Sagittarius zodiac stones - how to choose the most powerful talisman?


People whose birth fell in the year of the Rat are distinguished by their thriftiness and foresight. Rats are intellectuals, so acquiring education and new knowledge is important to them. During the years of this sign, cunning and cautious careerists are born. Therefore, Rats are often surrounded by wealth, but not close people.

Precious stones that are suitable for the Rat as a talisman should soften its character.

  • Amber makes the Rat kinder and more generous. A talisman with it can relieve stress, calm a person and set him up for positive thinking.
  • For men born in the year of the Rat, it is useful to have a product with amethyst. It will protect against drunkenness and other bad habits.
  • Red garnet gives Rats energy for new achievements, and diamond helps them realize the negative traits of their character.

Traditions come from China

All over the world, and in China in particular, the dog symbolizes honesty and devotion. An animal in the house was considered a kind of talisman, which testified to the powerful protection of the house and each family member. Not every Chinese resident can afford to have a dog at home, since the country’s overpopulation has forced most residents to move into cramped apartments in which the animal would be uncomfortable to live. The hieroglyph for “dog” began to be used as protection. So, it is enough to purchase a panel, embroidery or an image of an animal in order to protect the house from negative energy. The hieroglyph is able to protect the house from enemies and bring joy, kindness and carefreeness into it. Based on the teachings of Feng Shui technology, such an ornament should be placed in the hallway.

The Chinese came up with an image of an animal with a characteristic horn on its head, called Pi-Yao or Fu. The image of the dog became the house's mascot. It was hung near the front door. An image like this needs a pair. The yin design has an image of a cub and is hung on the right side of the door, while the yang design has a ball and is placed on the left hand.

In Ancient China, they believed that any figurine or image of a dog could protect a home and promote prosperity and wealth.

Puppies are considered a symbol of joy, growth and renewal. An animal with a coin in its mouth is responsible for prosperity and wealth. The image of a dog can also protect against attacks on the well-being of the family. Somewhat later, the choice of material from which dog sculptures were made began to matter. Minerals and precious stones were particularly strong and durable, which played a decisive role.


People born under the Ox family are very successful financially. Their success is due to hard work, physical endurance and high mental abilities. The Ox's shortcomings include rejection of everything new, unwillingness to understand and accept other people's opinions, isolation and inability to show feelings.

Stones that help open the soul and express one’s thoughts are suitable for the Ox.

  • A good talisman for the Ox is a moonstone. It protects against rash actions and makes a person more merciful.
  • It is beneficial for the Ox to wear an emerald. It teaches you to find a common language with loved ones, protects peace and happiness in your home.
  • Jade gives energy and vitality, lapis lazuli helps the Ox survive changes, agate is useful for self-expression and personality development.

Women's stones

The most suitable stones for Sagittarius women are:

  1. Sapphire - promotes personal happiness and protects against illness. Recommended for people suffering from heart disease and bronchial asthma.
  2. Lapis lazuli will give a woman self-confidence, attract good luck, prosperity, restore strength, and help avoid mistakes.
  3. Moonstone - you can give it to an unmarried girl to find love.
  4. Emerald is an excellent amulet against the evil eye for pregnant women.
  5. Turquoise will bring harmony to life and help establish contacts with others. The stone will provide a strong financial position. The mineral is recommended for mature women.
  6. Sardonyx - will help with trips and trips.
  7. Chrysolite - strengthens business relationships. Suitable business lady.

SapphireSapphire is a gemstone of various shades, one of the varieties of corundum.
The female talisman is garnet - it is considered a love stone. It awakens passion and a thirst for adventure. Agate develops logic, mental abilities, and memory.


The most courageous and desperate people are born in the year of the Tiger. Without thinking, they rush forward, and then heal their wounds and rush into battle again. For the Tiger, there are no authorities, so he often finds himself at the center of conflicts. Representatives of the sign need a talisman that protects them from themselves. The optimal Tiger stones are diamond, amethyst, ruby, topaz.

