and future. Partially, the mineral helps to assess a person’s health status and identify diseases.

Amulets with hematite can help not only magicians, but also ordinary people. Proskopia can also be expressed in enhanced intuition, premonitions and prophetic dreams. If you wear a talisman, try to listen to your inner voice more often. It is believed that hematite is closely connected with the information field of the Earth, which gives it magical properties.

Hematite and magic
Hematite is used by magicians for rituals.

Hematite belongs to the elements of Fire and Earth and is associated with the planet Mars. For this reason, the stone is associated with characteristics such as aggression, fortitude, willpower, etc.

History of hematite products

The name hematite stone comes from the ancient Greek word “haima”, which means “blood”. That is why the mineral is widely known under another name - bloodstone.

The history of the gem is full of superstitions and legends about its origin, properties and capabilities. According to ancient Christian beliefs, the red hue of hematite symbolizes the scarlet blood of Christ, which spilled onto the earth after the brutal crucifixion.

For this reason, all kinds of images with the image of the son of God, where hematite was used as red splashes of blood on the body and clothes of the savior, became widespread. In the old days, monks believed that the stone could color pure water, turning it into blood.

Note! In Tibet, the mineral was considered an exclusively feminine stone - pendants with large inserts were used as a talisman for young girls and pregnant women, protection against damage, the evil eye and misfortunes.

Hematite was heavily worshiped by the ancient Egyptians. The priestesses of the goddess Isis used the processed stone in any rituals - jewelry helped to communicate with higher powers and ask them for help. Also in Egypt, the protective properties of the stone were known - small figures in the form of scarab beetles were carved from it to protect the house from evil spirits and diseases.

The modern Hermitage is proud of its collection of seals from the Sumerian period. Ancient craftsmen, even in the absence of modern technologies and basic tools, were able to polish the products so painstakingly that they have a completely mirror surface.

Hematite jewelry

The American Indians found an interesting use for the gem - they ground hematite to a fine powder to obtain a red pigment. Using this paint, they painted frightening stripes and designs on the face immediately before the battle. Such marks indicated the warrior’s outstanding strength and courage, his readiness to go to the end - to fight to the last drop of blood.

In the Roman Empire, hematite was also a symbol of bloodshed and brutal battles. Amulets and bracelets with such a stone were worn only by brave warriors who earned respect in battle.

☝Healing hematite...

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