Why is amber called the sun stone?
In terms of its composition, amber stone has an amorphous structure and has the following external characteristics:
- It has an unusual pattern and color.
- Its structure is transparent or translucent. But when exposed to sunlight, the stone darkens and becomes less transparent.
- This stone is always warm to the touch. It heats up very quickly in the palms.
- Light in weight, and floats to the surface in salt water.
- Amber cannot be scratched with a fingernail.
- If you rub this stone hard with your fingers, it will have a resinous smell.
- Amber is easily ignited by fire.
- This stone is quite fragile and can crumble under strong mechanical stress.
Sun stone
In Ancient Greece, amber was considered the stone of the Sun. One of the ancient Greek myths says that radiant and transparent amber are the petrified tears of the daughters of the Sun, who mourned their brother.
The Greeks called this stone electrum , meaning "solar" or "shining". Amber received this name because of its honey-yellow color, shimmering in the rays of light. And also because it is never cold like other stones. Amber is always warm.
Amber: a gem or not, or is it a resin?
None of the types of amber stone are precious; this stone is of organic origin. It does not have a crystalline structure. And in general, calling amber a stone would not be entirely correct. Back in the 19th century, a unanimous decision was made that amber is a fossilized hardened resin of coniferous plants and it takes many millions of years to mature.
The composition of amber includes:
- Resins.
- Carbon.
- Oils.
- Succinic acid.
- Impurities of iron, ash, nitrogen and sulfur.
The stone is not precious.
Amber may also contain foreign bodies, such as insects or plant fragments.
Use of amber in industry
Every year about 800 tons of precious stones are mined in the world, but only 10-15% of them are suitable for jewelry needs. What happens to the rest? Here are just some of the industries where cabochons are in demand:
- small pieces of hardened resin are melted to obtain rosin and semi-precious varnish, which protect wooden objects from rotting. This is how musical instruments are processed (including the famous violins of A. Stradivari and the Amati family, which have preserved the purity of their sound to this day), furniture, the bottoms of ships, buildings and even railway sleepers;
- succinic acid is useful not only for people - it is actively used as a natural growth stimulator for plants, birds and animals. Even very tiny doses of the product increase the yield by 15-40%;
- the same acid is registered as a vitamin food supplement E363. It is recommended for the prevention of nervous breakdowns and adaptation to difficult conditions, therefore it is often found in the diet of athletes, sick and elderly people;
Amber rosin
- gold nuggets are an excellent dielectric. Therefore, insulators for wires and switches are made from pressed ambroid;
- Amber oil is necessary in the manufacture of nylon, drying oils, solvents, enamels and printing inks. It is also a good antiseptic;
- grains and cabochon crumbs are poured into casting molds so that the parts come out even, smooth and without flaws;
- since the chemical composition of solar gems prevents hemolysis and plasma coagulation, they are used to create medical devices, utensils, devices for blood transfusion and preservation;
- Gemstone extract is needed even in perfumery - it binds volatile aromatic compounds and gives perfume longevity.
Now amber has firmly entered all spheres of life. It is difficult to imagine a person who has never rejoiced at an elegant little thing made of frozen resin, admired ancient semi-precious treasures in museum display cases, or at least sat at a lacquered table. However, progress does not stand still - perhaps soon radiant cabochons will show themselves in a new, unexpected way!
What color is the amber stone, what does it look like: types of amber by color, photo
There is a misconception that amber stone only comes in sunny orange or yellow color. Although it must be admitted that stones of these colors are indeed the most common. But in nature there are many types of amber of different colors.
There are several classifications of amber stone. According to transparency they are distinguished:
- Opaque.
- Translucent.
- Transparent.
- Bastard, having a generally opaque structure, but some transparent layers.
It is noteworthy that the more bubbles there are in amber, the darker its color.
The color range is varied.
According to the structure, the following varieties of amber are distinguished:
- Succinite is the most common type mined for industrial purposes. It has many subspecies, differing in color and structure.
- Gedanite is much less common. Always covered with a layer of colorless oxides. People sometimes call it “rotten”. It has a dirty yellow tint, almost always dark earthy.
