Details about heliodor: is it true that the stone is dangerous, magical and healing properties, description

What is

Heliodor is a beautiful shiny mineral of the solar range. In nature, they look like regular prism crystals. The palette of shades begins with light gold and ends with darkish honey. This is determined by the amount of impurities in the composition.

Color is always mentioned when describing a stone.

According to the mineralogical classification, heliodor stone is a type of beryl. The relationship is evidenced by a common basic formula.

However, gemologists have no unity regarding identification:

  • Any yellow-golden beryl can be correctly considered heliodor.
  • Others are sure: for yellow beryl to qualify as heliodor, it must contain a greenish tint (created by an admixture of iron in the composition).
  • Adding to the confusion are light emeralds from the Pamirs (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan). They are also mistaken for beryl. It is not for nothing that Pliny the Elder in his “Natural History” mentions heliodor as the Chalcedonian emerald.

At the domestic and commercial level, such subtleties are not taken into account. All transparent beryls of yellow tints are labeled as heliodors.

How the name came about

There is no unity with the name of the mineral:

  • The ancient Greeks were sure that the golden stone was created by their sun god Helios. They studied and applied its magical properties. And Europeans christened the golden mineral at the beginning of the 20th century (1910) in honor of this god.
  • However, later the French-speaking community caught echoes of the word “golden” (d'or in French) in the name. This is how the second name of the stone appeared - golden beryl.
  • Marketers created the English-language tracing-paper term “goldenberyl” (golden beryl).

A similar name for the stone was used in Ancient Rus' - golden emerald. Heliodor stone was also called Livirion.

Colors and varieties of heliodor stone

The color of heliodor is very similar to gold. True, in nature there are various variants of its shades. There are dark and wheat stones. In addition, there are honey minerals. Gems with a greenish tint are not often discovered. In rare cases, orange stones are found.

The mineral differs in its degree of transparency. If heliodor is completely opaque, then its price is very low. The most expensive is a completely transparent stone.

The rarest specimens combine different colors. When heliodor alternates shades, it truly impresses with its beauty. And its price is very high. A mineral like this is very rare.


The golden stone couldn't help but attract people's attention.

It was used as a magical artifact and decoration pleasing to the eye:

  • The ancient Egyptians made beads from it for necklaces. And primordial crystals, as a symbol of the Sun, were placed in the tombs of pharaohs and generals, so that they would have light in the next world.
  • The sorcerers of the Near and Middle East considered African heliodors to be a shield against evil spirits. In secular life, stones acted as a guarantor of the prosperity of the family. Such attributes were mandatory for every noble family.
  • The heliodor stone was considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity at the court of Chinese emperors. Only residents of the Forbidden City were allowed to have the golden gem.
  • In Rus', a stone was placed under the pillow so that nothing bad would be seen.

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Indian maharajas still replenish their caskets with faceted helidors.
Here they coexist with diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires.

Color spectrum

Heliodor is similar in color to gold. The mineral has many shades:

  • orange;
  • citric;
  • reddish;
  • green;
  • greenish yellow.

The degree of transparency varies. Very valuable minerals are transparent. The cloudier the crystal, the cheaper. Beryllium metal is produced from opaque crystals.

Heliodor, which combines shades of several colors, costs a huge fortune. And such a specimen will look amazing when decorated.

Recently, a technique for growing crystals in the laboratory has been developed. Yes, the heliodors obtained as a result of this are no different from natural ones. Yes, and they are cheaper, but they are not suitable for healing and magical purposes.

Physico-chemical parameters

For a chemist, the mineral heliodor is a complex silicate.

Physical properties
ColorGolden yellow
Stroke colorWhite
KinkUneven, conchoidal
Density2.8 g/cm³
Crystallographic properties

When heated to 400°C it becomes aquamarine - blue and transparent. This property of heliodor is used to refine medium-grade stones.

Place of Birth

The source of heliodors is deposits created by hydrothermal processes and the voids of pegmatite veins.

The stone is mined in several regions of the planet:

  • Sri Lanka;
  • Madagascar;
  • Namibia;
  • Argentina;
  • Brazil;
  • USA.

Here are the richest deposits.

92% of jewelry grade heliodors come to the market from Brazil.

Russian deposits - Siberia and Transbaikalia. Ural heliodors are no larger than 6 cm, Transbaikal heliodors are three times larger.

Heliodorus uniques

Over centuries of mining, a collection of specimens of outstanding condition has been compiled:

  • Number one faceted beryl – gold (La Dorada). Among the Indians of pre-Columbian America it was a cult object and was called the “Eye of the Sun”. Today it is an exhibit of the collection of the Louis XV jewelry house (87 carats).
  • A transparent emerald crystal 19.8 cm high. Delivered from the mines of the Urals to the Museum of the Mining University (St. Petersburg).
  • Giant stone – 10.5 cm; 2053.9 carats - from Brazil ended up in the Smithsonian Institution (Washington).
  • Crystal from Minnesota (USA) – 133.8 carats.