  • Amethyst will protect the Tiger from rash actions and desperate undertakings. The stone helps common sense to overcome the craving for extreme sports.
  • Diamond is necessary for the Tiger in difficult moments, as a source of additional energy.
  • Topaz makes the Tiger cautious, enhances logical thinking and a rational attitude towards life. The stone is a talisman for the Tiger against accidents.
  • To get rid of jealousy and outbursts of anger, it is advisable to have jewelry with a ruby. For the Tiger, this is a sure way to calm down and relieve stress.

Pisces Stones

The twelfth and final circle of the zodiac is Pisces. Gems and stones for fish should work, and not just be useless decoration. People born at this time are under the protection of Neptune. Their element is water and their metal is platinum. All Pisces are quite contradictory natures. For those around them, they are mystics, cut off from the entire world around them, but capable of even moving mountains just to achieve their goals. As supporters of the supernatural, they consider stone jewelry, first of all, from the practical side, and only then from the aesthetic side. Stone products for them are a materialized expression of their own inner nature. By the way, among them there are many famous people, including: the artist of the mid-15th century S. Botticelli and his contemporary, the sculptor Michelangelo, the founder of the school of German classical philosophy A. Schopenhauer, the Italian composer D.A. Rossini, his Russian colleague N. Rimsky-Korsakov, artist Vrubel, physicist A. Einstein.

stones for fish


Those who, according to the year of birth, are classified as Hares (Rabbits, Cats) by the Chinese horoscope, move through life very carefully. The Hare's actions are explained more by instincts than by logic. Disadvantages include some superficiality and frivolity. What precious amulets does the Hare need? Representatives of this sign are suitable for stones that give courage, determination and self-confidence.

  • A rock crystal is a good talisman for any Hare. It will give energy and activate actions to achieve the goal as quickly as possible.
  • Carrying jade is beneficial for the Hare. The stone allows you to more fully understand yourself and the world around you, and helps you better understand your loved ones.
  • Pearls for a Hare woman mean good luck in love and happiness in family life.
  • The Hare's birthstone is topaz. It promotes financial well-being and a successful career.
  • Products with emeralds and sapphires are also suitable for the Hare.

The Dragon

People who are under the protection of the Dragon by year of birth are distinguished by their nobility and generosity. The Dragon is characterized by excessive demands, pride, arrogance and arrogance. But all this is compensated by sincerity, ability to solve problems, and resourcefulness. Stones that suit the Dragon must be energetically strong.

  • For the hot-tempered Dragon, it is advisable to have jewelry with amethysts. It will protect you from rash decisions and tame the stormy temper of the sign’s representative.
  • Amber can make the Dragon softer and more tolerant of his own and others' shortcomings.
  • Opal suits a strong Dragon sign. A black stone will feed him with energy, and a pink one will help him in love.
  • Golden peridot will make the Dragon compliant and diplomatic. The dragon does not shine with wisdom; sapphire will help him get rid of this shortcoming.

Tiger's eye and zodiac signs

The properties of the tiger's eye may vary depending on what zodiac sign the wearer has. Most of all he loves Aquarius , Taurus , Capricorn , and also Virgo . The gem drives away gloomy thoughts from such an owner and makes him more optimistic. The aura of the crystal will allow representatives of these signs to improve their health and become less susceptible to negative energy.

Also interesting is the effect that the stone has on Leo, Cancer and Gemini . For them, he is primarily an adviser and guide on the paths of life. The mineral will be especially useful for those representatives of the signs who are endowed with extrasensory abilities or wish to develop them.

All other zodiac signs can also wear a tiger eye amulet. It will take them longer than the "favorites" to establish a strong connection with the crystal, but the effect can be just as powerful. From an astrological point of view, the stone has no contraindications.


In the year of the Snake, wise and strong-willed people are born. They achieve a lot in life thanks to their determination, organization and ability to adapt. Snakes are no strangers to cunning, resourcefulness and deception. A talisman for representatives of this sign must have strong magical properties and powerful energy.

  • Stones suitable for Snakes are, first of all, jaspers of different colors. Gems allow you to fully reveal your best character traits.
  • For love, Snakes lack warmth and openness. Heliotrope helps cold-blooded Snakes feel like an ordinary person and appreciate all the delights of life.
  • Precious jewelry with opal will make a person born under the sign of the Snake easier and more accessible to communication and close relationships.
  • Turquoise and topazes will teach the Snake honest methods of fighting for a place in the sun.