- Stanthienite is a very rare type of amber. It is dark brown or black in color. Has a fragile structure.
- Glessite is a type of succinite, which contains various impurities. As a rule, it has a reddish tint.
- Beckerite is a brown viscous gem.
- Cranzite is a soft, elastic amber with a greenish tint. Very rare.
Varieties of stones
The amber palette includes about four hundred shades, from transparent to almost black. Amber acquires its individual color thanks to the conditions in which it was created and the inclusions that were included in it during the period of formation. And also. The greater the amount of succinic acid in a given gem, the darker its shades.
- Red or cherry is a rare color of amber. It is believed that it acquired its redness during forest fires. The inhabitants of Ancient China held these gems in special esteem.
- Milky - obtained due to the ingress of microscopic particles of water and small air bubbles into the resin. But in reality, these stones have a normal yellow color.
- Green – amber acquires this color when it contains impurities from plants or soil.
- Blue is a rare stone. Amber acquires this shade due to voids that can scatter light and thereby create an optical effect.
Rare blue amber
Research work “The role of amber in human life”
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Research work The role of amber in human life Performed by Samarina Adelina
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Introduction: 1. What is amber? 2. Basic properties of amber. 3. A variety of amber. 4. Use of amber. 5. How and where amber is mined. Conclusion. Conclusions.
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Amber Amber is a frozen resin that retains the smell of the forest, the shine of the sun, and the beauty of nature. But it's not that simple! Thousands of secrets and mysteries are hidden in the very depths of amber. People have always admired amber, rewarded by creating some of the most wonderful works of art from it. For many hundreds of years, amber has been helping the scientific world to uncover many mysteries of the evolution of the animal and plant world and to better understand the history of our planet. The object of study is Amber. The subject of the study is the value of amber for people and its use. The goals of the study are to collect interesting material about amber and talk about it. The research hypothesis is that amber is a highly valuable natural material.
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A variety of amber “transparent” - without voids, of the highest quality “cloudy” - translucent, with a cavity density of 600/mm 2 “bastard” - opaque, with a cavity density of 2500/mm 2 “bone” - opaque, reminiscent of ivory in color, with density of cavities 900,000/mm 2 “foamy” - opaque, resembling sea foam in appearance, with various cavities from the smallest to very large, several mm [16]
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Basic properties of amber It does not form crystals, it is an amorphous frame polymer. Birefringence, dispersion, and pleochroism are absent. The absorption spectrum cannot be interpreted. Luminescence is bluish-white to yellow-green, in birmite it is blue. Flammable - ignites from the flame of a match. Electrified by friction. Excellent polishing. In the open air, it actively oxidizes (aging), which over time leads to changes in the chemical composition, color, and increased fragility.
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Use of amber 1. Treatment with amber. 2. Amber beads. 3. Amber powder. 4. Succinic acid. 5. Amber oil. 6. Amber rugs.
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Using amber Treatment with amber For many centuries, humanity has known that treatment with drugs of natural origin is the most effective and safe. Modern science allows the use of Baltic amber as a component of various medical medicines. Known and widely used drugs are cortisol acetate, antiseptic “iodol”, succinic acid mercury, suximer and others, which contain amber components. Amber treats: 1. Strengthening the nervous system; 2. Normalization of kidney activity; 3. Improved bowel function; 4. Anti-inflammatory agent; 5. Antitoxic agent; 6. Anti-stress remedy.
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Use of amber Amber beads Amber beads are made from solid amber and have a healing effect on the human body. Sunstone is a natural source of free electron energy. By the way, their number increases significantly in the process of friction and heating of amber. Therefore, it is useful to wear such products.
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Use of amber Amber powder Application in cosmetology and medicine Amber powder is considered the same age as humanity. It is known that many beauties of ancient times used it as a skin rejuvenator. It allows you to successfully fight age spots, spider veins and fine wrinkles. Amber powder is used in peeling-brossage, a procedure involving mechanical cleansing of the skin through superficial exfoliation. In addition, the powder is used for massage, as part of a cosmetic mask. Today, amber powder is in demand. The result of its use is equal to the effect of a surgical facelift.
