Petersit - calmer of unrest, hawk's eye


The “parents” of Petersite are considered to be the scientist Sid Peters and museum workers, brothers Thomas and Joseph Peters.

Sid Peters found the stone in Namibia (1962) while assessing soils for agricultural suitability.

The American stones discovered at the end of the millennium were named after appreciating the merits of the Peters brothers in the development of mineralogy.

tumbling Petersite

History and legends of origin

Not much information is provided about Petersite. It is a relative of the Tiger's Eye.

Experts identify several names:

  • Hawkeye;
  • Hawkeye.

The mineral received such unusual names after processing, since the color is very similar to the shade of the eyes of birds.

Petersite stone

Humanity first learned about the stone in 1962. It was accidentally discovered by Sid Peterson on a plot of land in Namibia, Africa. This is where the name of the stone came from - Petersite, which was registered in 1964.

In the 20th century, buyers were asked to evaluate products with stone. After the opening of Chinese mines, the precious metal became more accessible, but despite this the price remained high.

How the mineral was formed

For a mineralogist, pietersite is eye quartz, a type of tiger's eye. But it can also be considered an independent mineral. If in the “eye” the layering is ordered, in Petersite it is complete chaos. This eye quartz is the result of crushing, mixing, and pressing fragments of quartz (breccias) and other elements at high temperatures.

The twisting and interlacing of crocidolite fibers in the composition of the quartz melt is evidence of the violent origin of petersite.

No wonder the African aborigines called him “the son of storms.”


The mineral petersite is a translucent or translucent iridescent-brilliant variegated stone.

When twisted, a delightful silky shimmer is noticeable. It is created by internal veins in the form of stripes or bunches.

mineral petersite

More often in nature you come across bright yellowish-green-black crystals, less often - dark blue, light blue, and black petersite.

The structure and pattern of the surface is a harmonious color chaos created by nature itself.

Varieties and colors

The radioactive variety of the mineral Petersite (Y) is little known due to its rarity and the impossibility of using it in jewelry making. Radioactive material is found in the form of crystals less than 1 mm. Their physical properties are somewhat different from ordinary minerals.

Stones that are safe and used in jewelry are called semi-precious petersite. Depending on the place of extraction, it can be Namibian or Chinese. The first is characterized by various shades of blue due to the content of crocidolite.

Black Petersite

Petersite mined in China is dominated by inclusions of red and golden color. This range is provided by magnesium impurities.

Petersite mined in China

Several years ago, Petersite (Ce) was also discovered in Arizona (USA). IMA status received in 2014. It is a secondary mineral and appears as sprays of needle-shaped crystals of a yellowish-green color. Their size is only 20x20x50 microns.

Physico-chemical characteristics

According to the chemical nomenclature, Petersite is silicon oxide with many impurities in its composition. Impurities “control” the color of the mineral. Iron creates red-brown “fibers”, magnesium creates a blue-blue range.

ColorBright yellowish green
Stroke colorwhite
origin of namein honor of the Peters brothers (Thomas A. Peters, 1947-, and Joseph Peters, 1951-),. For their contribution to the development of mineralogy in the state of New Jersey (USA) and dedication to museum work: Thomas Peters (born 1947) - Paterson Museum in Paterson, New Jersey, USA; Joseph Peters (b. 1951) - American Museum of Natural History in New York, New York, USA. The suffix in the name reflects the dominant rare earth element (yttrium) included in the mineral.
Opening placeLaurel Hill (Snake Hill; Penitentiary Quarry), Secaucus, Hudson Co., New Jersey, USA
Opening year1981 (IMA1981-064)
IMA statusapproved 1981
Chemical formula(Y,Ce,Nd,Ca)Cu6(PO4)3(OH)6*3H2O
Transparencytranslucent see through
Cleavagenot visible
Hardness3 3,5 4
Strunz (8th edition)7/D.53-10
Hey's CIM Ref.19.4.10
Dana (8th edition)
Molecular weight927.20
Radioactivity (GRapi)6,219.10
Density (calculated)3.40
Density (measured)3.41
Refractive indicesnω = 1.666 nε = 1.747
Maximum birefringenceδ = 0.081
Typesingle-axis (+)
Optical reliefhigh
Selection formprismatic to acicular crystals, radial aggregates and spherulites.
Classes on taxonomy of the USSRPhosphates, arsenates, vanadates
IMA classesPhosphates

Dissolves only with hydrofluoric acid.

