Snow obsidian: description, properties, who is suitable for it

From this article you will learn:

  • Where was obsidian stone first discovered?
  • What types of obsidian are there?
  • What healing and magical properties does obsidian stone have?
  • How much does obsidian cost?
  • How to care for it

Obsidian stone is nothing more than frozen volcanic glass. It looks quite unusual and can be of different colors: black, gray or brown. In old times, this mineral was highly valued by people. And it had many names among different nationalities. Today we will talk in more detail about obsidian: the characteristics of the stone and its origin, magical properties and much more.

Main characteristics of obsidian stone

Obsidian does not boast a variety of chemical elements. From 66 to 72% is silica. The stone also contains oxides of alkalis, alkaline elements of the earth.

Other characteristics of the mineral are as follows:

  • 5.0–6.0 – hardness on the Mohs scale.
  • Density coefficient – ​​2.3 g/cm3.
  • Has an amorphous structure.
  • The fracture of the mineral is conchoidal, the edges are sharp and cutting.
  • Shines like glass products.
  • Obsidian stone can be cut and polished.

The mineral is mined in many places around the world. In particular:

  • USA;
  • Mexico;
  • Saxony.

Magical consultations

In countries where the volcanic activity of the rock is high, entire deposits of this mineral are developed. This is, for example:

  • Ethiopia;
  • Japan;
  • Ecuador;
  • Türkiye;
  • Armenia;
  • Iceland;
  • Aeolian Islands.

If we talk about Russia, our obsidian deposits are located mostly in Siberia.

What healing properties does obsidian stone have?

The special significance of obsidian stone for humans lies not only in its magical properties, but also in its healing properties.

  1. The mineral can help get rid of colds that were caused by hypothermia. It is also useful for other ailments that are the result of a person staying in the cold for too long. Some associate this ability of the stone with its volcanic origin.
  2. Lithotherapists agree that obsidian has a good effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. If you wear jewelry made from this stone, it can relieve a person from heartburn or digestive problems.
  3. Obsidian stone is able to neutralize pressure changes. And it doesn’t matter whether a person’s level is low or high.
  4. Helps well with rheumatism and diseases of the spine. A person suffering from these ailments is recommended to wear obsidian jewelry.
  5. The same advice can be given to those who have problems with the genitourinary system. The mineral in this case will help both men and women.
  6. If a person has neurosis, he should often hold obsidian (black or rainbow) in his hands and look at it. The stone emits smooth, powerful energy, which helps a person come to his senses and restore calm.

The properties of obsidian stone are not very suitable for those who suffer from kidney diseases. The mineral can disrupt the energy balance of these organs, and therefore people experiencing these problems should wear it with caution.

By the way, obsidian is used not only in alternative medicine. Based on this mineral, many surgical instruments are created, which are subsequently used in operations. According to many patients, the body recovers better after such operations, and wounds heal faster.

History and variety of legends about obsidian

The volcanic mineral formation was named after the man who found and brought obsidian to Rome. Although there is evidence that the stone was known much earlier, but under different names. Obsidia, an ancient warrior of the Roman Empire, was the first to note the unusual nature of the stone formations. That is why he took him with him to his great city.

The volcanic crystal has other appearance stories:

  1. Fragments of Satan's claws. This explains the appearance of black glass in the Transcaucasian republics. It was considered a natural product that appeared and was created in the underworld by black forces. There is a legend that talks about the wrath of Satan. He began to spew lava, frightening people with his power, it seemed that he wanted to escape from the Underworld, to get to those who imprisoned him there. Black pieces appeared at the site of the eruption. People compared them to fragments of the nails of a terrible mythical creature.
  2. Tears of the Apaches. This is the American vision. The legend talks about the love of women for their husbands. The ancient warriors did not want to become slaves of the colonists. Showing indescribable courage, the warriors rushed into the volcanic crater. The wives mourned the loss bitterly. Their tears, according to legend, petrified and turned into unusually sad formations of black glass. The color of parting, grief and death.

In Hungary, the stones are called luxury - sapphires. Comparing the appearance of two crystals in terms of brilliance, iridescence and the extraordinary mystery of the glow.