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Uses of amber Succinic acid Succinic acid is contained in amber. For living organisms, it is an integral component of their life. The substance, the use of which is justified for many reasons, is produced in the cells of plants, animals and humans. She is responsible for energy metabolism. If there is a deficiency, its supply must be constantly replenished in order to prevent the occurrence of various diseases against the background of weakened immunity. Succinic acid, the properties of which have a beneficial effect on the human body, is practically not found in food products. Therefore, it is often used in concentrated form to replenish acid reserves in the body.
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Use of amber Amber oil Amber oil is a preparation that has a number of beneficial properties. Although it belongs to essential oils, it can be used as an antiseptic that has a wound-healing effect. In addition, the substance has an increased immunostimulating effect, helps fight viruses, and actively rejuvenates the skin. Buying amber oil today is not a problem. Its widespread use is due to its availability. It is very effective to use this drug as a warming agent before training or sports competitions, as it can prepare joints and muscles for intense stress.
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Use of amber Amber mat Amber has a number of healing properties. Various products are made from it that help in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. One of them is an amber mat, which has a physiotherapeutic purpose. For diseases such as radiculitis, osteochondrosis of the spine, arthrosis of the joints, pain can be relieved by using such an amber product. The amber belt helps restore muscle functionality and stimulates the functioning of blood vessels.
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How and where amber is mined The main locations of amber: 1. The coast of the Baltic Sea. 2. Prussian coast. 3. West coast of Denmark, shore of the Arctic Ocean. 4. From time to time, amber was found in Siberia, Kamchatka, Finland, Portugal, Spain, France, and Holland. 5. Particularly beautiful amber, with a bright fiery color, is found in Sicily on the northern coast of Africa, and in Mexico. The most ancient method of extracting amber is collecting it on the sea coast. For a long time, this was the only way. Later, when people noticed that amber, along with tufts of algae, was rising to the surface of the water, another method appeared - they began to catch pieces with nets. Even later, people began to go out to sea in boats to get the sun stone.
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Conclusion. Conclusions. We came to the conclusion that amber is a valuable stone. What beauty can be created from amber and with its help! The value of amber is multifaceted: from its use in the manufacture of varnish for musical instruments to the manufacture of devices in medicine, electrical engineering, as well as the use of amber in perfumery and cosmetics. And we can safely say that the unique role of amber in human life is undeniable.
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Thank you for your attention!
Amber stone: beneficial and healing properties for humans and women
Amber is not only a very beautiful material, but also has healing properties, thanks to a number of biologically active microelements useful for the human body:
- Succinic acid
- Magnesium
- Gland
- Zinc
- Yoda
- Calcium
In ancient times, it was believed that amber stone could cure almost all ailments. The main active ingredient of this stone is succinic acid, which has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.
Even today, stone is often used for the purpose of healing from many ailments. In folk medicine, it takes pride of place due to the healing properties of amber:
- Eliminates headaches.
- Normalizes blood pressure.
- Improves heart function.
- Makes it easier to endure magnetic storms.
- Relieves toothache.
- It has a beneficial effect on lymph flow and cleanses the blood.
- Relieves joint diseases.
- Prevents varicose veins.
- Helps with mastopathy and various cysts.
- Inhibits pathological cell division in various tumors.
- Cures thyroid diseases thanks to the iodine .
- Stimulates the nervous system and is an excellent anti-stress remedy.
- Improves kidney function.
- Helps increase hemoglobin.
- Amber tincture is used for throat diseases.
- Treats arthritis and rheumatism.
- Facilitates teething in children.
- Salts of succinic acid normalize metabolism.
- Amber mouthpieces can partially neutralize the effects of nicotine and reduce the risk of cancer in smokers.
Variety of colors
And amber stone is especially useful for women due to its truly magical qualities:
- As part of cosmetics, amber oil helps preserve beauty and youth by destroying free radicals and preventing skin aging.
- Promotes healing from gynecological diseases.
- Wearing amber jewelry during pregnancy allows the expectant mother to maintain the health of the child and promotes an easy and quick birth.
