Garnet stone: magical properties and who is suitable for it

Origin story

Already in Scythian times, garnet was used in jewelry. They also knew him in Rus' - there they called him “vinisa”. In the Czech Republic, where black stone is especially common, it has become a symbol of state power and patriotism.

In Ancient Persia, it was also considered for a long time a stone that bestowed power and wealth, a symbol of kings. Influential politicians and even gods were often depicted on it.

Due to its common scarlet hue, it was also called dragon's blood. The mineral received its usual name at the end of the 13th century, when the naturalist Albert Magnus compared it with pomegranate seeds.

History and origin


Descriptions of the mineral are found in the chronicles of Ancient Greece, Rome, Scythia, Arabia, and Persia. In Ancient Rome the stone was called “carbuncle”, the Greeks called it “anfrax”. There is an old Georgian legend about the stone, according to which the great ruler sent his daughter’s chosen one to get him 3 pomegranate fruits, guarded by evil spirits.

Returning from a trip with gifts, the guy gave the fruit to the king, who broke the pomegranate. A scattering of ripe red berries fell from it, immediately turning into precious stones.

Like all gems, the mineral has an ancient history. It can be distinguished from shale rocks, gneiss rocks. Garnets in crystalline schists are rock-forming minerals . Depending on the variety, the color of minerals is given by substances such as salite, iron and copper sulfides, mica, and chlorite.

Varieties and colors

Pomegranate has many varieties. The shade of the stone depends on the conditions in which it was formed. For example, titanium makes the stone as dark as possible, and asbestos creates impressive patterns on its surface.


One of the darkest shades of garnet. Most of its deposits are located in Germany. It was often used in the creation of mourning jewelry and magical amulets to communicate with the dead. According to legends, it protects against dangers, improves the positive qualities of the owner, and helps to unlock creative potential.

Shorlomit is a talisman for active people who are ready to independently take responsibility for their lives. A person with a passive character may feel uncomfortable when wearing a stone.

Large black shorlomite.


Like schorlomite, melanitis is most common in Germany. Its other name is titanium andradite. It used to be widely used in mourning jewelry and memorials, but is now increasingly becoming part of elegant everyday jewelry. It is easy to process, so it can be used to create uniquely shaped jewelry.

Melanite is credited with strong protective properties. It is believed that it is able to help the owner in difficult life situations and improve well-being in case of chronic diseases.

Melanitis to improve well-being.


A unique stone that is found in the Urals. It is characterized by a rich green tint and patterns that appear on the surface due to asbestos inclusions. Another name for the stone is “Russian chrysolite.”

It is believed that jewelry with it can have a beneficial effect on the concentration and productivity of the owner. It also enhances the charm of its owner. The financial condition of the owner of the demantoid should also improve - primarily due to energy and responsibility.

Ural demantoid.

Varieties of pomegranate

Garnet colors are varied. In nature there are only blue ones. The color of garnet is due to the mixing of several minerals.