Application and care

As a rule, when creating jewelry with a tiger's eye, it is processed in the form of a cabochon with a polished surface. It is this cut that allows you to maximize its unique appearance. The gem serves as a material for creating all types of accessories - cufflinks, brooches, earrings, pendants, bracelets, rings.

Protect the mineral from shocks and shocks.

The most valued items are those that do not have black stripes, as well as those that have light inclusions with a rainbow glow (jewelers call this phenomenon iridescence). The price for such a stone can reach thirty dollars; simple gems cost about ten.

Due to the magical properties of the gem, it is also used by psychics and fortune tellers. Ordinary people also appreciate crafts made from the tiger's eye - boxes, figurines, paperweights. The art of mineral carving is especially developed in Tibet.

There are no special rules for wearing tiger eye. It is quite durable and inert from a chemical point of view. If dirty, you can wash the crystal with soapy water.

Psychics indicate that the mineral does not combine well with other stones, but if you do not wear many different gems at the same time, then there will be no problems.


People born in the year of the Horse actively and cheerfully walk through life. They have the strength and energy to do anything. They experience all difficulties easily and quickly forget about their negative experiences. But the Horse can become stubborn and “buck.” She does not notice that she sometimes offends others, so she often remains alone.

  • Amethyst or topaz will help the Horse restrain his impulses, teach him to think first and then act. The stones will give the Horse a calmer attitude towards life and save him from unexpected dangers.
  • The pomegranate will make its owner attentive to the concerns of loved ones and will protect the family unit.
  • Obsidian will bring wisdom to the Horse and the ability to understand people.
  • Emerald, onyx and turquoise are suitable for Horses. These stones help you look inside your soul and develop your personality.

What color of stone suits Pisces?

When choosing gems for Pisces for 2021, you should take into account not only their water element, but also the preferences of the patron of the year - the Yellow Boar. As for colors, the main colors for Pisces will be aquatic: blue, greenish, sea and steel. Among them, the most optimal are:

  • Brown garnet and tiger's eye;
  • Purple Amethyst;
  • White pearls;
  • Green peridot and opal;
  • Blue aquamarine, tourmaline;
  • Blue lapis lazuli;
  • Rutile quartz.

It should be added that the indicated primary colors and minerals of Pisces in the year of the Yellow Pig can be supplemented with its minerals. But at the same time, they should be combined correctly and contradictions should be avoided.

So, in order to choose the right amulet for a certain year, you need to take into account:

  • Date of birth of a person, his zodiac sign;
  • Element of the sign;
  • Color and type of mineral;
  • Recommendations of the Patron Animal according to the European and Eastern calendars.

Rutile in quartz
Rutile quartz


According to the year of birth, the Goat is a very peaceful and kind sign, incapable of meanness and evil deeds. This is a creative personality with his own characteristics: capriciousness, weak character, gloominess and discontent. The positive qualities of the Goat are emotionality, mercy, sincerity and tenderness. She needs not only stones with strong protective properties, but also talismans that give impetus to activity.

  • For Goats, especially females, it is useful to have a talisman with carnelian. It makes her balanced, stabilizes her emotional state, and protects her from nervous breakdowns.
  • The energy and warmth of the sun, necessary for the Goat’s good mood, is given to her by amber.
  • Moonstone gives self-confidence and develops eloquence. Goats are often unable to stand up for themselves or defend their opinion in an argument.
  • Jade will help cope with this problem and enhance the ability to convince people.
  • Emerald and sapphire are useful for the intellectual and internal development of the Goat.

Stones for Pisces women

Women of this sign are gifted by nature with insight, extraordinary intuition and sensuality. Thanks to such qualities, they are literally able to see through everyone, predicting desires and thoughts. And if you also take into account the sophistication of their manners and unique style, it becomes clear: not a single gentleman can resist such a beauty. Thanks to self-organization, Pisces women know how to benefit from everything, and cleverly turn their shortcomings into advantages. Thus, their inherent stubbornness becomes perseverance, and suspiciousness becomes caution. By the way, women of this sign are prone to everything mysterious. In view of this, amulets and talismans for them acquire even greater significance and symbolism. Therefore, before making your choice in favor of a particular mineral, you need to carefully read the horoscope and its recommendations.

