The Eilat Stone is a national treasure of Israel

What is the Eilat stone?

There is still no clarity regarding the mineral, known since biblical times:

  • It is confused with malachite, lapis lazuli, and chrysocolla.
  • Wikipedia presents the term as an old name for chrysocolla: the raw materials were mined in the vicinity of the Gulf of Eilat (at the same Solomon mines). But he clarifies that the Eilat stone is not chrysocolla as such, but light sandstones with veins of this mineral.
  • The concept of “Eilat stone” is more likely applicable to hybrids of chrysocolla with quartz or a combination of “malachite plus turquoise”. They often contain iron, phosphorus, and aluminum compounds as impurities.
  • The hardest and most valuable are those with quartz.

We can say that the Eilat stone is an Israeli variety of chrysocolla with unique characteristics.

Minerals from Israel

Unusual properties of the mineral

Modern lithotherapists advise people with weakened immune systems to wear the stone. It is believed that it helps with colds, and is not only able to relieve fever and inflammation, but also kill the source of the disease. Relieves cough, helps speed up the healing process of tissues, normalizes hormonal levels, treats stomach diseases, and is useful for cardiovascular diseases. It is also capable of positively influencing the psychological state of its owner, helping to cope with insomnia, stress, depression and other nervous disorders.

Esotericists say that this is a clairvoyant stone that helps develop intuition and teach you to understand the laws of the Universe. They say that he is able to reveal the potential of the owner, make him more sociable and objective.

This is a strong amulet that can protect against the evil eye and damage. But its most powerful property is the ability to fight the owner’s bad addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.).

Origin of the mineral

There are two versions about the origin of the gem:

  1. It is a homogenization product of turquoise, malachite and chrysocolla.
  2. The mineral was fused azurite and malachite.

Both opinions are supported by facts, but there is no final decision.

Its formation requires the same conditions as chrysocolla, turquoise or azurite: the presence of copper, the movement of magma, constant heat and dryness.

Stone from Eilat
The Eilat Stone is the national stone of Israel, also known as King Solomon's Stone.

The cunning gem is capable of camouflaging itself, forming pseudomorphs: crusts, colloidal fragments, kidney-shaped aggregates. In this way, the Eilat mineral is similar to chrysocolla. But unlike it, it is stronger and does not react to water.

Compatibility with other minerals

Chrysocolla stones
Chrysocolla belongs to the minerals of the element of water and goes well with stones of the same spectrum. Emerald, malachite, moonstone and opal will look great together and perfectly complement each other's properties.

When combined with bright stones such as coral, amber, tiger's eye, the energetic power of chrysocolla increases. A person, unnoticed by himself, becomes more sociable, active and cheerful.

Copper gemstone coexists neutrally with aquamarine, lapis lazuli, and larimar. These stones do not violate each other’s properties, but also do not enhance them.

It would be a bad idea to wear chrysocolla with pearls. This stone from the seabed is whimsical, and a person who combines it with a gem will feel internal discomfort.

The best settings for chrysocolla jewelry will be silver and platinum. These noble metals protect the stone, highlight its beauty and complement its magical abilities.

Physicochemical characteristics

According to its chemical composition, Eilat stone is a copper mineral.

Stone of Israel Eilat
Eilat Stone of Israel

Main characteristics:

  • color – blue, greenish, green-blue, sometimes black; spotted or streaked;
  • gloss – from glassy to matte;
  • hardness on the Mohs scale – 4;
  • density – 2.150 g/cm3;
  • flammable (greenish flame), but does not melt;
  • decomposes with acids.

It is fragile and therefore difficult to process.


Hydrous copper silicate.


  • There is no variance.
  • There is no fluorescence.
  • Pleochroism is weak.
  • Afraid of acids and even household cleaning products (especially if they contain abrasive substances).

The composition of the mineral is not constant, just like a woman’s behavior.

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