Which stone is suitable for Virgo women: choosing the best

Virgo women are distinguished by an analytical mind; they do not lose their sanity in any situation. These are faithful, sincere friends who know how to keep secrets.

Virgos are conservatives and careerists, a little superficial in their youth; as they grow up, they become hardworking and responsible.

Pedantry, modesty, and secrecy are the main character traits of representatives of this sign. Disadvantages: aggressiveness in statements, and often in behavior.

They are the biggest bores. Which stone is suitable for Virgo women? They need those minerals that will help them relax a little, open up, overcome shyness, and remove aggression.

The most suitable gemstones are sapphire and emerald. There are many more semi-precious ones in stock, including chrysoprase, jade, malachite, and jasper.

Virgo woman's birthstone according to horoscope

There are stones that are suitable for absolutely all Virgo women according to the horoscope, regardless of the exact date of birth. All non-forbidden stones of green or brown shades can be successful.

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It will relieve Virgos of suspiciousness, indecision, and neutralize accumulated negative energy.


earrings with jade

It is considered a stone of strength and perfection. Will give success in business and relationships.

Selenite (moonstone)


The mineral is soft, it will help Virgo become softer, more compliant, add patience and sensuality, and soften selfishness. Selenite does not tolerate other minerals.

It cannot be stored with other stones, they can scratch and ruin it. For the same reason, it is very rare to find rings with selenite. It is mainly used for figurines.



The mineral absorbs negativity and accumulates it, so you need to keep the stone under running water once a day. For Virgos, the gem will help overcome apathy and detachment; with it, a woman will gain interest in the world around her.

The best option for Virgo is chrysoprase. It is ideal for all representatives of this sign! The stone will help the housewife become wise, rational, hardworking, capable of benefiting from any situation.

A young Virgo should choose jewelry with chrysoprase - it will make it easier for her to grow up. Chrysoprase is a stone that gives knowledge. Therefore, it is suitable for students and anyone who is acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Successful images

Precious stones certainly adorn a woman, highlighting her natural beauty and impeccable taste.

It is important to be able to choose the right one for different images

  • Business style involves elegant, discreet decorations. Earrings with translucent topaz and delicate shades would be appropriate here.
  • For a formal event, a necklace made of rauchtopazes in a sunny brown color scheme or the blue variety “London Blue” is ideal for an evening dress
  • If a less pretentious casual style , the best choice would be small jewelry with a stone of almost any color. This could be a charming set of a pendant and a small ring.
  • But for the boho style, larger options with shining stones are also possible. Volumetric rings and necklaces will only emphasize the originality of the style.

Talismans and amulets

Black agate

The peculiarity of amulets for Virgos is that they work best in the form of a ring on a finger or earrings in the ears.

The stone will not help as a pendant. And it is also important that the minerals are framed in silver; in gold, their magical qualities are greatly reduced, almost neutralized.

Virgo’s most powerful amulet will be a silver ring with emeralds and sapphires. It should be worn on the middle finger.

Agate and carnelian are used to protect against the evil eye and damage:

  1. Agate reliably protects against evil spirits. Used in magical rituals.
  2. They say about carnelian that this mineral absorbed the energy of the Sun. He is able to give his owner happiness, love and health, and protect her from the evil spells of ill-wishers.

When choosing a talisman for this zodiac sign, you need to understand that to enhance the protective properties, not only the mineral itself is important, but also its form. Round or oval stone shapes have proven themselves well.

Powerful talismans will be jewelry or figurines in the form of a cube, monkey, dog, grasshopper, or owl.

Stones talismans for Virgo

Virgos should wear earrings or rings with crystals. When selecting a gem, you need to take into account its color; it is of no small importance in the formation of the magical properties of the stone.