Pearl photo

In 2021, the most suitable amulets for Pisces will be pearl jewelry. Firstly, pearls fit harmoniously into the water element. Secondly, it serves to stabilize the emotional state and helps achieve internal stability. And so that his inner strength does not decrease, it is necessary to follow the main rule: it is important to give pearl jewelry. You cannot buy them for yourself. By the way, pearls go well with other jewelry, and not only of the water element. For example, a pearl jewelry can harmoniously complement a small ring with amber or garnet.

Also remember that the power of a mineral will increase if you treat it sincerely and be friends with it. When choosing a gem for a Pisces woman, trust your intuition, but do not forget about compatibility and horoscope recommendations. If you decide to give your girl a useful gift, choose a talisman with aquamarine. It serves to improve concentration and increase productivity. For those girls who are fond of sports and lead a healthy lifestyle, peridot or blue jade is more suitable.


The most curious people by year of birth are Monkeys according to the eastern calendar. This is a sign of romantics, pioneers and creators. They do not recognize conventions and restrictions. The rules were not invented for the Monkey. She frivolously violates them and runs away from responsibility. Therefore, Monkeys often find themselves lonely and unable to work in a team.

Precious jewelry with stones that help concentrate is suitable for the Monkey.

  • A strong talisman is agate. The stone increases memory, attentiveness, and develops a tendency to reflection and introspection.
  • Aquamarine will make a responsible and purposeful person out of the Monkey and will help to complete the work started.
  • Monkeys are unhappy in love because of their inconstancy. Red pomegranate will help them build strong relationships and save their family.
  • Ruby is necessary to protect the Monkey from the negativity of others.

Choosing “your” stone

This process is reminiscent of shopping. There are a lot of products, your eyes are wide open, and you don’t know how to choose a stone based on your date of birth.

Even if the goal is to choose a talisman and not a simple decoration; a pebble that will be a protector, bring good luck, and heal. By what system to choose and find it is the question.

Choosing an astrological talisman according to the star circle

One of the simplest ways. After all, there are only 12 signs of the Zodiac, each of them is protected by several natural gems. But this is the simplest and most approximate method of choosing a protective gem.

See which stones correspond to the signs according to the horoscope:

  • Aquarius - obsidian, sapphire.
  • Pisces - alexandrite, pearl, aquamarine, sapphire.
  • Aries - red and yellow, orange stones, amethyst.
  • Leo - carnelian, onyx, sardonyx.
  • Capricorn - all very dark and black stones, chrysoprase.
  • Cancer - white, opaque and translucent stones, chalcedony, emerald, onyx.
  • Libra - tourmaline, eye spar, crystal, beryl, opal.
  • Taurus - transparent and translucent white stones, agates, carnelian.
  • Gemini - variegated, with patterns, spotted stones, topaz, beryl.
  • Sagittarius - red and green stones, turquoise, zircon, hyacinth.
  • Virgo - chalcedony, jasper, garnets, emerald, crystal.
  • Scorpio - hematite, topaz.

Selection by zodiac decans

More accurate method than the previous one. Each zodiac sign is the owner for a month - 30 days. For events happening in the skies that affect our planet—and us—that's a lot. Astrology divides the time of each zodiac sign into decades.

More accurate choice of talisman by decade. Let's take Gemini as an example.

The first decade of their sign is from May 21 to May 31, ruled by Jupiter. Second decade from June 1 to June 10, ruler Mars. From June 11 to June 20, the third decade, ruled by the Sun.

Different planets with different characters. Each gem has a ruling planet, so for Gemini May, a Jupiterian, the stones of Gemini born in the second or third decade are not always suitable for those for whom the influence of Mars or the Sun is important.

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Choosing a stone according to numerology

Numerologists can help you find out your stone. True, for this you will have to do arithmetic. Calculating your birth number is quite simple.

Let's take the date of birth September 15, 1979 as an example.

  1. September is number 9 on the calendar. The correct entry is 09/15/1974.
  2. Now we add up the sum of all the numbers: 1+5+0+9+1+9+7+4=36.
  3. We need to bring the result to a sum not exceeding 9. We have 36.
  4. Therefore, we add the resulting numbers 3+6=9.