Many other names used to describe obsidian can be found in the literature:

  • Agate (royal, mountain, Icelandic);
  • Pseudo-chrysolite (dark green samples);
  • Bottle, resin, muslin stone;
  • Montana jadeite;
  • Mountain mahogany tree. The specimen is red, dark brown with gray stripes;
  • Persian, a stone flower of a brown shade of black;
  • Snow obsidian.

The history of the stone is found in the chronicles of different states. Descriptions of the mineral can be found in numerous sources. All nations are trying to give their own interpretation to the formation of an unusual volcanic stone.

Obsidian stone and its magical properties

A person who constantly wears obsidian jewelry is completely protected from bad thoughts and actions. The acuity of thinking in such people is increased, they easily relieve stress.

Obsidian is included in the list of the most powerful stones; it is able to protect the owner from damage and even curses. But you need to treat the stone with extreme caution. It carries the power of the Sun, Saturn and Uranus, which not every person is able to accept.

Who is suitable for the magical properties of obsidian stone? First of all, gentle people. It makes their spirit stronger and gives them the necessary amount of energy for creativity. If a person, on the contrary, is ambitious, then it is better not to choose obsidian as a talisman. This stone can give such people the illusion of omnipotence, which, in turn, can provoke the commission of risky actions.

Obsidian stone develops the gift of clairvoyance, which is why it is so loved by mediums and magicians. This mineral also helps in concentration and allows you to subjugate elemental spirits to your will.

A person who wears obsidian as an amulet is not afraid of the most difficult trials in life. He is capable of making the right decisions in difficult situations, and can also change his life for the better without hesitation. If you are one of those who are afraid of change, have difficulty imagining moving or changing activities, you should get such a talisman. Obsidian stone will allow you to free yourself from fears and unnecessary worries.

Another useful property of obsidian is the ability to relieve its owner from the too intrusive attention of others. If you want to become invisible to everyone, just wear jewelry with this stone or pick up an obsidian rosary. There is an opinion that a person wearing an amulet made of volcanic glass will always repay his debts. That is why it is so popular among bankers.

Obsidian stone does not have to be worn as jewelry. For protection, an obsidian pyramid in your bag or on the table will be enough. It is the pyramidal shape that contributes to the rapid accumulation of cosmic energy by obsidian, and there will be more of it than in stones of any other configuration.

School of Magic


Obsidian is an amorphous silicon oxide that forms after the instantaneous cooling of volcanic lava. The magical properties of the stone arose due to its origin.

The mineral was first discovered 9,000 years ago in Mesopotamia. The gem owes its name to the ancient Greek warrior Obsidia. It was he who found obsidian and brought it to Rome. In Transcaucasia they thought that the stone came from the underworld, for which they called it part of Satan’s claw.

Obsidian stone

In Egypt, obsidian was believed to be the stone of the dead. They placed the mineral next to the deceased person, thereby protecting him in the other world.

Thanks to the cutting edges of obsidian stone, it was used to make knives, scrapers and axes. The ancient American Aztecs made mirrors from the mineral. Many centuries later, it began to be used in jewelry and decorative elements.

Properties of stones

Which zodiac sign is suitable for obsidian stone?

  • If you are an Aries , then you are not recommended to wear obsidian products on a regular basis. Let this stone help you from time to time. Otherwise, you may develop short temper and irritability, and the stone will only strengthen stubbornness and pride, if any. Aries is best able to resolve money and career issues with the help of obsidian.
  • for Taurus to constantly have this stone with them. In the matter of determination, obsidian and representatives of this zodiac sign agree, but there are contradictions in another area. Taurus hates change, they prefer stability, and this does not fit in with the essence of obsidian. But if the stone is used only occasionally, it can become a good helper.
  • Gemini gets confidence from the obsidian stone. They get rid of indecision and change their lives for the better. You can wear the stone constantly.
  • for Cancers . People born under this sign are distinguished by caution and logic; they are accustomed to weighing every step they take. The stone will only enhance these character traits. And being cautious to the point of absurdity and not knowing what choice to make—who would want that?
  • Leos who have an obsidian talisman become more reasonable and less hot-tempered. A stone that can be worn constantly gives these people peace of mind and allows them to concentrate.
  • The stone can help Virgos become more self-confident and improve their personal lives. But constant contact with obsidian can make these people vindictive and plunge them into dreams. Therefore, caution is needed here.
  • towards Libra : it will not harm, but it will not help in full force. There will be no deep contact here.
  • Scorpios psychological peace and relieve stress. Will help in your personal life. But you shouldn’t wear the stone all the time, otherwise you can become too selfish and narcissistic.
  • For Sagittarius, obsidian stone stimulates mental activity. As a rule, there is no negative impact.
  • For Capricorns , the stone enhances positive qualities while helping to get rid of negative ones. Directs life for the better. Capricorns are one of those signs that obsidian stone is perfect for.
  • The friendship of Aquarius with obsidian is inevitable. The stone will help these people discover their mystical talents, make their intuition sharper and help them in almost any endeavor.
  • to Pisces who are not too confident . But if you wear it for a long time, it will cause anxiety and a feeling of pressure.