- And if you wear amber beads when feeding your baby, then he will have a light and cheerful character.
Beneficial for mother and child
It should be noted that the healing properties of amber are especially evident in natural stones that have not been processed.
Amber for health
Amber has a powerful ability to protect and heal the human body from various diseases. An important role in this is played by the fact that the mineral itself is of organic origin, and its composition includes microelements necessary for normal health such as iodine, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium and a number of others.
Therefore, for many centuries people have been using amber to treat diseases of the thyroid gland, cardiovascular system, varicose veins, and colds. It stimulates the human immune system and can even help fight tumors.
With the help of amber, people sought to control weight, because it improves metabolic processes in the body, gets rid of the effects of intoxication, and stimulates brain activity. Amber crumb is included in a number of drugs that help with colds and lung diseases. And the smoke of the mineral has always been used to prevent and treat asthma.
The best effect from using amber occurs when wearing it in open jewelry touching the human body - beads, bracelets, earrings.
Amber stone: magical properties
In esotericism, the sunstone occupies a special place and is considered a symbol of happiness and health - all kinds of magical amulets and talismans are made from amber. In the old days, inexpensive types of amber were burned and smoked by newlyweds for the purpose of blessing and creating a strong family.
It is noteworthy that amber is a stone that is never used in black magic rituals. It is aimed solely at the benefit of man.
This is the stone of optimists and people who tend to listen to their hearts. Thanks to its active energy, solar amber has strong magical properties:
- Strengthens intuition.
- Awakens energy potential.
- Gives cheerfulness of spirit.
- Brings good luck.
- Helps maintain health.
- Helps in implementing plans.
- Scares away evil forces.
- Gives warmth.
- Promotes good sleep when placed under your pillow.
- Helps to overcome the grief that has happened.
- Protects housing from ill-wishers and all kinds of disasters.
- Protects from the evil eye and damage.
- Returns faith in love to those who have lost it.
The stone is not used in black magic
To prevent amber from losing its magical properties, you should not set it in silver. It is believed that the lunar energy of silver will hold back the solar energy of amber.
Medicinal properties
For hundreds of years, folk healers have been guided by recipe books: the first of them was published in the 16th century.
“Sunstone” was already considered a cure for many diseases:
- improves sleep;
- increases immunity;
- calms the nervous system;
- prevents the development of urolithiasis;
- relieves convulsive syndrome;
- helps with headaches;
- cures suppurations, ulcers and other skin diseases;
- relieves heart pain;
- prevents and alleviates coughing attacks;
- helps eliminate disorders in women's diseases
Isolating acid from amber, the Chinese use it in their balms to treat the genitourinary system and nervous disorders.
In the old days, it was believed that amber powder strengthens teeth and makes them impeccably white. The mixture was taken orally for stomach pain, Graves' disease and poisoning. It was mixed with creams and ointments to give the skin a special matte shine and youth.
The use of amber was not limited to diseases alone. In wealthy families with a large number of expensive horses, stables were fumigated with amber, especially if the animals were sick. It was believed that such a procedure creates a bactericidal environment and promotes recovery. Disinfection with amber was also used to purify the air in residential areas.
In Ancient Rus', nurses wore amber beads to protect themselves and their children from troubles and misfortunes. For the same purpose, beads were sewn into baby clothes to protect the baby from the evil eye.
Science has proven that amber is a healing stone. Scientists have found that the electrostatic mineral creates tension, as a result of which the patient receives a moderate therapeutic effect.
The tendency of people to endow stones with mysterious properties gives rise to mystical legends. Apart from amber, there is no natural gem that evokes so much warmth. The mysterious mineral is the leader in special recipes and sad tales. Even seasoned collectors are delighted with the number of shades and varieties of stone.
Black, red, yellow, green amber stone - meaning, what does it symbolize?
Traditional healers and magicians believe that each color of amber has its own magical meaning:
- Yellow amber – drives away despondency, gives vigor and actively fights depression. Such stones are especially suitable for children and women.