  1. Pyrope. Chemically, it is quartz with additions of magnesium and aluminum. The most common type of red garnet. The hue and intensity of red color are determined by the presence and amount of iron and manganese. The deposits are located in the Czech Republic and also in southern Africa. Pyrope is a companion of diamond, since it is a mineral of magnetic origin that came to the surface due to processes in the earth's crust that formed kimberlite pipes.
  2. Rhodolite. It is a pink variety of pyrope. The line between such varieties is so thin that an amateur cannot distinguish pyrope from rhodolite. The legend about the nymph Roda, daughter of Poseidon, is associated with it. Rhoda and Helios fell in love with each other and lived happily, but every morning the sun god went on a journey across the sky. The girl was bored and crying. Her tears, falling on the stone, turned into rhodolites. This mineral is rare and therefore highly valued. Apparently, the nymph did not cry often, hiding her grief. The most valuable bright specimens are found in Africa and Asia.
  3. Almandine. It is the hardest mineral in the garnet family. It is also the most common. Hardness reaches 7.5 on the Mohs scale. All almandines have dark shades: purple, cherry, brown. The color is determined by the amount of iron impurities. There are deposits in Sri Lanka, Brazil, the USA, Canada, Japan, Finland, the Kola Peninsula and Eastern Siberia.
  4. Spessartine or spessarite. The name comes from the plateau in Bavaria where this mineral was first discovered. The color is yellow, sometimes with an orange tint, sometimes brown. The color of this mineral is given by manganese impurities. Often manganese and aluminum ions are replaced by iron ions, which makes the mineral opaque and unsuitable for jewelry. Impurities of other substances, which can amount to up to 6% of the mass, make it unstable to high temperatures and prone to cracking. But there are many deposits of spessartine around the world, so you often come across transparent stones of a bright orange color, reminiscent of a tangerine, suitable for cutting.
  5. Andradite. This is a whole series of minerals, including demantoid, topazolite, and shorlomite.
  6. Demantoid. The most valuable garnet because it has a bright green color caused by impurities of chromium and iron, and an extraordinary shine, similar to diamond. This is why the gemstone got its name. Minerals from the Urals are unique. Not only do they have their own rich color, but they also have asbestos inclusions that form patterns.
  7. Topazolite. A yellow mineral resembling topaz. Found in Switzerland. Most often it becomes an exhibit of a collection, rather than a decoration.
  8. Shorlomit. Black garnet. It acquired color thanks to titanium impurities. It is mined in Germany.
  9. Grossular. Aluminum-calcium silicate. A low iron content discolors the stone, chromium gives a green color, manganese and titanium give a pink and golden tint. Fluorescence adds to its attractiveness. In ultraviolet rays, the stone seems to glow from within.
  10. Hessonite. A variety of grossular that has a bright orange color that changes depending on the light. It is the weakest stone in the garnet family, making it difficult to use in jewelry. The stones are found in Sri Lanka.
  11. Leucogranate. A colorless variety of pomegranate.
  12. Tsavorite. The rarest and most expensive type. A mineral with an admixture of vanadium, which gives it a bright green color. In nature there are small stones weighing less than one carat. Large specimens can reach prices of $1,000 per carat. It is mined in East Africa. The first minerals were found in Kenya.
  13. Uvarovite. Another rare species of emerald green hue. Large crystals have not yet been found, so brushes or small druses of garnet are most often used in products.

Medicinal properties

There are many legends associated with the healing properties of pomegranate. Because of its reddish hue, it has been associated with the circulatory system since ancient times. It was believed that the mineral was able to stop bleeding, treat heart disease, etc.

The following useful properties of such a talisman were highlighted:

  • wound healing;
  • treatment of joint diseases;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • stabilization of the menstrual cycle;
  • assistance in childbirth;
  • reduction of inflammation.

In order for the stone to retain its healing properties, it should not be worn for more than 7 days in a row.

Zodiac compatibility

precious garnet

The mineral protects different signs of the zodiac circle depending on the shade. Red garnets are recommended to be worn by representatives of fire signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Garnets can benefit Capricorns and Virgos.

Important! It is not recommended to purchase products with garnets for water signs - Pisces, Scorpios, Cancers. The mineral is completely incompatible with Taurus.

Magic properties

Garnet was considered a stone associated with strong emotions. He made warriors bolder and more successful, and in love he helped to achieve understanding and sincerity.

The mineral is capable of aggravating all feelings, both positive and negative, so it is not recommended for hot-tempered people to wear it.

This is a talisman that protects travelers. It helps the owner achieve his goals, especially career ones. Pomegranate improves material well-being and protects against deception, including illusions that the person has created himself.

The magical properties of the stone help in both love and friendship: there was a sign according to which people who exchanged such talismans would definitely meet again.

Amulets and talismans

The mineral was previously often used as a talisman. It was believed that garnets could change color to warn the owner of danger. Jewelry with it was used in various rituals related to the world of spirits.

You can especially often find beads made from this mineral. They are worn as a talisman against lies and illness.

Beads made of melanite.

Physico-chemical properties of garnets

Garnet is a group of minerals belonging to silicates. It is the combination of two minerals that determines the color.

The properties are presented in the table:

Form of educationCrystals in the shape of dodecahedrons
ColorColorless, all shades of red, orange, pink, green.
TransparencyTransparent or translucent
Mohs hardness scale6 -7,5

Transparent garnets are used in jewelry production. This started in ancient times. Evidence of this is the jewelry stored in museums around the world. For example, a garnet weighing 468.5 carats adorns the Order of the Golden Fleece, a legacy of the Saxon kings. The Trebnitz Museum houses a set of Urika von Levetzow, Goethe's lover.

Druses, brushes, and unusual crystals become collectibles.