Once upon a time, transparent giant stones with a greenish tint (100 carats after cutting) were found in Volyn (Ukraine).

Areas of application

The main use of beryllium ores is the production of beryllium.

Beautiful, transparent, well-colored crystals are used for cutting and jewelry production. Interesting specimens are exhibited in museums and are sold to collectors.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

First of all, it is a Leo stone. It is not advisable to wear heliodor for people with pronounced Saturn.

Expert opinion

Semenishcheva Polina

Specialist in mineralogy. Graduated from St. Petersburg Mining University.

Heliodor is not very suitable for Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pisces and Aquarius.

Is Heliodor right for you?

Not really







Where is it used?

The mineral of sunny shades is shared by jewelers and collectors of mineralogical collections.


Jewelers love heliodor: it is beautiful, dense, affordable, and easy to process.

In jewelry, the most valuable are those with a greenish tint: lemon-yellow, green-yellow, orange.

Ring with heliodor

It is “exploited” by first-line jewelry houses. This is the main stone of the Paris Vu Du 26 collection, created by the masters of the Boucheron house.

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Collectors are interested in rare species:

  • Concentrically colored specimens are blue on the edges and yellow on the inside.
  • “Multi-layered” with layers of different shades.

Material from Transbaikalia is available. Sherlovaya Gora supplies small, but exceptionally transparent and pure crystals.

Description and types of mineral

The name of the mineral comes from two Greek words - “helios” (sun) and “doro” (gift, gift); heliodor is often called the gift of the sun. In ancient times, it was believed that the sun god himself endowed it with bright, pure light.

Beryl is the ancestor of heliodor. It has a rather complex chemical formula -Be3Al2Si6O18, which contains beryl, aluminum, and carbonates. May contain iron, radioactive substances.

Heliodor resembles the gold of a sunbeam and can be any shade of yellow. If iron is present in the composition, then greenish veins are noted inside. The rarest and most valuable specimens are found with lemon, orange, and copper tints. The stone has a glassy or greasy luster.

Natural crystals have the shape of a hexagonal prism. May have varying degrees of transparency. Transparent crystal has a high price. Cloudy, opaque stones are less in demand among jewelers and are cheaper.

See what the stone looks like:

How to identify a fake

Under the guise of heliodor, they offer cheaper citrine, quartz or an artificial analogue and glass.

To distinguish the original from the fake, the sample is examined against the light:

  • In the thickness of natural heliodor, tubules located along the axis and inclusion fragments resembling snowflakes are visible.
  • Citrine and quartz do not have such signs.
  • In glass, inclusions look like round bubbles.

Only a jeweler using special equipment can identify the artificial origin of a stone.

How to care

Caring for the stone is easy.

There are only two properties of heliodor that need to be taken into account – burnability and fragility:

  1. Keep away from direct sun. Heliodor fades on it.
  2. Don't drop it. Internal microcracks can cause the stone to split.

Dirt is removed with warm water and soap and a couple of drops of ammonia. Rinse and immediately wipe dry to avoid streaks forming on the surface.

You can store heliodor products in a common box.

Caring for products with heliodor

In order for jewelry with heliodor to retain its beauty for as long as possible, it must be properly cared for. First of all, the mineral should be protected from falling. The fact is that although the gem itself is strong, it may have small cracks. A few blows can damage the jewelry irrevocably.

Protect stone products from falls.

The stone should be cleaned and washed from time to time. For this you will need warm water, a few drops of ammonia and ordinary laundry soap without additives. Rinse the product thoroughly, then carefully dry with a towel. You should not leave it to dry on its own - the gem can be ruined by unsightly stains. Dry cleaning will also help to preserve the natural beauty of the stone. To do this, you can rub the gem until shiny with regular baking soda, then rinse it off with warm water.

Stones, especially transparent ones, should never be kept in sunlight. When exposed to direct rays, the heliodor mineral begins to fade. It will no longer be possible to return the original color, and the value of the decoration will drop. To prevent this from happening, wear a talisman under your clothes.

Treatment options

Over centuries of use, healers have studied the healing properties of the mineral:

  • The stone heals the pancreas, liver, spleen, bladder.
  • Inhibits oncology, especially gynecological (uterus, ovaries).
  • Applied to the temple, it dissolves migraines and headaches.
  • Normalizes metabolism and heart function. How is it useful for people with limited mobility?
  • Promotes easy pregnancy and childbirth.

Heliodor increases blood pressure, therefore it is indicated for hypotensive patients, but is prohibited for hypertensive patients .

The stone is useful for a physically healthy person if he has nervous, intense work.

Medicinal properties: about the effect on physical condition

The mineral has a certain effect on human health, you can be sure of that. More about its radioactive component later, but for now let’s talk about its medicinal properties. The stone promotes:

  • accelerating the body's metabolic processes;
  • improves the functioning of the spleen, liver and pancreas;
  • adjusts the rhythm of heart contractions;
  • stabilizes blood pressure.