- Red amber helps a person to protect himself from injury, protects from troubles and promotes prosperity.
- Milky amber – protects the traveler on the road and helps to avoid troubles.
- Green and blue amber have a more decorative value and simply enhance the effect of the main shades.
- Black amber (jet) has a different structure from ordinary amber. It is a type of brown coal that is formed from wood that has petrified in the sea. It is believed that black amber can absorb negative energy and soothe mental pain.
Who can wear an amber stone?
Since amber has tonic energy, products made from it can be worn by all people, both active and phlegmatic and passive.
It is believed that the sun stone is most suitable for people of the following professions:
- Military. due to its protective properties.
- Historians and archaeologists because of the ability to establish connections between times.
- Drivers and travelers, as it protects them on a long journey.
Everyone can wear amber.
And magicians also say that the amber stone has a direct connection with the following names:
- Andrey
- Yaroslav
- Anna
- Nina
- Olga
- Julia
- Raisa
People with the names listed are strongly encouraged to wear jewelry and accessories with amber inlays. His positive energy will have a beneficial effect on all areas of their lives.
What sign is the amber stone ideal for according to the horoscope?
Amber stone is a symbol of the Sun. Therefore, it has a powerful positive influence on the “fiery” signs of the zodiac, which are patronized by the daylight:
- Aries
- a lion
- Sagittarius, their energy and rebellious spirit are only enhanced by the influence of the sun stone.
But amber is especially ideal for Leos. For this sign, the sunstone becomes the most powerful amulet against black forces, and its energy increases the owner’s vitality.
It is noteworthy that Leos born in August are suited to bright sunny shades of amber. But for those born in July, it is advisable to choose stones of pale colors.
Ideal for Leo
Also, due to the fact that amber has a direct connection with the sea, it is perfect for water signs:
- Pisces
- Cancer
- Scorpios
Astrological compatibility
In the starry world there is no sign to which amber would bring harm. There is only one sign that does not fall under the spell of the gem - Taurus. Representatives of this family can enjoy amber only as jewelry.
(“+++” – the stone fits perfectly, “+” – can be worn, “-” – is strictly contraindicated):
Zodiac sign | Compatibility |
Aries | +++ |
Taurus | + |
Twins | + |
Cancer | + |
a lion | +++ |
Virgo | + |
Scales | + |
Scorpion | + |
Sagittarius | +++ |
Capricorn | + |
Aquarius | + |
Fish | + |
Other signs will discover different facets of the sunstone:
- Leo is an ideal match for the gem. Amber will become for him a real amulet against evil, as well as a charge of positivity and good luck in all matters.
- Aries will weaken their not the best qualities, enhancing their positive traits.
- For Sagittarius, the amulet promises harmony and tranquility.
Other signs can also use this stone, but the nugget will not affect them as much.
Who is contraindicated to wear an amber stone?
- According to astrologers , people of different zodiac signs can wear amber jewelry, with the exception of Earth signs. Since representatives of these signs are inherently not very active, the energy of bright amber can suppress them, and ultimately make them even lazier and more apathetic.
- Sunstone is especially contraindicated for Taurus . It may not bring much harm to the owner, but Taurus will not receive any benefit from amber either. On the contrary, the stone can distract representatives of this zodiac sign from important things and will contribute to their irritability and temper.
In general, esotericists claim that amber finds its owner on its own. If a stone does not suit a person, he will definitely feel it and stop wearing it.
Amber in jewelry for men
The choice of amber jewelry for men is not large. First of all, these are massive rings with amber, cufflinks and pendants. Sometimes you can see amber bracelets for men, and of course they are best suited as personal amulets. Cufflinks are least suitable as a talisman, because their contact with the body is limited.
The color scheme of jewelry for men is designed in darker colors than that of women's jewelry. These are shades of cognac, cherry, black and other dark colors. Men are allowed to wear jewelry with inclusions.
What stones does amber go with?
The compatibility of stones is based on the relationship of the planets associated with them. It should be noted that amber is not a picky stone. It can be combined with many other stones and materials. However, when making jewelry using amber, you need to take into account some features:
- Jewelry with amber can be complemented with elements from sardonyx, labradorite, and carnelian.
