How to choose your talisman or amulet made of stones?

What are amulets stones and how do they work?

Talisman stones
A talisman stone is an amulet that protects from the unkind eyes of envious people, evil tongues, various ailments and temptations. Each mineral has its own strength and properties.

As a talisman, stones protect the owner from damage, the evil eye, dangers and ill-wishers. Talismans attract good luck, success, wealth, love, strengthen family ties, enhance positive character traits and restrain negative ones.

What is the magical power of stones?

Stones from the evil eye and damage

Minerals and gems are children of the earth, of which we are a part. Like water, these beautiful representatives of inanimate nature are able to sense a person’s mood and attitude towards them. Each of them has its own character and its own unique abilities.

They can bring a person both success and love, as well as misfortunes and troubles. Like a sponge, they absorb words, smells, vibrations. They are often used to improve life or protect themselves from troubles. For example, they protect against the evil eye and damage.

The strongest natural stones: how to use and which ones to discard

Precious and semi-precious stones have powerful energy.

Strong minerals include:

  • pearl;
  • amber;
  • pomegranate;
  • ruby;
  • opal;
  • sapphire;
  • agate;
  • topaz;
  • amethyst;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • alexandrite.

Stones to wear with caution

Aventurine is a capricious stone; if handled incorrectly, it can lead to material losses. Not suitable for weak and indecisive people.

Alexandrite stone

Alexandrite is a heavy mineral that is suitable only for strong people who can withstand all life’s trials.

Turquoise brings misfortune to those who do not follow moral commandments. Green turquoise drains life energy.

Pearls are best worn by confident people.

Topaz, if handled incorrectly, can upset the psyche.

Opal cannot be worn all the time. This is a stone of grief and loss. Capable of raising false hopes.

Rubies are worn by those who have achieved a certain status. Not suitable for people with excess weight and heart disease.

Sapphire can deprive a person of joy and love. If the stone has a crack or scratch, it will bring misfortune.

What types are there and what power do they have?

From drunkenness

Since ancient times, people believed that a talisman stone could protect a person from drunkenness. Amethyst is one such stone. The mineral curbs cravings for alcoholic beverages, helps cope with hangovers and strengthens a person’s will.

Another mineral that will protect against the harmful effects of alcohol is serpentine. It has the ability to reduce the effect of alcohol on the body and neutralize toxins.

ATTENTION! Amulet stones are not a panacea for alcohol addiction, but an additional measure to traditional methods of treatment.

Jade stone

Jade is a talisman against drunkenness. It is suitable for the treatment of female alcoholism. However, remember that he has a strong energy field, and he may require payment for his services. You will get rid of addiction, but you will face a difficult life situation.

From the evil eye and damage

Agate is the most popular amulet against the evil eye and damage. It has powerful energy and lasts for decades.

Black onyx - supports the internal strength of the owner, protects from ill-wishers, helps to figure out who is a friend and who is an enemy. Protects from injury and disease.

Jasper – protects from envious people, negativity, the evil eye and damage.

Jet – warns of danger (it becomes dull or loses its shine). Absorbs negativity, protects against envy and resentment.

Selenite - creates an energy field around the owner, thereby protecting against damage and the evil eye.

Cat's eye - has strong magical abilities, protects against damage, the evil eye and black magic.

Malachite – protects against damage, the evil eye, and bad influence. Suitable for children, pregnant women, elderly people.

For pregnant women

To protect their child from any troubles and troubles, expectant mothers use amulets.

Diamond – protects the expectant mother and child from damage and the evil eye, gives strength and improves well-being at the time of childbirth. Fights stress and relieves anxious thoughts and bad mood.

Turquoise is a powerful amulet against miscarriages. Improves health and helps the mother bear a healthy baby.

REFERENCE: It is recommended for pregnant women to wear blue turquoise, and for those who are just about to conceive a child - green.

Amethyst – protects against the evil eye. Normalizes sleep and improves mood.

Emerald - gives strength and courage before childbirth, helps get rid of panic.

Rhinestone - improves the relationship between spouses during pregnancy.

Jade – improves health and maintains calm. The mineral reduces pain during childbirth.


Ruby – protects against the evil eye, envy and negativity. It is believed that the mineral can cause bleeding, so it is better to remove it before giving birth.

Hematite – stimulates blood circulation and helps cleanse the blood. It will serve as a powerful amulet for women with the threat of miscarriage or bleeding.