In production, garnet is used as a flux in the smelting of iron ores. It is added to lower the melting point and make it easier to separate the ore from the iron. Garnet does not have the hardness of diamond or topaz, but its ability to split into sharp edges makes it a good soft abrasive.

Jewelry with black mineral

Despite the fact that jewelers rarely use this mineral, you can find jewelry with it to suit every taste: bright garnet beads with pearls or elegant rings with a small dark stone. It is possible to choose the right option for any outfit.

Compared to products containing other precious stones, such jewelry is inexpensive. A medium-sized cut stone can cost around $100.

Jewelry as amulets.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

(“+++” – the stone fits perfectly, “+” – can be worn, “-” – is strictly contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+

Also read: Rhodolite - a gemstone for newlyweds

Melanite is ideal for representatives of the Earth - Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn. It is not advisable to wear the mineral to Air signs - Aquarius, Libra, and especially Gemini.

Bracelet with stone

Is this stone right for you?

Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

Black garnet is a rather unpredictable talisman. It can easily not suit its owner and make his life less comfortable. However, the positive properties and beauty of the stone justify experiments.

The least suitable stone is considered for Pisces and Cancers. As a rule, representatives of these signs are calm and not very active.

It is best suited for purposeful Capricorns and bright Scorpios. Decoration will help these signs not only achieve ambitious goals, but also establish warm and trusting relationships with others.

For Aquarius and Gemini, the pomegranate will give them the opportunity to focus on one goal that is most important to them.

The most suitable owners of the mineral are men with the names Anton and Vasily. It will have a favorable effect on women with the names Alla, Lyudmila, Maria, Tamara or Galina. To the owners of these names, the stone will give prudence, determination and courage, and will help create a family or improve relationships within it.

Melanite in astrology: zodiac signs, planets, elements

For Scorpios, this talisman is a godsend: it helps to gain inner harmony, gives self-confidence and awakens passion. But wearing it without taking it off is contraindicated, because a representative of this zodiac sign may lose his judgment and become overly loving.

Earrings with multi-colored stones
This amulet is suitable for Capricorns because it gives them strength and determination, which will help them achieve a high position in society. It promises victory in love affairs for representatives of this zodiac sign.

Aquarians, who are characterized by changeability, will be able to find internal balance and harmony thanks to black garnet, and will become more conscious. Their energy will be directed towards achieving high goals.

Sagittarius and Gemini will gain passion for life and deep thinking. Impulsive representatives of these signs will become more balanced and friendly.

Libra will gain confidence in their actions, and Virgo will become less shy and inflamed with a passion for adventure.

Rings, brooches and beads with this jewelry stone have little effect on representatives of the Cancer and Pisces signs. For them, it is better to choose more suitable amulets that can strengthen the energy field and attract good luck (moonstone).

Black pomegranate according to the dream book

According to the Family Dream Book, garnet decorations in a dream warn of the need to be more rational about spending in reality, otherwise financial affairs will worsen.

According to David Loff's dream book, a pomegranate in a dream is a favorable sign. A stone found or donated in a dream foreshadows the resolution of problems in reality.

If the dreamer lost or gave someone a pomegranate, in reality he may miss the opportunity to improve his financial situation, including under the influence of other people.

Combinations of black garnet and other minerals

This is a bright stone that is not compatible with all minerals. It interacts best with equally bright stones belonging to the element of fire, or, conversely, with stones of the element of air.

For example, it is possible to choose the following combinations with black garnet:

  • diamond;
  • ruby;
  • rhinestone;
  • beryl;
  • amethyst;
  • cornelian;
  • pyrite.

Combinations with aquamarine, jade, opal, turquoise, and green emerald are undesirable. It is believed that such a talisman can reduce the owner's ability to concentrate.

In silver
Garnet in silver.

Cost of natural pomegranates

jewelry set

The value of the mineral is influenced by the assessment of the gem's preciousness . Is garnet a precious or semi-precious stone? Only some varieties of the mineral are called precious, for example, pyrope of a rich red hue, almandine, and the stones must be transparent.

Opaque specimens and other varieties of the mineral are classified as semi-precious. This factor significantly affects the cost: cut red pyrope can compete with ruby ​​in the price category.

In addition, the final cost of the mineral depends significantly on the type of jewelry and precious metal used to frame the gem.