- The energy of amber is enhanced by semi-precious stones such as turquoise, rock crystal or carnelian.
- Amber in brown shades is better combined with silver than with gold.
- A yellow or red stone looks harmonious in a gold frame.
It is not recommended to combine amber with onyx, hematite and heliotrope.
Combination with carnelian
Amber stone - what is made from it: examples of jewelry
Amber is a very popular material for making various jewelry. Jewelry made from this stone is always in fashion. They are suitable for both young girls and older ladies. Gems go well with any outfit - both business and evening. Since each stone has its own special design, any product made from it is individual and unique.
The most popular and beloved by women jewelry made from the Sun stone:
- Beads
- Suspensions
- Bracelets
- Earrings
- Necklace
- Brooches
Wide bracelet
Neat drop
Gradient beads
In addition, many people like to decorate their interiors with small amber figurines. Such products, in addition to their decorative function, play the role of amulets or talismans.
It is necessary to store amber products carefully, since this material is quite fragile. Keep amber jewelry in a box with solid sides, preferably away from metal objects.
Application of amber
The Kaliningrad region in Russia has no equal competitors in the world for amber mining. Huge reserves of the mineral are processed at the plant in the village of Yantarny. To determine whether it is precious or not, the stone is weighed, and if it weighs more than 1 kg, it is classified as a rare specimen that is not available for public sale.
Other samples are used for semi-precious stones, and after processing they are made into jewelry:
- beads and earrings;
- rings and bracelets;
- cigarette cases;
- boxes, ashtrays;
- figurines and other items
With the development of technology, amber raw materials have received greater opportunities for its processing and expanded areas of application.
Natural material can not only be purchased in the form of decoration, but also used in the following industries:
- crop production;
- Food Industry;
- medicine;
- woodworking;
- livestock farming;
- poultry farming
Amber has also found its embodiment in art. The masterpiece that disappeared without a trace - the Amber Room with decorations, panels and amber panels - has not yet been found, but artistic trends for creating large-scale products from amber have begun to reappear in Russia and the Baltic states.
Mosaic paintings, interior items, and furniture are made from stone. Large originals do not go into mass production, and it’s not hard to guess how much a huge gem costs. As a rule, they disappear into the private collections of very wealthy people. Until now, many fanatically believe that the stone has supernatural and incomprehensible powers.
Amber stone: where can you find it?
Interestingly, in regions where amber is common, people do not consider this stone to be a particularly valuable material. There is especially a lot of it on the Baltic coast and in the Kaliningrad region. Periodically, it is thrown ashore by waves. And on the coast you can often meet people looking for amber.
Search for amber
The Sun Stone is also found in other countries:
- USA.
- Sicily (very rare blue and purple rocks are mined here).
- Canada.
- Poland.
- Romania.
- Ukraine.
- Germany.
- Dominican Republic (amber from this region has an unusual teardrop shape, so it is valued higher).
- Japan (expensive striped amber is mined in this country).
How to distinguish amber from a stone on the beach: signs and differences
Pieces of amber can be found independently on the Baltic beaches.
To find this gem on the sea coast, you need to properly prepare:
- Choose summer days for your search, when the sea water is relatively warm.
- Take a flashlight with you.
- It is better to search after a storm, when the sea washes black algae ashore.
- Rake up the algae and inspect carefully.
- You can also wade in knee-deep water, shining a flashlight along the bottom. In the beam of the flashlight, the amber will sparkle.
Distinguish real amber from false
Sometimes it is difficult to understand that this is real amber, since in its raw form it looks little different from ordinary stones.
Therefore, if you are lucky and you find a piece of stone that looks like amber, it is worth checking it out:
- Place the stone in a glass of very salty water. The amber should float to the surface.
- Apply a very hot needle to the stone. The amber should have a pine scent.
- Rub the stone with a soft cloth. Amber is well electrified.
- You can set fire to a pebble on one side. Real amber will begin to burn and emit a pleasant smell.
Amber burns
We wish you good luck in your search for the magic stone of the Sun!