A description of the colors of minerals that have a beneficial effect on Virgos is presented in the table:

Stone colorColor meaningMain actions of the stoneExamples of minerals suitable for Virgos
WhiteSymbol of innocence. White color is associated with wisdom and intelligence. White stones protect children and their mothers from the evil eye, cleanse thoughts, promote abstraction from unnecessary body movements, and see the essence of things.White quartz, pearls, moonstone, coral, onyx, zircon, agate, opal.
PinkSymbol of femininity. The pink hue evokes empathy. Gems soften, make pliable, and establish a connection with children.Moonstone, feathery agate, sapphire, topaz.
BrownSymbol of earth, fertility.Brown crystals are good to take on the road; they will help avoid injuries, burns and other troubles. Brown minerals promise success if used when starting new things. Amber, jasper, carnelian.
BlueThe blue tint stimulates mental processes and promotes contemplation.The blue gem will teach practicality and self-control in emergency circumstances.Lapis lazuli, sapphire, topaz, feathery agate, quartz, jade, opal, zircon.
GreyThe color of inertia, restraint, slowness.Organizes thoughts. Slows things down. Pearl, moonstone, agate.
GreenSymbol of nascent life.Promotes increased attention, helps to make the right decision.Jade, emerald, jasper, chrysoprase, agate, sapphire, aventurine, jadeite, topaz.
BlueThe color of a calm sea.Gives confidence, develops creative inclinations, promotes calm.Agate, topaz, blue sapphire, lapis lazuli, blue quartz.
VioletA shade of space, infinity, knowledge, sobriety.Color is indicated for creative Virgos, it develops inspiration and helps to acquire new knowledge.Amethyst, sapphire, jade.

Properties of some minerals suitable for the Virgo talisman:

  • Carnelian and agate are protected from the evil eye.
  • Jade, selenite, carnelian enhance love and harmonize family relationships.
  • A talisman made of jasper and carnelian will attract financial and career growth.
  • Amulets made of jasper and moonstone will protect against depression.

The shape of the gems is also important: it is good if the jewelry is round or oval. At home, it is useful to place a talisman in the shape of a cube or animals (dogs or monkeys), as well as an owl.

Stones for love

Ring with jade

Virgo can choose stones for love that will speed up the meeting with feelings and maintain warm relationships in the family.

For example, selenite is considered a family stone. He will ensure good relationships, peace and order in the house. And the lonely Virgo with a selenite amulet will soon meet her man.

Pomegranate helps unmarried women find love. And married people should use it to preserve family happiness.

Carnelian will speed up the meeting with love. Contributes to the development of relationships pearls.

But the most powerful stone for love and relationships is jade. An interested Virgo can wear a jade ring, or put a jade figurine on the table. Your personal life will soon improve!

Attention! Jade is very similar to another mineral - jadeite. There are a huge number of different products on sale from cheap jadeite. It is very easy for an ignorant person to confuse them. Moreover, in the trade nomenclature they are both found under the name “jad”. But these are different stones, with different properties!

Who are Virgos

People born under the Virgo zodiac sign are distinguished by the greatest diligence and perseverance in achieving goals among all other signs. However, these enviable qualities are most often accompanied by enormous tediousness and pedantry, which often prevents Virgos from establishing friendly relationships or simply warm communication with other people.

This zodiac sign is distinguished primarily by a high level of striving for perfection: she will stop at nothing until she achieves an ideal result in any matter. Virgo bosses are capable of driving their subordinates to complete exhaustion, then forcing them to do all the work perfectly.

Great option!!! Draw your zodiac sign on your body

For such lofty goals, nature often rewards representatives of this zodiac sign with a high level of intelligence and intelligence, which helps them successfully solve the most complex issues. Also, such a desire and attitude of Virgos towards work is not accompanied by a thirst for fame and recognition: these people most often remain behind the scenes, it is enough for them that their work has received the highest praise.

The disadvantages of this sign are Virgo's inability to make difficult decisions and the isolation of their emotions.

Such people are too afraid of mistakes, so they prefer not to take risks in any matter of life, be it their personal life or career advancement.

They do not accept flattery and sycophancy and often openly criticize the people around them, especially if this is necessary for business.

Properly selected talisman stones will help balance this character for the better.

What minerals will attract money?

Virgo women can also choose stones to attract money.


  1. Jasper. A jasper talisman promises wealth, ensures financial well-being and career growth.
  2. Malachite. It will attract prosperity and success, help you to sensibly assess your strengths, and reduce greed. This stone can be set in copper and silver.
  3. Carnelian lures money. It is believed that the hand on which the ring with carnelian is worn will never become poor.

