The history of the appearance of jewelry Jewelry has always been in human life and has gone its way
Pearls: description The sea element has been presenting human society with a huge number of useful things for many millennia.
History People have known what pearls are since ancient times. It has long been found in sea shells
Plagioclases are an isomorphic series between sodium-alkaline (albite, analbite, monalbite) and calcium -
/ List of stones / Characteristics of the Heliotis stone and its influence on different signs of the Zodiac
Having learned to process metals, people began to create rings from them, which they wore as decoration, used
Category Carbonates (minerals) Name in English. Calcite Formula CaCO3 Group Carbonate Group Color White,
The word Affinage comes from the French affiner, which means to purify. Using this method one obtains
History and Origin This stone has a long history. It begins in closed priestly societies
What is included Since not all women and girls can afford