Moonstone is considered the patron saint of women. Promotes the conception of a child, helps to bear and give birth to a healthy baby. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system (relieves neuroses and depression).

Carnelian is a stone of fertility and mutual love. Protects against damage and love spells. The mineral affects the intrauterine development of the child, protects against fear and bad thoughts. The red stone stops bleeding and promotes wound healing.

Family amulets for home and family

A correctly selected stone will bring harmony to the home, improve family relationships and strengthen marriage bonds.

For home

As soon as you enter the house, you find yourself in a corridor (hallway), so this space needs to be cleared of low energy. Obsidian and quartz will help with this .

Obsidian transforms any type of energy. It is better to place it opposite the front door.

Quartz is a group of stones and crystals. These include rose quartz, citrine, amethyst, carnelian, aventurine, jasper and others. Place it on a shelf in the hallway.

The kitchen is the place where you eat food (the energy of the gifts of the Earth). This room should be energetically clean and healing. Note the carnelian and yellow calcite . Stones improve digestion and increase appetite.

All family members gather in the living room for relaxation, conversations, and celebrations. Citrine, rose quartz, aventurine, and rock crystal are suitable for this room .

The following minerals are suitable for a children's room: citrine, fluorite, rose quartz (for babies).


The bedroom is a place reserved only for spouses. Place your Labrador opposite the bed to normalize sleep. To activate attraction and sexual energy, consider pyrope.

To increase energy in the bathroom and toilet, aquamarine and marble are used. Aquamarine cleanses the body and relieves fatigue, and marble cleanses the energy of the bathroom.

HELP: if you have a balcony or terrace, then place unakite in these places to attract fertility.

For family well-being

Turquoise is a stone of mutual understanding and friendliness. It will be useful for hot-tempered couples who do not know how to maintain emotions. Combines the energy of Water and Earth. The combination of elements supports love for many years.

Jade – preserves the well-being of relatives from envy, improves health. The mineral has powerful energy, thereby attracting material well-being to the home.

REFERENCE: jade supports harmonious relationships between generations. If you live with your spouse’s parents, then this mineral will help you avoid conflicts, quarrels, and relieve jealousy towards each other.

Carnelian is one of the main amulets for a married couple. A stone of mutual sincere love, intimacy, friendliness and cheerfulness. Protects from envious glances and other people's attempts to take someone away from the family.

Emerald – protects against negative influences. The mineral protects spouses, maintains peace and harmony in the family.

Attention! Emerald helps to improve relationships with children and protects against conflicts with them.

Jasper stone

Jasper is closely associated with the element of earth. Its characteristics depend on the shades. For example, red stones protect against betrayal, yellow or orange jasper brings well-being in the family and protects against quarrels related to money. The green mineral is suitable for newlyweds. And the brown mineral gives harmony and an atmosphere of comfort in the home.

White agate – maintains peace in the family, promotes prosperity and stability, gives wisdom, health and longevity.

Strong amulets against the evil eye and damage

Natural stones and natural minerals have long served as talismans and have the magical power of protecting their owners from curses, damage or simply unkind words, views and thoughts. Such actions should not be taken lightly; they can completely destroy your aura, take away your health and strength, luck in life and love:

  1. Black agate will help maintain health and accumulate energy.
  2. Powerful people striving for leadership can wear black onyx, but ill-wishers can easily cause damage through such a stone, so you should not accept such a gift from unfamiliar or unpleasant people.
  3. Deceitful people should never wear sapphire, it does not tolerate lies and immediately changes color, and, in addition, a liar will be very uncomfortable in jewelry with such a stone.
  4. Smoky topaz can serve both good and evil. If you wear it occasionally, it cleanses the inner essence of a person from accumulated negativity, makes the owner cleaner and kinder, but constant wearing will only lead to the fact that black energy from the outside world accumulates in it and gradually begins to pass to the owner, plunging him into the world of illusions .

Amulet against the evil eye and damage according to the horoscope

Magicians and esotericists say that there are special stones that not only protect their owner, but can also give him a sign that an evil deed is being plotted against him.

Similar talismans include:

  1. Those who are constantly among a huge number of people should wear a tiger or cat's eye. Such a talisman heats up and becomes heavier, sensing a flow of negativity from the outside.
  2. White-green jade becomes dull and faded when meeting an unfriendly person.
  3. The bright ruby ​​becomes even brighter when faced with danger, abruptly changing color to bloody burgundy if it senses dark energy directed against you.