Virgo amulets stones


Jade is very useful for Virgo. The fact is that Virgos are very often very stingy in communicating with other people. Therefore, people may begin to think that Virgos are simply not interested in them. But this is not so! If you do not want this kind of misunderstanding to arise, purchase jade jewelry. It will also help you become more successful in business and add a little healthy excitement to your life. Jade will also be useful for you because it can sense your inner energy. At the slightest problem in your body or in your soul, it begins to darken.


Virgos are often suspicious; they can worry about the slightest troubles or even invent them for themselves. Jasper will help you get rid of this bad habit. This stone will also help provide you with financial stability. It makes it easier to make a profit and negotiate with important clients.


If you have communication problems, then the chrysolite stone will help you. It draws the attention of other people to your attractive sides, helps them feel your gentleness, kindness and care. Excessive pedantry and boringness are replaced by kindness and love for others. This is very attractive to people, so they will happily want to know more about you.

Lapis lazuli

If your work requires a lot of communication and frequent negotiations, then you will need lapis lazuli stone. It will help smooth out some of the “hard” sides of your character and make you easier to understand. You will become more sociable and cheerful. Your interlocutors will find you a pleasant person.

Yellow topaz

Virgos are not very well suited for creative professions. This is explained by the fact that their soul is rarely open to the world; it is rather closed in on itself. Yellow topaz jewelry will help you develop your imaginative, intuitive thinking. In turn, this will help you better express your creative thoughts and ideas. Try not to take topaz with you on a trip - it can attract evil energy. The stone is also good for treating insomnia and liver problems.


Malachite will help you become more self-confident and gain more determination. It has a particularly powerful effect on little Virgos who are subject to great mental or physical stress. The stone will help you recover faster after exhausting work, and recover faster after a hard day at work. It makes you more active and dynamic. Promotes the fulfillment of desires.


Carnelian stone can help you organize your daily routine, get rid of unnecessary things and get problems out of your head. It is a fairly powerful magical stone that will help protect against external negativity and dark forces. You will become more successful in money and love matters.


Astrologers recommend that Virgos wear pearls, but do so with great caution. Firstly, pearls are not suitable for weak people who are insecure - the stone will only aggravate this problem. Secondly, avoid wearing pearls when traveling, long trips, flights, or if your job involves risks. In general, this stone brings financial well-being, and also helps to become softer and acquire a calmer character.

Stones for health


The most powerful amulets for health are rings with precious stones (emerald or sapphire).

With them, Virgos are provided with a good mood, positivity, peace of mind, and they also contribute to the treatment of many diseases.


  1. Sapphire treats heart disease, headaches, skin diseases, and improves vision.
  2. Carnelian has a pronounced calming effect, strengthens memory, protects against infertility, and protects against sudden death.
  3. Selenite (moonstone) is excellent for protecting against stress. Will help with anemia, low hemoglobin, high temperature, depression.
  4. Jasper removes all the negativity accumulated by the body. Treats headaches, increases blood pressure, reduces fever, helps to recover from serious illnesses, and relieves stress.
  5. Pomegranate improves blood clotting, helps remove toxins, protects against bleeding, and fights jaundice and fever.
  6. The serpentine is called an apothecary stone; it enhances the effect of medicines. It also helps with blood pressure fluctuations, relieves headaches, and helps bones heal.

Jade - healing stone

It is believed that jade helps with kidney diseases - and it is this organ that is weak in Virgos.
The stone is also worn for heart diseases. Jade is especially beneficial for pregnant women and women who have just given birth - it supports the health of the expectant mother, helps during childbirth and promotes milk production. In addition, jade is able to influence a person’s consciousness and habits, increasing his desire for change. The most suitable stones for Virgos are amber, malachite, jasper and rock crystal. Representatives of the zodiac constellation Virgo are balanced and calm in nature. As a rule, it is very difficult to lead them astray, since they always have their own opinion and have the ability to solve several issues at the same time.

Which stones are contraindicated?