We made a simple calculation, our number is 9.

Now we select stones belonging to nine. These are rock crystal, chalcedony, hematite, malachite, brown, blue and pink tourmalines.

  • number 1 corresponds to sapphire, aquamarine, obsidian, beryl, turquoise;
  • 2 is ruled by citrine, garnet, smoky quartz, brown tourmaline;
  • number 3 corresponds to chrysoprase, amber, lapis lazuli, black schorl, ruby;
  • the four like hematite and black scorch, adularia, emerald, tiger's eye;
  • number 5 corresponds to peridot, carnelian, alexandrite, heliodor;
  • 6 is ruled by jasper, green tourmaline, hematite, labradorite, green and star sapphires, cat's eye;
  • for number 7 pearls, rhodonite, fluorite, agates, rose quartz are suitable;
  • number 8 likes corals and selenite, smoky quartz, dioptase, jet, opals.

In some cases, when adding the numbers 11 or 22, they are not added. Such numbers are called master numbers. But in the case of gems, such numbers are simply added (1+1=2, 2+2=4).

The year of birth will tell you

This system is not very popular among European astrologers; its homeland is China. But this method cannot be discarded - after all, in China and many eastern countries, astrologers still calculate important events. The eastern system will help you determine your amulet.

We select stones by date of birth - more precisely, by year of birth.

The Eastern horoscope is pragmatic. He created a 12-year cycle, and endowed each year with the properties of a specific animal. That is, a person born in the year of the Horse will have some of the qualities of this noble animal.

Let's start getting acquainted with the selection of jewelry according to the eastern calendar.

  • Year of the Horse. Those born this year should pay attention to garnet, amethyst, onyx, obsidian and tourmaline.
  • Year of the Goat (Sheep). The goat will like adularia (moonstone), carnelian, garnets (red and green). Rich sheep can afford sapphires and emeralds.
  • Year of the Monkey. She will like rubies, chrysolites, and aquamarines. Opal, agates, and red garnet will not be ignored.
  • Year of the Rooster. A proud “sunny” bird will prefer sunny topaz. If there is no topaz, citrine, aquamarine, ruby ​​and agate will do.
  • Year of the Dog. Please her with adularia and amber. The dog will like black pearls, carnelian and carnelian, amber.
  • Year of the Boar (Pig). Corals are red and white. Agates and beryls, lapis lazuli, adularia, topaz.
  • Year of the Rat. This animal will like diamond, garnet (red), amber, amethyst and malachite.
  • The bull is a serious animal. Those born in the year of the Ox should wear tiger eye and adularia, jade, and agates. Bulls are usually financially successful; they can afford an emerald.
  • Year of the Tiger. These critters will love rubies and diamonds. Cheaper stones for Tigers include amethyst, carnelian and carnelian, topazes, and hyacinths.
  • When choosing a stone for those born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), pay attention to rock crystal, jade, delicate pearls and topazes. Rich Cats can afford emeralds and rubies.
  • Year of the Dragon. This mythical animal prefers amber, opal and chalcedony. But the best stone for the Dragon is peridot.
  • Year of the Snake - a wise and treacherous animal. Fertilize it with variegated jaspers, chrysolites and heliotropes. Spinel and topaz are suitable.

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Birthday will help you choose a gem

There is a method for choosing a stone by date of birth. Choose the day on which you were born, look at the gems suitable for this day. In this method of choosing a mineral based on your birthday, the month is divided into groups. Each has 3-4 days, which are suitable for certain stones.

  1. First group. Numbers 1,10, 19, 28. Minerals - topaz, carnelian, turquoise, opal, sapphire, coral.
  2. Second group. Numbers 2, 11, 20, 29. Gems - jade, tiger's eye, cat's eye, pearl, opal.
  3. Third group. Birth number 3, 12, 21, 30. A selection of stones for this group are coral, amethyst, topaz, emerald.
  4. Fourth group. Birth numbers are 4, 13, 22, 31. Opal, aquamarine, garnet, diamond are suitable for these days.
  5. Fifth group. Numbers 5, 14, 23. Gems - light, “young” sapphires, zircons, diamonds.
  6. Sixth group. Birth numbers are 6, 15, 24. Minerals - beryl, peridot, aquamarine, emerald.
  7. Seventh group. Numbers 7, 16, 25. For this date, the best choice of amulet is made of tiger eye, adularia, pearls.
  8. Eighth group. Birth numbers are 8, 17, 26. We choose a protective stone from sapphires, lapis lazuli, opals.
  9. Ninth group. Numbers 9, 18, 27. Gems - red stones: ruby, garnet, fire opal, coral.