Physical properties

Petersite has a complex chemical composition. The physical properties of the mineral are as follows:

  • hardness 5-6 on the Mohs scale;
  • density 2.3 g/cm3;
  • refraction 1.67-1.75;
  • high thermal conductivity - the stone is cool at first, but quickly warms up in your hands;
  • resistance to various aggressive environments, dissolution only in hydrofluoric acid;
  • fragility;
  • uneven fracture;
  • high optical relief;
  • hexagonal system;
  • occurs in needle-shaped or prismatic crystals, spherulites, and radial aggregates.

Perersite stone

Radioactive petersite should be considered separately - the properties of this type of mineral are slightly different. It has lower hardness - 3-4 points on the Mohs scale. In this case, the density is higher and amounts to 3.41 g/cm3. According to its chemical composition, Petersite-(Y) is an aqueous phosphate of copper and yttrium. The latter is a metal and is designated in the periodic table by the symbol Y. It was he who gave the name to the radioactive variety of Petersite.

Petersite (Ce) has a hardness of 3.5 on the Mohs scale and a density of 3.42 g/cm3.

Place of Birth

Throughout the 20th century, Namibia had a monopoly on mineral extraction. It determined global volumes of raw materials and dictated prices. The sole “reign” of the African country ended by 1997: mega-deposits were discovered in China.

Today, these two states remain the only sources of jewelry petersite on the planet.


Hints of the presence of the mineral are found in US deposits, but for jewelers this is substandard.

How to distinguish from a fake

After the discovery of petersite deposits in China, its cost became lower, but still, due to its rarity, the mineral is not cheap. This has led to fraud - there is a risk of buying a fake instead of a real stone. It can be identified by the following signs:

  • a natural mineral glows, color transitions are pronounced - a synthetic imitation is devoid of such a unique property;
  • in artificial crystals you can see small bubbles formed during the manufacture of counterfeit;
  • synthetic material is easy to scratch with a sharp object, but real mineral is quite resistant to damage.

Jewelry with petersite

High jewelry, decoration and collecting mineralogical collections are the areas of application of the stone.

Craftsmen produce a full range of petersite jewelry. Sets of products are especially valued, since it is difficult to select inserts based on the design.

The stone is sometimes complemented in jewelry with other gems. It looks harmonious with monochrome beryls, amethysts, and topazes. Wear petersites with other variegated stones (for example, jasper - bad manners).

jewelry with petersite
Jewelry with petersite

An insert, especially a bracelet or beads, requires an appropriate wardrobe - to match any of the shades of the stone.

Caring for products with Petersite

Products must be handled with care. To prevent scratches, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Clean the product once every six months.
  2. A jewelry box should have soft walls and a bottom.
  3. It is better to remove the product before going to bed, while visiting a sauna, bath or playing sports.

Also read: Axinite - will cleanse the soul of negativity and worries


Taking good care of your favorite jewelry, amulet, talisman or amulet will help preserve it for a long time. This will preserve the magical power, beauty and natural qualities of the stone.

How to identify a fake

Petersite is a rare, expensive gem, so it is actively counterfeited. The “understudy” is plastic or painted glass.

But you can distinguish a real stone from a fake:

  • A plastic fake is distinguished by rapid heating in the hands and relative lightness.
  • Painted glass is identified by internal bubbles, lack of silky shine and standard design.

The equipment is not capable of reproducing the harmony of chaos created by nature in stone.

The “attractive” price should alert you: Petersite is scarce and is not involved in such promotions.

How to care

The hardness of the stone is below average, it is fragile.

Therefore, you need to take care of it delicately:

  • Store jewelry in a separate box or box, soft on the inside.
  • Jewelry is protected from falls, blows, and harsh sun.
  • They are removed before going to the beach, pool, or sauna. Wear after applying makeup.