Obsidian was known to the ancient Aztecs. The gem was called “ltzli”, which translated meant “knife”. Our ancestors used this stone as a weapon and as a decorative decoration.

Knives made of volcanic rock became a cult object and were used in rituals involving sacrifice. Although the ancestors processed the stone by hand, leaving behind irregularities, such knives accurately and instantly cut human and animal flesh.

The Aztecs loved to make knives from this stone because the chips produced sharp cuts. Obsidian knives were sharper than metal knives. The product does not dull. In medicine, obsidian glass knives are used in surgery.

The only drawback of such products is fragility. These items don't last long, but with proper care and proper use, products made from this volcanic rock will last for years.

3.7 / 5 ( 3 voices)

How much does obsidian stone cost?

Prices for obsidian stone vary depending on the size of the mineral, its variety, shape and cut. The complexity of the product also plays a role.

  1. If the stone is miniature, its shape is irregular, you can spend from 100 to 700 rubles. The same applies to cabochons and pendants several centimeters in size. We are talking here about snow obsidians, peanuts and regular black ones.
  2. Bracelets are sold for 800–2000 rubles if the product is made of only one mineral, without interspersing other stones or adding metals.
  3. Not too large beads cost from 1000 to 1500 rubles. The price directly depends on the diameter of the beads and the length of the product.
  4. Small spheres can be bought for 800–1000 rubles.
  5. Earrings and rings usually require a metal setting. If it is silver, then their price will be from 2500 rubles.

In fact, obsidian is not very expensive, this applies to both regular black and snow and peanut minerals. But if you want to purchase a rarer subtype of stone - rainbow, then it will cost you a little more.

Often in stores, instead of natural obsidian stone, they sell ordinary painted glass. To avoid buying a fake, remember the following:

  • Real obsidian has a rich color and a shiny surface.
  • Natural stone retains temperature. Holding it in your hand, you should feel the cold for a long time.
  • Natural minerals are rarely monochromatic. There are usually inclusions of other colors and patterns in the stones.
  • Keep part of the stone in water. The fake will change in appearance, its shine will disappear and the tone will change.
  • If you recognize the signs of obsidian varieties in advance, it will not be difficult to understand whether you are holding an original or a fake.

Experts at the Witch's Happiness store recommend:

Black mirror rectangular Rectangular obsidian mirror

From 1290

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Obsidian runes “Norn Threads” Set of Elder Futhark runes, 24 dies

6 530 ₽

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Obsidian pyramid small ~ 4 x 4 x 4 cm

1 290 ₽

submit your application

How to distinguish obsidian from a fake

To distinguish a natural gem from a fake, you need to remember what obsidian looks like. Real stones have deep, rich colors, they are translucent and sparkle in the sun. If you hold it in your palms, it will remain cold, like most other minerals.

Obsidian bracelet
Only natural stone has the magical properties of a real “claw of Satan.”

If you try to scratch the crystal, it will leave a deep mark. At the same time, it will be clear whether they are selling you an original or a painted piece of plastic. Unfortunately, not every seller will allow you to conduct such an experiment, even if his product is completely natural.

There is another way to check the authenticity of volcanic glass. To do this, place it in water for two to three minutes. The color of the obsidian will change slightly, but will quickly return to normal if you immediately wipe the gem dry.

You should also pay attention to the amount the seller wants. The price of obsidian, especially rare ones with multi-colored inclusions, cannot be too low. For the best bracelets or beads made of rainbow volcanic glass, you will have to pay several thousand rubles.

It is especially important not to fall for scammers if you are buying more than just jewelry. Artificial stone does not have the magical properties of the real “claw of Satan”, and is also not suitable for lithotherapy. So you need to choose very carefully.

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