Wearing jewelry with stones is recommended for people diagnosed with hypertension, but not only. Anyone who, due to circumstances, experiences a lack of physical activity, the stone will help to feel the benefits of their impact.

Magic properties

The sun-colored stone emits positive energy.

Its magical properties help to realize sublime and mundane dreams:

  • Makes a person happy, a successful optimist. Develops the best in the owner.
  • The magic of the stone cuts off external negativity (evil eye, envy, magical attacks), dissolves internal negativity (dissatisfaction with oneself, depression).
  • Heliodor decoration makes the owner the center of communication in the company.
  • A golden gem is an attribute of businessmen. He is hired to negotiate and conclude a deal.
  • This is an assistant to careerists striving for the very heights.
  • It attracts money, helping you get rich.
  • The significance of the stone was appreciated by married couples. In a house where there is heliodor, there will be no scandals, betrayals, or omissions.
  • “Suggests” to the owner his purpose, his life’s work.
  • Helps to recognize lies on the part of the interlocutor.
  • As a gift it is suitable for a workaholic, a shy person or a pathological jealous person.
  • Yoga adherents choose it as an object of meditation.

You should not wear or use the stone constantly. This will result in frivolity and loss of life guidelines.

A golden gem is a talisman for people in “social” professions. It is worth hiring for executives, teachers, salespeople, managers, call center workers, and doctors. And also for solo travelers, so as not to get lost and avoid bad people.

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Where to buy and cost?

The cost of a “Helios gift” weighing one carat reaches 300 rubles. The gem can be purchased both in jewelry stores and private sellers who make their own jewelry. Ornamental stones, cut or untreated, cost from 200 to 600 rubles, depending on size and characteristics.

Heliodor is an extraordinary mineral. It gives financial well-being, gives self-confidence, and relieves mental problems. However, there is also a negative impact of this crystal. The “Gift of Helios,” which contains uranium, cannot be worn due to radioactivity. There are also zodiac signs that are not recommended to wear an amulet.

Heliodor by Zodiac

Sunstone has its own favorites:

  • A piece of heliodor in gold will make Lviv softer, calmer, and more tolerant. They will calmly listen to criticism and advice, and will become more lenient.
  • Gemini will gain confidence, stop rushing about, and tormenting themselves with doubts.
  • Pisces will be left with terrible dreams. In return, new strength, energy, and positivity will come.
  • Silver jewelry suits Libra. Representatives of this zodiac sign will become wiser and will cope with nervousness and stress without problems.

The influence on other zodiac signs is also positive. Especially if the owner is a creative person.

Compatibility of zodiac signs

A common question among astrologers is who the mineral is suitable for. It is very important to listen to the opinion of experts when choosing a gem, since not every natural stone can have the same effect on the energy of different signs.

In the case of Heliodor, magicians and soothsayers recommend wearing the stone to all zodiac signs. Its astrological properties are in harmony with the energy of any of the signs and will not harm them. The peculiarity of the gem is that for people of certain signs it is very important. These include Gemini and Leo.

Zodiac signCompatibility
GeminiFor those who often change their mood, find it difficult to make decisions and fall into depression, the crystal will help in solving problems.
LeosHeliodor, set in gold, will help the owner to free himself from grievances due to criticism, and will gain experience from these tips.
PiscesThe crystal is also suitable because it frees them from painful dreams and gives them joy.
LibraIt is better to purchase jewelry with a gem set in silver. Its energy will help people of this sign cope with stress and illness, and give creative ideas.

Writers, artists, musicians will receive inspiration and many creative ideas as a gift from the stone. For girls who are in search of their other half, the stone will help them find it. For people with an overabundance of activity, it is better to wear the stone only on weekends, so as not to get too carried away with relaxation.

Representatives of all zodiac signs associated with constant professional communication (salespeople, doctors, educators, teachers, psychologists) need a crystal. The gem will help make communication harmonious and fruitful.


The golden gem is magnificent, but its use requires care.

Heliodors can be radioactive: the larger the specimen, the more dangerous. Such samples are stored in laboratories.

This does not apply to certified goods. Therefore, when purchasing jewelry, the seller is required to present a document confirming its purity for radiation.

You should not wear heliodor jewelry at the level of the thyroid gland (short beads, choker), near lymph nodes, moles, birthmarks.

The radioactive danger of the stone should be kept in mind by collectors. Samples that emit no more than 24 microroentgens per hour are safe. This is checked with a dosimeter.

How to distinguish natural heliodor from fake

Heliodor is often confused with citrine. Both minerals have a golden hue, but heliodor is distinguished by noticeable inclusions in the form of white translucent stripes.

The easiest way to distinguish a natural stone from a fake is to try leaving a scratch. It is difficult to damage heliodor due to its high hardness.

A natural gem is resistant to acids, so if you place a fragment of it in acid, the reaction will not occur.

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