It is important for every Virgo to know which stones should not be worn:

  1. Ruby is absolutely not suitable for Virgo! The influence of bright red ruby ​​will have a particularly negative impact. Its owner will become aggressive and irritable.
  2. Tourmaline attracts bad luck.
  3. Alexandrite suppresses energy and attracts failures.
  4. Pyrope makes a woman passionate, but this passion is so strong that it will be destructive for Virgo.
  5. Hematite strongly suppresses energetically. The woman will be overcome by apathy, indifference, and a series of subsequent failures will lead to depression.
  6. Obsidian can increase the aggressiveness of Virgos; the calm, pedantic character of a woman will deteriorate.
  7. Turquoise is contraindicated due to the fact that it enhances bad character traits; the negative aspects of the personality become pronounced.

Virgos are absolutely not suitable for bright, flashy, shiny stones. Their positive characteristics will change; sparkling minerals will not bring peace and luck to women. Gems chosen deliberately will definitely serve for good.

Types of stone amulets

Any zodiac sign is divided into three decades, each of which has its own time period. Based on the exact date of birth of any person, you can quite accurately and effectively select gemstone talismans that can solve all the problems that arise:

  • The first ten days begins on August 24 and ends on September 2. People born during this period are distinguished by calmness and harmony with the outside world. They can endure any changes very hard, so they avoid everything new and incomprehensible. For such Virgos, malachite, lapis lazuli, carnelian, jasper, and jade are suitable.
  • Those born during the second decade (September 3-11) are particularly secretive: it is not easy for them to let anyone into their soul. The following precious stones are suitable for them: heliotrope, pearls, chrysoprase.
  • If a person was born from September 12 to 23, then he will be distinguished by sufficient modesty and shyness, which will sometimes prevent him from realizing his dreams. In order to compensate for these problems, they should use the following minerals: chrysolite, topaz.

This natural mineral will help soften Virgo’s character a little and add a little recklessness to their actions. This balance will make it easier to communicate with other people. Such a talisman will add excitement to dry Virgos, which will have a positive effect, first of all, on their career.

This gemstone is also an excellent talisman in love affairs. Jade also reflects the internal state of its owner: the stone darkens a little if negativity reigns in Virgo’s soul.

This gemstone will strengthen Virgo's character and give her a little more determination and courage. This is exactly what any representative of this zodiac sign, both men and women, needs first of all: due to their indecisiveness and suspiciousness, Virgos lose many opportunities in various areas of their lives.

This mineral as a talisman will help to best improve a woman’s communication abilities and greatly facilitate the process of communicating with other people.

This gemstone is able to give Virgos attractiveness not only with external gloss and beauty, but also strengthen their communication abilities. This talisman will reduce boredom and improve communication with other people.

This talisman does not eliminate negative traits, but simply softens them, turning them into undeniable advantages.

This stone is a fairly powerful talisman that helps Virgos establish contact with people around them. It effectively eliminates all misunderstandings and makes the representatives of the sign themselves more benevolent and communicative.

It is best for Virgos to choose yellow topaz: such a talisman will reveal and enhance the creative abilities of representatives of this zodiac sign. This stone is also capable of protecting its owner from enemies, but it is not recommended to use it on long journeys.

If you constantly use such a stone at home, it will have a beneficial effect on Virgo’s health: it will relieve insomnia and liver diseases.

This talisman will relax overly tense Virgos and eliminate stress from the body. Such a stone can cleanse your aura of any negativity and improve your overall health.

Also, this gemstone can fulfill the cherished desire of its owner, a woman.

Such a natural mineral can very effectively protect its owner from various negativity and black witchcraft, since it itself has great magical energy. Carnelian is also used in money matters.

For a single woman, it will help improve family life.

This gemstone will soften tough Virgos and bring wealth. But such a talisman is not suitable for people with weak character, as it requires strict control. Pearls are recommended for Virgo women.

Such a talisman is primarily suitable for a Virgo man; it will make him wiser and add a little riskiness to his character.


Such a talisman will protect Virgos from enemies and slander, and will also improve their communication abilities.

It is best to choose a birthstone for a Virgo according to their date of birth, to accurately determine their decade and the most suitable talisman.