Talismans for constant wear and how to wear them

The choice of jewelry with a talisman affects its strength and energy. Used as decorations:

Earrings . Gems with calming properties and those responsible for intelligence and the ability to concentrate are suitable.

Brooch with gems

Rings (rings) . On the right hand they wear amulets that are designed to give, and the left is designed to receive information and things. For the left hand, turquoise, aquamarine, moonstone, amethyst, and garnet are suitable. For the right - beryl, aquamarine, agate, rock crystal.

Pendants or necklaces. They use moonstone, beryl, aquamarine, amethyst, garnet, and pearls.

Brooches. Gems in brooches affect either the heart or the throat. Moonstone or garnet will do.

Bracelets. Minerals are worn on the wrists for protection and peace.

Belts. Minerals in the belts influence vitality. Turquoise and amethyst are the most common.

Important! Rings and pendants have the strongest effect, and earrings have the weakest effect.

How to wear amulets correctly

  1. The mineral must be in contact with the skin.
  2. Do not wear stones below the waist.
  3. Wear moonstone during the waxing moon.
  4. Amethyst is best combined with silver.
  5. Each finger on the hand has its own influence. Do not put the amulet stone on your thumb (it is responsible for the health of the head and neck).
  6. If you wear several talismans, make sure that their energy matches.
  7. Stones should only be associated with positive emotions. For example, if a mineral was given to you by a loved one or a loved one.
  8. Do not pass it on to another person or show it to everyone.
  9. Clean the amulets periodically.

How to remove negativity from a talisman

Stones-amulets are designed to protect against influences such as the evil eye or damage. They absorb negativity, taking it away from the owner. Therefore they need to be cleaned.

General principles

All stones need cleaning, including newly purchased ones. It is unknown how many eyes were looking at them, how many people were holding them in their hands.

Do not let anyone touch the amulet or admire it. If this cannot be avoided, the stones are cleaned at home.

It is better to wear amulets against the evil eye and damage secretly: under clothes, in a pocket, or a purse.

If the amulet is on the desktop, it needs to be cleaned more often.

After cleaning, the talismans are recharged in the Sun or Moon.

Cleaning in severe cases

There are different methods of cleansing negative energy. If there is a suspicion of a particularly evil influence, you can remove damage from the talisman in the following ways:

  • Water. The stone is placed in a container with water and placed on a windowsill (preferably with an open window) for three days. During the day, the negative energy will be removed by the Sun, at night by the Moon. If you urgently need to clear the spoilage, keep the pebble for half an hour under running cold water and dry it near a burning candle.
  • Fire. A church or simple white candle is lit and carried clockwise over the amulet. They visualize how damage, another blackness, evaporates from the stone with smoke. You can carry the amulet through the flames. The candle is not extinguished - it must burn out on its own.
  • Salt. Fill a crystal container (vase, bowl) with good strength salt water. Place the amulet for three to four hours. Take it out and wash it with cool running water. Second option: the stone is covered with salt for the same time. Salt or water from the container that has absorbed spoilage is disposed of in the sewer system, and the container is washed.
  • Earth. Severe damage or other negativity is neutralized by burying the stone for three days. This could be a local area, a garden, a flower pot. After cleansing, the earth is taken away.

Water, salt, fire, earth can cleanse a stone that has absorbed damage or other blackest negativity. After the procedure, the amulet is exposed to the light of the Sun or Moon to recharge.

Cleaning for prevention

If the amulet against the evil eye or damage needs scheduled cleaning, use the following methods:

  • Wind. The amulet is placed on a windowsill, palm, balcony, or other open space. You need to imagine how currents of air blow out the damage sent from it, other energy “garbage”.
  • Ice. The procedure is carried out three days before the new moon. The gem is placed in a new plastic bag and packed to prevent water from leaking through. Place in a container with water and put in the freezer for three days. They take it out and imagine how the damage, like energy rabble, melts with ice. If there is little negativity, the amulet is frozen for a day.
  • Herbs. A pebble is immersed in a warm floral-herbal infusion for a couple of hours. You can put the dry herbal mixture in a glass container or aroma lamp and set it on fire so that the stone is saturated with aroma.

The amulet stone gets tired of outside influences and the energy of the owner. Therefore, after cleaning, it is sent “on vacation” from time to time.

A separate dark, soft inside box for a few days is what you need.