Clean the gem only when it becomes dirty, without household chemicals or abrasives. It is better to immediately remove dust and residual sweat with a damp cloth.


The formation of the price of the stone was as chaotic as the pattern of its surface. The emergence of Chinese raw materials has reduced the sky-high inaccessibility of Namibian ones, and shipments from neighboring Asian countries have brought prices down to the level of profitability. But only for medium quality raw materials. Premium quality products have never become cheaper and have no upper price limit.

Russian sellers offer to buy products from Petersite and collection material at the following prices (thousand rubles):

  • cabochon (23 carats, Namibia) – 4.3;
  • Pietersite egg (35x24 mm, Namibia) – 7.2;
  • ring (silver) – 3.4–5.9;
  • earrings (silver) – 6.7–9.4;
  • earrings (gold) – 18–21.

ring with petersiteRing with petersite
Today, a high-quality cabochon in the world costs $100+; a pile of Chinese tumbling can be bought ten times cheaper.

Petersit and Zodiac

Astrologers have studied the influence of this mineral on the zodiac signs and found that it is suitable for Leo, Aries, Libra, Capricorn, and Cancer.

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion+++

The stone also helps other zodiac signs.

Caution will be required from Aquarius. It is better for them to wear jewelry on their hand (bracelet, ring, ring with petersite).

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Petersite became known to modern people only recently, so astrologers have not yet identified clear relationships between it and the signs of the zodiac. It is assumed that it is most suitable for Aries, Capricorn, Cancer, Leo, Libra .

It has been established that the stone does not negatively affect people energetically. Its kind energy makes the owner’s aura calmer, and the person’s mood and health improve.

Therefore, representatives of all zodiac signs can wear jewelry, talismans, and amulets made of petersite.

Aquarians to wear jewelry made from this stone only on their hands (ring, ring, bracelet).

Therapeutic effect

Lithotherapists have identified the healing properties of the stone:

  • acts as an antipyretic;
  • treats the thyroid gland and other endocrine pathologies;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;

Petersite in silver protects against external negativity, in gold it neutralizes depression.

  • activates brain function: improves memory, strengthens attention, relieves spasms, migraines; helps with dizziness, epileptic attacks (earrings, studs).

The significance of the stone as a powerful sedative is recognized: it extinguishes anger, aggression, the effects of stress, and relieves depression. Improves sleep.

Petersite beads
Petersite beads

Medicinal properties

Petersite has healing powers. Lithotherapists are aware of its following capabilities:

  • positive effect on the endocrine system, treatment and prevention of its pathologies;
  • improving memory, developing mental abilities - for this you need to wear earrings or clips with a mineral;
  • a beneficial effect on the nervous system, a calming effect, protection from stress, a way out of depression - a pendant with a stone in a gold frame will help with this;
  • strengthening the immune system, protecting against viruses and pathogenic microorganisms;
  • normalization of body temperature;
  • improvement of material metabolism;
  • elimination of dizziness and headaches;
  • relief from joint pain;
  • assistance with epileptic seizures, their prevention;
  • restoration of reproductive function;
  • positive effect on the digestive tract.

Petersite bracelet

The healing power of Petersite is manifested in any cut shape and setting. If the stone is used for an occasion, then at the first signs of illness, the product with it should be put on and worn until complete recovery.

Magic properties

African sorcerers have been using black petersite for centuries in rituals to establish connections with the other world.

The main “earthly” mission of the stone is to attract negativity intended for the owner (damage, evil eye, magical attacks).

Other magical properties of Petersite are also aimed at maintaining physical and mental well-being:

  • It is problematic to piss off the owner of the talisman, plunge him into depression, or lead him off course.
  • For men, any silver jewelry helps them make a career, and for ladies, it helps them become more charming.
  • The magic of the gem will help the boss make the right decisions and maintain authority among his subordinates. And ordinary workers gain respect among their colleagues.
  • A pendant or pendant will make you a speaker and add charisma. This property of Petersite is especially useful for public figures and teachers.

Any piece of jewelry is suitable as a talisman, but a silver ring with a stone is considered the best.

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