First ten days: from August 22 to September 2. Virgos born in this decade are under the influence of the Sun; tranquility and harmony with others are most important to them. The following stones are suitable for them: agate, malachite, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, carnelian, moonstone, jasper, aventurine, jade and amethyst.

Second decade: from 3rd to 11th September. Modest and secretive Virgos of this decade value their own inner world and fight for its integrity. Their patron planet is Venus. Heliotrope, pearls, jadeite, chrysoprase, sardonyx, citrine and chalcedony are best suited for them.

Third ten days: from September 12th to 23rd. Virgos born during this period are protected by Mercury. They are shy and silent; in life they often have to overcome their laziness and passivity. Garnet, chrysolite, topaz, sapphire, and emerald can help Virgos in this difficult task.

Stone compatibility table

Table of stones for Virgos, taking into account the Eastern horoscope (This table took into account the compatibility of the main minerals depending on the year and month of birth, they will be ideal for both your Animal and your Sign).

According to your horoscope you are:Your stones:
RatMoonstone, Emerald, Heliotrope, Diamond
BullTiger's Eye, Jade, Agate, Adularia
TigerTopaz, Diamond, Amethyst
RabbitMalachite, Pearl
The DragonAmethyst, Sapphire, Peridot
SnakeTopaz, Spinel
HorseAmethyst, Agate
GoatEmerald, Jadeite, Moonstone
DogAgate, Tiger's Eye, Carnelian
BoarMoonstone, Lapis lazuli, Selenite

Please leave a comment which stones you like and which one suits you best.

Select by date of birth (decade)

Astrologers distribute Virgo stones on a ten-day basis, taking into account the date and month of a person’s birth.

August 24 – September 2

People celebrating birthdays from late August to early September are blessed by the sun. They live by the principle “they do not seek good from good,” that is, they do not welcome reforms and movement in general. Their priority is agreement with themselves and their environment. Their lucky stones are semi-precious aventurine, agate, rock crystal, malachite, jade, carnelian, lapis lazuli, and jasper.

September 3–12

These are unsociable, calm children of Venus. Representatives of the second decade are focused on their inner world and do not allow anyone into their personal space. Their stones are: pearl, heliotrope, onyx, hairy quartz, chrysoprase, citrine.

Virgo stones by date of birth
Virgo birthstones by date of birth

September 13–23

Despite the fact that the decade is patronized by Mercury, these Virgos are modest, inactive, and uncommunicative. A little lazy. Topaz, peridot, sapphire, garnet, and precious emerald are called upon to overcome negativity.

Stones of men


Virgo men are usually very callous; they are sometimes extremely difficult to please. It is not easy to find a common language with them. Such men cannot make important decisions on their own, so they very often fail. If you notice these qualities in yourself, then hurry to buy carnelian. This stone will help you become more accessible to other people, gain self-confidence and find a clear purpose in life. You will acquire the ability to concentrate and be able to make correct and timely decisions. The stone is also a talisman that protects against the evil eye and damage.


Jade will also be very beneficial for you. It will help soften the rigidities of your character, promote relaxation and relieve stress. A figurine or stationery made from this material will help make business negotiations more successful.

Stones for various areas of life

To choose a stone, you need to determine what task it will face.

Some minerals help attract attention from the opposite sex, while others help treat diseases or improve your financial situation.

To attract love

In order to find and keep love, you can use the following stones:

  1. Pomegranate. Shows itself with the female gender. Suitable not only for unmarried girls. It helps them to relax and build relationships with people. It allows married women to preserve love.
  2. Nephritis. The most powerful love talisman. Helps strengthen the connection. Helps accelerate the development of relationships.
  3. Cornelian. The mineral is believed to attract love. Virgo becomes more confident, making it easier for her to attract the attention of a potential partner.

Necklace with garnet
Garnet enhances passion and desire and will help create friendly relationships with others.

For good health

The following stones have healing powers:

  1. Sapphire. Relieves headaches. Copes well with heart and dermatological diseases. The gemstone improves vision.
  2. Selenite. Protects Virgos from overexertion, stress and depression. Improves general condition. Helps cope with elevated temperatures. It is recommended to wear jewelry with moonstones if you have low hemoglobin.
  3. Jasper. Takes on all the negativity. Eliminates high fever, stress and headaches. Able to cope with low blood pressure. Often used after serious illnesses and operations to speed up recovery.