Cleaning plus recharging

In the Sun or in the moonlight, along with cleansing from damage and other negativity, stones are charged:

  • Moon. The procedure is carried out when the light is on the damage. For three nights in a row, the amulet is placed on the windowsill of an open window, illuminated by the Moon. In winter you can take it out onto the balcony.

The main thing is that the glass does not block the path of light. The pebble is placed just like that or in salt water. The waning moon will take away the damage.

  • Sun. The procedure is similar to the lunar one, but without water. The amulet is exposed to direct rays for three days. It will absorb light and energy.

When choosing a cleaning method, it is important to consider the characteristics of the stone. Caution is required when freezing, manipulating fire, or the sun.

How to choose your gem

There are different options for choosing a gem:

  1. According to the owner's temperament.
  2. Transmission by inheritance.
  3. Brighter minerals with warm tones are suitable for men, while muted and cool shades are suitable for women.
  4. For the treatment of certain diseases.
  5. By name.
  6. By compatibility. Before purchasing, hold the mineral in your hands and mentally talk to it. If you feel calm and comfortable, then buy it. If your hand becomes heavy, a feeling of fear and apathy appears, then the stone is not suitable for you.

Find out a stone by date of birth or zodiac sign

Since ancient times, numerology has studied a person’s personality based on his date of birth.

There are several options for choosing a talisman based on your date of birth.

  1. By the name of the month of birth.
  2. By full date of birth: break the date into numbers and add them up. For example, if you were born on November 13, 1970, then the number is calculated as follows: 1+3+1+1+1+9+7=23. Then add 2+3=6. Each number from 1 to 9 has a stone associated with it.
  3. By date of birth (number only).

REFERENCE: sometimes a mineral is chosen based on the time of year or day of the week.

You can choose a talisman according to your horoscope.

Aries : agate, ruby, coral, jasper, quartz.

Taurus: turquoise, carnelian, agate, sapphire, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, amethyst.

Stones-amulets according to the zodiac sign

Gemini: emerald, amethyst, bloodstone, tiger's eye.

Cancer : aquamarine, agate, moonstone, topaz, emerald.

Leo : amber, diamond, ruby, garnet, citrine, onyx.

Virgo : carnelian, chrysolite, malachite, jasper.

Libra : beryl, jasper, opal, sapphire.

Scorpio : yellow topaz, moonstone, ruby, amethyst.

Sagittarius : amethyst, emerald, opal, agate, sapphire and ruby.

Capricorn : opal, ruby, onyx and garnet.

Aquarius : sapphire, lapis lazuli, garnet, turquoise and opal.

Pisces : pearl, emerald, amethyst, garnet and sapphire.

How to clean and charge

After daily work, minerals accumulate negative energy and become “dirty”. To get rid of the negative impact, they need to be cleaned periodically. It is recommended to cleanse through 4 elements:

  • fire - hold over a lit candle;
  • earth - sprinkle the stone with table salt or leave overnight;
  • air - use incense sticks;
  • water - rinse under running water or freeze overnight.

To cleanse and charge the amulet, solar and lunar energies are used. The talisman is placed on the windowsill under direct sunlight (2-3 hours) or moonlight (all night).

Amulets need special treatment. They need to be carefully preserved and thanked for their help. The amulet stone needs to be given time to recharge itself with energy and rest. Before putting the stone on, hold it in your hands to exchange energy between you. If the amulet is cracked or a piece breaks off, it means that the mineral is tired and has exhausted its strength.

Its impact depends on how much a person believes in the power of amulets. Choose your mineral carefully, because an incorrectly selected stone will not bring any benefit or even harm.

How to choose your stone of energy and fortitude?

An incorrectly chosen crystal can cause trouble: instead of energy and healing, it will take away strength or attract negativity. The easiest way is to use tables of correspondence between gems and date of birth or horoscope. They were compiled by ancient scientists and tested in practice for centuries.

The next criterion for making the right choice is personal feelings based on intuition. But for this you need to have a developed intuitive sense. Take the pebble in your hand, follow your inner sensations. If even the slightest discomfort appears, refuse the stone - it is not yours. You can bring the crystal to the third eye area and track your sensations. It is also brought to the heart chakra.

You can also choose a power stone based on attracting necessary things into life. For example, there is a separate group of stones for financial success. To attract love - another group, to replenish energy potential - a third group.

After purchasing the artifact, you need to tune it to your energy. There is no need to carry out any special rituals for this. Just communicate with the pebble every day, carry it with you, talk about the need for its help, etc.

Watch a video about stones that attract a flow of energy and fill a person’s aura with it:

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