For those attentive: it's easy to calculate the number. If you noticed, the sum of two-digit numbers in groups is equal to the first, main number.

The day of the week is also important

We choose a gem according to the day of the week.

  • Monday corresponds to minerals that are white; stains and smears of inclusions are allowed - this is a lunar day, white amber;
  • Tuesday will delight you with bright blue and red gems; also gems of dark shades (day ruled by Mars);
  • Wednesday is the day of Mercury; gemstones: emerald, turquoise, jasper, aquamarine;
  • Thursday, Jupiter's day - all purple gems: charoite, amethyst, fluorite;
  • Friday is Venusian day, “love and money” are the main thing here. That’s why all the stones are green and pink (emerald, jadeite, amazonite, jade, rose quartz);
  • Saturday is dedicated to Saturn, and he prefers dark-colored gems, smoky quartz, onyx, and morion.
  • Sunday is the day of the Sun, the stones should be warm honey, amber, yellow in different shades of colors.

Let's choose an amulet by month

If you want to expand the “search circle” of the amulet, include the affiliation of the gem by month.

MonthMinerals, stones, gems
JanuaryCat's eye, garnet, hyacinth, turquoise
FebruaryHyacinth, rock crystal, pearl, hawk eye
MarchAquamarine, ruby, jasper, tourmaline, heliotrope
AprilDiamond, agates, emerald, sapphire
MayTiger's eye, carnelian, peridot, emerald, carnelian, chrysoprase
JuneCat's eye, alexandrite, aquamarine, pearl, emerald, chalcedony
JulyRuby, sardonyx, carnelian, aventurine, peridot, turquoise
AugustAdularia, alexandrite, carnelian and sardonyx, topaz, adularia, citrine
SeptemberSapphire, agates, sardonyx, smoky quartz
OctoberGarnet, opal, lapis lazuli, tourmaline, aquamarine
NovemberPearls, peridot, topaz, corals
DecemberTurquoise, chrysoprase, heliotrope, agate, zircon

Interesting to know

Some astrologers believe that time (date of birth) should be counted from the moment of conception, that is, even before the person’s birthday. There is an opinion that for boys, the time of conception is the starting point for entering this life, and for girls, the time of birth is the time of birth.


According to the horoscope, the Rooster is a good organizer who loves to brag about his successes. The Rooster moves decisively and boldly towards its goal. The Rooster is prone to criticism, easy to communicate, but does not open up even to close people. The Rooster suffers from its own selfishness and arrogance.

  • Thanks to citrine, the Rooster will be able to control himself and perceive criticism correctly.
  • Amethyst protects against bad habits and makes one more modest.
  • The Rooster is afraid of change. Decoration with agate acts as a talisman against troubles and promotes adaptation to new conditions.
  • Ruby and topaz transform the pride for which the Rooster is famous into moderate ambition.


People born in the year of the Dog are very smart and noble. They have a strongly developed sense of duty, a desire to help and protect their loved ones. Dogs are good performers, but they cannot reach great heights due to bouts of laziness, apathy and pessimism.

  • Amber is necessary to lift the Dog’s mood and increase vital activity.
  • The Dog's strong stone is jasper. The gem helps to cope with anxiety, aggressiveness and anger.
  • Carnelian makes it possible to win the love and respect of others.
  • Sapphire and moonstone protect the trusting Dog from deception.
  • Regular and black pearls suit the sign, helping to find happiness in love.


Those born in the year of the Pig are sociable, sincere, kind and selfless. Laziness, a tendency to bad habits and apathy spoil the picture. It is typical for the Pig to criticize others, but not notice their own shortcomings.