For financial success

If you need to achieve a promotion at work, accelerate business development, or simply resolve any matter related to making a profit, pay attention to jewelry with the following stones:

  1. Cornelian. It attracts money, but for this the mineral must be worn on your hand. It is better to buy a ring made of stone.
  2. Malachite. It not only attracts good luck, but also helps to adequately assess one’s strengths. Makes Virgos less greedy. Teaches them how to relax properly and save without harming themselves.
  3. Jasper. Suitable for those who work in a team or in an enterprise. In the first case, it will help to establish relationships with others and organize the process more efficiently. In the second, it will speed up getting a promotion.

Carnelian – promotes the development of the energy of financial well-being.

Jade is the best stone for the Virgo zodiac sign

Jade is a stone that can turn even the sometimes inhuman, tough and conservative Virgo into a fairly soft and good-natured person. Jade is a talisman for those who strive for constant perfection. Such an amulet will bring Virgos success in any endeavor and will give strength to complete any undertaking.

It is important to wear jade for those who are not going well in their love relationships. You can tell that a girl is angry by the fact that the talisman begins to darken. Jade reacts very sensitively to any changes in the owner’s mood and, when aggression is shown, acquires a darker shade.

Women's stones

White opal

White opal will help you pay more attention to yourself and your needs. Virgo women very often live for the sake of other people or someone else's ideals and forget about themselves. Therefore, it is vital for them to understand what they need in life, relax and slowly move towards achieving their goal. White opal will also help you develop your creative abilities.


One of the important stones, or rather minerals, for the Virgo woman is rock crystal. He helps to channel the powerful sense of justice of Virgos, which is very well developed in them. It also acts as a protective amulet against bad magical influences. Rock crystal will help you expand your circle of acquaintances and acquire new interests.


Agate is a very useful stone for both Virgos who have dedicated their lives to their family, and for Virgos who have given everything for a career. In the family, this stone, especially if it is white or yellow, establishes order and harmony. He makes communication with children and husband a continuous joy, a bright streak. For careerists, it is useful because it strengthens self-confidence and the correctness of decisions.


Virgos are an earthly element, therefore the character and representatives of this sign are often too down-to-earth. Very often they lack banal softness and femininity. Any matte green stone will help solve this problem. For example, jade is perfect. It will not only take your feminine qualities to a new level and make you pay more attention, but will also help with health problems. Jewelry with jade is best decorated in platinum or silver. This will ensure maximum magical effect.

It will be best if you follow some rules. Arrange pearls in a bracelet or beads - this will be most effective. Jade will work best with silver, but not with gold, which drains its strength. Chrysoprase is also best decorated in silver. Just like malachite, but it can also be combined with copper.

Your amulet is the owl. Stones designed into products in the shape of an owl will definitely bring you a lot of good things. You will become more calm, diplomatic and eloquent. It will be easier for you to succeed in any negotiations. Try to change the color of the stones according to the season - wear brighter stones in spring and summer, and calm and neutral ones in winter.

Dangerous stones

Try to beware of too bright, shiny stones that contradict your modest character. You cannot wear mother-of-pearl, obsidian, onyx and labradorite. Hematite is too strong a stone for you, so you don’t need to wear it - your energy will not withstand its power. Also refrain from purchasing turquoise jewelry of any shade.

The Virgo birthstone is an important attribute for each representative of this zodiac sign. Finding the perfect stone for these perfectionists (especially) can be quite difficult, but if you manage to find the perfect talisman that Virgo will like, she will be immensely happy.

In the article:

Are pearls suitable for Virgos?

Without a doubt, pearls are the stone that every Virgo entrepreneur needs to have with them. This stone can soften a person’s tough character a little and will allow him to establish good relationships with employees and partners. The amulet can attract good luck in any financial matters and even promote career advancement.

It is worth remembering that pearls can only help those who are confident in themselves and in their abilities. If this stone falls into the hands of an insecure Virgo, then it will not bring anything good to the new owner. You should not use pearls if your field of activity is related to tourist trips and children.

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