A faceted crystal can cost from 1,500 rubles. per carat, the price rises depending on the quality of the cut, the transparency of the mineral, and the seller’s markup. The most expensive specimens are distinguished by their purity and brightness of color.

Important! In online stores, the cost of precious stones can be an order of magnitude lower than when purchasing a stone offline.

How to distinguish a real stone from a fake

Compared to other gemstones, this one is rarely counterfeited. Nevertheless, fake products do exist.

Here are some signs you should pay attention to when purchasing:

  1. The shade of natural stone is uneven. A completely monochromatic surface indicates that the stone is artificial.
  2. Natural mineral most often does not reach large sizes. Its average size is about the size of a large coffee bean.
  3. Real minerals, unlike fake ones, become electrified upon contact with wool.
  4. The inscription “nano-garnet” indicates that the mineral is artificial. Sometimes they try to sell such grenades at the price of natural ones.
  5. This is a hard gemstone that jewelers give it a round, emerald, or princess cut.

There are also laboratory research methods to determine the origin of the stone.

Origin of the stone

The mineral itself is a variety of garnet called androdite. This androdite also has subspecies: melanite and sherlomite, both of which have a black tint.

The stone actually takes on a black tint, and all because there was a lot of titanium in the admixture of the rocks in which the garnet was formed. It was this element that gave the characteristic color.

Previously, such a stone was rarely worn, even though it was semi-precious. After all, black was considered a mourning color and not bringing good luck. But now eccentric manifestations are more common, so the stone is no longer associated with mourning.

Stones are mined for jewelers in the following countries:

  1. America.
  2. Mexico.
  3. Mali (in Africa).
  4. Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine.

The physical composition of the stone includes not only titanium, but also silica, aluminum, as well as minor inclusions of magnesium, iron, and chromium. Depending on the inclusions, the final shade of the stone is formed. In appearance, melanite can only be confused with tourmaline of the same color.

It is not profitable to counterfeit the stone, since its price is lower than that of other types of garnet. The density of the specimen reaches 7 on the Mohs scale. The mineral holds color well and does not fade over time. When caring for stone, it is susceptible to scratches, which should be taken into account when cleaning jewelry with abrasives.

If we talk about the magical properties of the stone, we can highlight the main ones:

  • protection from the evil eye;
  • giving a person wisdom, cunning;
  • increasing the manifestation of ingenuity and success in business;
  • in Hindu practice, the stone removes anger, resentment that accumulates inside a person, and also helps to balance the balance.

There is nothing dark or occult associated with the stone; on the contrary, melanite helps fight evil eyes and damage, since it draws them into itself. It is worn as a talisman. The stone acts as a protector and absorbs everything negative both in a person and what comes towards him.

Like all minerals, melanite helps to cope with some diseases faster. It has long been considered a “stone of health.” And healers valued it for the fact that the mineral promotes rapid tissue regeneration after injuries, and also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. At the same time, it is beneficial for the pancreas and spleen.

Wearing a pomegranate will help reduce toothache and rheumatism. In order for the healing properties to manifest themselves faster, it is recommended to wear the stone as close to the body as possible with direct contact. For example, in the form of earrings or beads.

black garnet
Ring with black garnet

How to wear it correctly

It is recommended to wear a pomegranate 2 days a week - Tuesday and Saturday. It is believed that these days it has the strongest positive effect.

Constantly wearing jewelry can cause it to lose its healing and magical properties. It is important that the jewelry is close to the skin. Do not expose it to low temperatures or aggressive chemicals.

How to wear
Decorations for two days a week.

Interesting Facts

Many legends of different peoples and eras are associated with the stone:

  1. The Mongols believed that pomegranate was the frozen blood of dragons from legends.
  2. According to some reports, the mineral was in the lamp of the biblical Noah's Ark.
  3. In ancient times, pomegranate was compared not only to fruit, but also to fire. Its second name - “carbuncle” - translated from Latin means “coal”.
  4. Magical traditions of different countries compare pomegranate with blood. For example, in North America it was called the blood of ants.
  5. The stone is associated with power, charm and honor among different peoples. The Persians created portraits of rulers on it, the Czechs made it one of the important state symbols, and Italian legends say that the stone will shine only in the hands of an honest person.

Black garnet is a stone that, according to legend, has many beneficial properties for its owner. Its elegant beauty captivates people from all over the world.

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