  • According to the horoscope, coral is suitable as a talisman for the Pig. He helps her fight difficulties, not give up and not despair.
  • Lapis lazuli is an excellent assistant for the Pig in the process of self-discovery. The stone promotes success in business, increases productivity and develops willpower.
  • Suitable for Pig and Moonstone. The mineral acts as a love and spiritual amulet and protects against disappointment.

Stones that should be used by people born in the year of the Dog

A person’s abilities can be improved, and innate qualities can be strengthened or dampened, depending on what the person’s goal is. A person’s self-development continues throughout life, and to protect and enhance one’s own qualities, amulets and talismans should be used, but only with correctly selected minerals. What stones should people born in the year of the Dog use?


The mineral has long been considered a symbol of health and happiness. The magical properties of the stone not only have healing powers, but also magical ones. In ancient amulets and talismans that have survived to this day, amber inserts are often found. The mineral is considered an inexhaustible source of optimism, faith and creative inspiration. In addition to enhancing intuition, it helps make quick decisions in difficult situations. Helps maintain the health of an active person, giving a feeling of peace, joy and tranquility. Amber brings good luck and is responsible for good spirits.

To preserve the child during a difficult pregnancy, girls wear amber jewelry. An easy birth, in this case, is guaranteed. The child whose mother wears amber jewelry while feeding will have a kind and cheerful character. To scare away bad thoughts and dreams, you should place an amber nugget near your pillow. Amber figurines and crafts are used in homes as a talisman against lightning and fires. Lovers give each other amber jewelry, thereby strengthening their spiritual connection. It was customary to fumigate newborns and newlyweds with the smoke of burning amber (low grade).


The mineral is considered a symbol of pure love, prosperity, family well-being and the key to a wonderful relationship between children and parents. Prevents the emergence of negative energy in the house, which is caused by quarrels. The owner of a talisman or jewelry with beryl becomes invincible and friendly. Prevents premature fatigue and maintains good spirits. Beryl sharpens the mind and helps eliminate the feeling of laziness that so plagues people born in the year of the Dog. The mineral is considered a talisman among wanderers and travelers.


The mineral belongs to the category of jewelry that can completely destroy negative energy directed at the owner or accumulated by the body over the years. Jasper can also protect a person from evil forces and the evil eye. Prevents the formation of infertility. To sharpen intuition, a green mineral is used, which promotes increased concentration. The energy accumulated by jasper is transferred to humans. An oval-shaped stone cleanses the aura.

Round stones are used to accumulate positive energy. Jasper is considered a powerful amulet that is passed down from generation to generation. Armor and swords were decorated with jasper. It is used in rituals, as it promotes the development of the gift of foresight. The floors in ancient temples were laid with jasper. This was especially true for premises that were hidden from outside interference. The mineral is considered the patron saint of people seeking knowledge: researchers, travelers, scientists and alchemists.


The stone helps to cleanse and restore a person’s energy balance. Improves intuition, cleanses chakras. In magical rituals it is used to improve magical power and existing skills. It is used in meditative practices, as it helps fill a person with light energy and helps to concentrate on completing assigned tasks. The vibrations emitted by citrine create an invisible protective barrier around the owner, protecting the aura from external attacks.


Eastern sages are sure that the stone helps to strengthen the “Qi” energy. In European countries, the mineral has long been considered the patron saint of lovers. Carnelian not only promotes the manifestation of tender feelings, but also protects against love spells, the popularity of which is increasing every year. Marital fidelity will be unshakable with a talisman decorated with carnelian. Dark red stones are used to attract the opposite sex and help stimulate sexual energy. Red carnelian will protect you from enemy plans, disputes and family quarrels. The mineral can bring success in business, attract prosperity, improve mood, and feel peace. The stone will protect from negative energy and warn of danger, helping to develop intuition.


The mineral eliminates human fears and dark thoughts. It is considered a talisman against diseases. Opal brings happiness not only to the owner, but also to his family. The stone is used as a talisman for success in any endeavor. Hindus believe that opal is able to establish friendly relations between unfamiliar people and remove fears. Children wear opal jewelry to keep their minds enlightened and their development normal. The mineral is used in many magical rituals. Helps witches and people with the gift of prophecy and clairvoyance see the future. The stone is also considered a symbol of sympathy, which is so characteristic of those born in the year of the Dog, good intentions, strong and pure love, reliability, happiness and trust.

Eastern traditions treat opal somewhat differently. It is believed that the mineral is capable of deceiving a traveler, causing fears, shattering dreams, and endowing with illusions and illusory hopes.

Moon rock

The mineral has long been equated in value to gold and belonged to the category of sacred. Among Hindus, moonstone is considered a powerful patron even today. In magical rituals, the stone is used in several ways, depending on the current lunar phase. On the new moon, the concentration of energy in the moonstone will be maximum. It is considered a talisman for people who were born on a full moon, as it is powered directly from the lunar fields created by the luminary. A talisman decorated with a mineral will help Dogs eliminate the negative impact of the moon on humans, develop intuition and imagination, relieve accumulated tension, and calm feelings of anger.

The mineral can make your relationship with your partner more gentle and soft, and calm a mind filled with doubts. Using amulets on a clear night will bring peace of mind and good luck in your endeavors. The mineral will help attract love. They prefer to give jewelry with moonstone to their soulmates and loved ones. It is used in oratory, allowing self-doubting people to feel self-confident.


The yellow mineral is capable of developing “Qi” energy, according to the residents of Mongolia. A talisman decorated with agate will help develop self-confidence and protect your home from evil thoughts. Used by speakers who are just learning to speak “beautifully”. Agate helps to make the right decisions when there is relatively little time to think. Dogs who use stone become more perceptive. Protects from evil thoughts and actions, provides protection from energy vampires. Agate will maintain the fidelity and love of spouses throughout their lives. The Romans used agate products to protect plants.


Sapphires are used to develop spirituality, help to concentrate existing forces and achieve maximum concentration in the process of turning to the Almighty. Gems have long been used by nuns. Minerals are used in the process of meditation, as by passing energy through themselves, they cleanse it of negativity. The most powerful are star sapphires, whose refraction is visible on a clear day. The Heavenly Jerusalem described in the Holy Scriptures was decorated with twelve stones, one of which was sapphire. A piece of jewelry that is defective will bring bad luck to the owner.

Brings spiritual comfort, calmness and prudence. The owner of a sapphire jewelry will not be able to recognize betrayal. Sapphire will protect women from slander and slander. Insecure people will gain courage and determination. The mineral emits powerful cosmic energy. The amulet will help you find a purpose in life, overcoming uncertainty and internal fears. Makes a person prudent. Does not allow you to succumb to treachery and fears. Helps creative people gain inspiration. Helps strengthen memory, increases the craving for new knowledge. The gemstone is considered a symbol of love, happiness, modesty, chastity and fidelity.


Hindus consider the mineral a symbol of well-being and prosperity, while Europeans perceive pearls as a symbol of longevity. Pearls of the correct shape are given to loved ones and testify to the purity and depth of feelings and intentions. The mineral is also considered a symbol of perfection and incorruptibility. In India and Greece, pearls are considered a symbol of a successful marriage, and in China, of magical power and fertility. Jewelry made from the mineral should be given to parents for longevity. At the moment when pearls have lost their natural shine, one should expect the onset of a serious illness. Dogs become calmer and more docile when looking at pearls for a long time.


Knights wore rings with garnet, which protected the owners from poisons and mortal wounds during campaigns. Jewelry made from precious stones should be given to lovers and close friends. It should also be used by people who were born in the year of the Dog and decided to become actors, directors, fashion designers, artists, musicians, sculptors or poets. The gemstone is considered a symbol of devotion, faith, strength and fidelity. The red stone will increase self-esteem, willpower, courage and sexuality.


The mineral is able to attract success, love and constancy to the owner. Rock crystal will help get rid of nightmares, internal fears and insecurities that are characteristic of people born in the year of the Dog. The amulet will protect a person from overheating in hot weather and from hypothermia in cold weather, which is extremely important for travelers. Thoughts and body will be cleansed, according to ancient beliefs. Concentration will be at its maximum level, as will thought processes. The stone is used by magicians and clairvoyants. In fortune telling, special attention is paid to the mineral, as it allows you to lift the curtain of the future and past.

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